
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?

author:Only high eight douchen star 5u

In the showbiz where light and shadow are intertwined, the audience always has infinite reverie for fresh faces. Recently, a high-profile series has just been launched, and it has caused heated discussions because of the casting of one of the young actors. This young actor named "Da Tai" was given a challenging role - the daughter of the goddess Liu Yifei in the play. However, her appearance was not as stunning as expected, but was complained by some audiences: "Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?" ”

Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?
Don't choose too amazing little actors, the big Taichu was complained about: Can this be Liu Yifei's daughter?

In the face of such doubts, we may be able to look at the casting of this young actor from a different angle. First of all, we must recognize that the charisma of an actor does not come from the similarity of appearance alone. Although the difference between Da Tai and Liu Yifei in appearance makes it difficult for some viewers to accept, the internal qualities such as acting skills, temperament, and character building are also very important. As a rookie actor, Da Tai must have his advantages to be able to get such a role with a high starting point.

Moreover, artistic creation should not be limited by the confines of reality. The director chose Mrs. Da to play Liu Yifei's daughter, perhaps because of her unique temperament and potential. On the screen, she may show a different kind of beauty, which does not necessarily have to be the same as Liu Yifei, but can be a new and unique artistic image. Such an attempt is a challenge to the audience's aesthetic habits, and it is also a reflection of the artistic diversity of TV dramas.

It cannot be ignored that the controversy itself is part of the entertainment industry. There is no shortage of cases in history that have made a name for themselves because of controversy. For example, an international superstar who was also questioned and ridiculed when he was just starting out, but eventually won the recognition of a global audience with his hard work and talent. Datai's current controversy may become a catalyst for her growth, inspiring her to continue to hone her acting skills and respond to doubts with her works.

In addition, the audience's complaints also reflect their high expectations for the series and their deep concern for the actors. This attention, whether positive or negative, is a valuable exposure opportunity for newcomers. Da Tai was able to take this opportunity to enter the public eye, which is undoubtedly beneficial to her future career.

Finally, we might as well give more tolerance and encouragement to our parents. On the road of acting career, every successful actor has experienced hardships and doubts. Today's spit may be tomorrow's praise. Time will tell, as long as Da Tai perseveres and builds the character with her heart, she will one day be able to conquer the audience with her performance and prove her unique value.

To sum up, although the casting of Da Tai was questioned by some viewers at first, this is the embodiment of the coexistence of diverse aesthetics and controversies in the entertainment industry. As audience members, we can keep an open mind and appreciate the uniqueness of each actor, while giving more support and encouragement to newcomers. For Mrs. Da, these controversies are undoubtedly a stepping stone to growth, as long as she can insist on herself and continue to improve, she will be able to shine her own brilliance on the road of acting in the future.


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