
The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

author:Fog and flowers on the clouds

On the bustling streets of Beijing, a restaurant attracts diners with its unique signature dish, lamb's trotters. Known for its mellow flavor and full of collagen, this dish is in short supply every day. A customer was fascinated by the legend of the dish and walked into the restaurant with great anticipation. He sat at the dining table, his eyes fixed on the direction of the kitchen, as if he wanted to see through the door to see the trotters being made. As the waiter walked to his table with a plate of steaming sheep's trotters, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

However, unexpectedly, just 20 minutes after tasting the trotters, the customer suddenly claimed that he was "full of other things" and asked the restaurant to recycle the plate of trotters. This request left restaurateurs confused and angry. He looked at the customer with puzzled eyes. In his opinion, how could this customer be full after only a few bites of sheep's trotters? Moreover, this plate of sheep's trotters obviously looks like there is a lot left, how can such a request be suddenly made?

The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

As the customer insisted on returning the meal, and the boss adamantly disagreed, a heated argument ensued. The customer thinks that the trotters have not been touched and should be returned, while the boss insists that the items served on the table cannot be returned because of food safety and hygiene issues. The two insisted on their own words and argued. The sound grew louder and louder, even reaching the outside of the restaurant. Some of the customers who were dining were attracted by the sound of their quarrels and looked up. Eventually, someone called the police, who arrived at the scene.

The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

When the police arrived at the scene, they tried to mediate the dispute. They patiently listened to the statements of both parties and tried to figure out a solution that was acceptable to both parties. However, despite the efforts of the police to mediate, the two sides still refused to give in. This incident was filmed by the boss and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens ridiculed the behavior of customers, and some netizens expressed understanding, but more people stood on the side of the boss, thinking that what was served on the table really should not be returned.

The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

With the fermentation of the incident, more and more netizens participated in the discussion. Some people believe that customers should be responsible for their own choices, and since they have ordered the dish, they should eat it or accept the fact that it cannot be returned. Others believe that restaurants should be more flexible in dealing with these kinds of issues, after all, customers are God, and their feelings and satisfaction are the most important thing. There are also some netizens who are concerned about the problem of food safety hazards, and they are worried that if the food can be returned at will, it may lead to some unpredictable safety problems.

The big fuss, the giant baby made a big fuss in the restaurant, and the sheep's hooves were on the table for 20 minutes to be "recycled", and the boss was angry

Through this incident, the story highlights the importance of food safety and hygiene. Once the food is on the table, it should not be returned. It's not just about respecting the restaurant, it's about taking responsibility for your own health and the health of others. At the same time, this incident is also a reminder that both parties need to understand and respect each other in the process of consumption. As customers, we should be rational about our choices and avoid being vexatious; As a restaurant, we should also actively listen to the voice of our customers and continuously improve the quality of our services. Only in this way can we create a harmonious, safe and orderly dining environment.

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