
Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Hey, friends, the recent incident of Director Shen's "sleeping with the door" has simply exploded, and the brave voices of many actresses have made the entire entertainment industry tremble.

Let's talk about this today, see the twists and turns behind it, and what we can learn from it.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Speaking of which, at first she was an actress who was not very famous but had good acting skills, Xiaofang, let's call her Xiaofang.

As for Xiaofang, she has debuted for a few years and acted in several plays, but she has always been half-red and not black.

In an interview, she tearfully told how she was used as bait by Director Shen, hinting that she had to "sleep with" in order to get on the throne.

Xiaofang endured it at first, after all, she wanted to mix in this circle, who doesn't want to be popular? But later, she really couldn't stand this humiliation and decided to stand up and expose the matter.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

This exposure, netizens exploded.

On social media, the matter quickly heated up, turning from a small post to a trending topic.

Everyone expressed their shock, but they didn't expect Director Shen, who usually looks dignified, to be such a good person behind him.

Public opinion overwhelmingly supports Xiaofang, and some people say that this is just the tip of the iceberg in the entertainment industry, and there are many things behind it.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

As the incident continued to ferment, it was like opening Pandora's box, and more victims bravely stood up.

Among them, there are newcomers who have just debuted, with infinite longing for their acting careers, but unfortunately encountered such a nightmare; There are also actresses who already have a certain degree of popularity, who should be enjoying the joy of success under the spotlight, but they can't escape such a haze.

They uncovered their scars and told about the similar treatment they had suffered, the unbearable past hidden behind the glamour.

Some are implicitly suggested, as if they are being guided by an invisible hand in the fog to the abyss of the unknown; Some were directly threatened nakedly, as if they were being held to the neck by a sharp knife, unable to move.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

These girls, the pressure they face is like an invisible mountain, overwhelming them.

After all, in this highly competitive entertainment industry, no one wants to stain their future because of this, and no one wants to be nailed to the pillar of shame because of this.

But, even so, they chose to be brave.

They know that silence is not golden, but the connivance of these disgusting things.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Only by standing up can more people realize the seriousness of this problem, and can this kind of disgusting thing be less and less in the entertainment industry.

With their actions, they interpret what it means to be truly brave and strong.

They know that every effort they make may pave a smoother path for the girls who come after.

Therefore, they chose to stand up, chose to face it, and chose to use their voices to speak for justice and conscience.

Speaking of this "unspoken rule", in fact, there are domestic and foreign entertainment circles.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

On our side, there was an uproar as soon as it was exposed; In foreign countries, sometimes it is handled relatively low-key, but the essence is the same, they are all products of power imbalance and fierce competition in the industry.

Do you think, a director, who holds the power of role assignment in his hands, can those actresses who want to be popular not be impressed? If you are tempted, it is easy to fall into the trap.

These victims, their lives after being exposed, it was really earth-shattering.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Some careers are blocked and excluded by insiders; Some people are under great psychological pressure and live in fear and anxiety all day long.

And those who choose to be silent, some may sink, and some work silently, hoping to prove themselves with strength one day.

The public was both angry and disappointed by this.

It's angry that there are still such dirty things in the entertainment industry; is disappointed that those stars and directors who usually look glamorous are so unbearable behind them.

As soon as this incident came out, the crisis of trust in the entertainment industry rose in a straight line, and everyone began to wonder, is there any salvation in this circle?

The entertainment industry also has its own attitude, just like a big stage, staging a variety of life.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Some people have bravely stood up and spoken out in support of the victims, calling for a profound rectification of the entire industry with their voices, hoping to take the opportunity to remove the dirt that lurks behind the glamour.

They may know that such a statement may make them themselves on the cusp, but they also understand that silence is not gold, and justice and conscience are their most valuable assets.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Some people choose to hide far away, as if they are afraid that this burning flame will accidentally lead to their bodies.

They may also be ashamed of Director Shen's behavior in private, but in front of the public, they chose to remain silent and chose to protect themselves.

They may feel that the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and more things are better than less, so why take risks for other people's things?

But in any case, the shock of this incident to the entertainment industry is huge, like a sudden storm, which makes everyone feel its power.

Whether it's those who are brave enough to stand up or those who choose to remain silent, they know that this is no longer a trivial matter that can easily cover up the past.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Rectification measures are also imperative, and the entertainment industry needs a deep self-reflection and innovation to regain the public's trust and respect.

And after this storm, how will the face of the entertainment industry change? Everyone will be waiting to see.

From a legal point of view, Director Shen's matter is not a simple moral issue.

He is likely to face legal liability for sexual harassment and abuse of power.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

Similar cases are also dealt with at the legal level, but the key is whether the evidence is sufficient and whether the victim is willing to come forward and testify.

Speaking of which, what I want to say is that Director Shen's "sleeping door" incident is not just a case, it is more like a window on the dark side of the entertainment industry, allowing us to see those unknown disgusting things.

This tells us that we must resolutely resist the "unspoken rules", strengthen legal supervision and industry self-discipline, and protect the rights and dignity of every practitioner.

Director Shen's sleeping door is exposed! A number of actresses posted chat records, and netizens called it too exciting!

At the same time, I also hope that victims can get the support and help they deserve, so that they know that it is not wrong to stand up, but to be responsible for themselves and the industry.

I believe that through the efforts of all parties, the future entertainment industry can be more clear.

Let those who are truly talented and dream shine instead of letting those disgusting things get in the way of their progress.

We're all looking forward to that day, right?

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.