
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

author:Brother Jie said entertainment


Yu Zheng's He manifesto and the mistakes of the propaganda team

Yu Zheng recently publicly stated on social media that he has a clear stance on the ending of the new drama "Ink Rain Clouds", that is, it must be He (Happy Ending). This statement immediately caused a heated discussion among fans and viewers.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

However, during this sensitive period, the company's publicity team unexpectedly released some highlights of the series, which were originally meant to show the actors' highlight moments, but unexpectedly sparked a bigger debate.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Yu Zheng was very puzzled by this, and even a little angry, and he believed that the release of these clips might affect the overall look and feel of the series and the expectation of the ending.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

The publicity team's explanation and Yu Zheng's reaction

In response to the question, the publicity team explained that the clips were added by the director, originally to give the audience one more choice, and these clips were not clearly specified in the script.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Despite this, Yu Zheng is still uneasy, and he is worried that the release of these clips will affect the word-of-mouth of the series and the expectations of the audience. By the afternoon, when various voices began to appear on social media, Yu Zheng felt a little impatient, so he forwarded the Weibo content he saw to the publicity team and asked them to deal with it.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Unfortunately, he accidentally liked it in the process of forwarding, and although he was quickly reminded and deleted by the publicity team, this move was still captured by keen netizens.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Yu Zheng's public response and the turmoil of the team

Yu Zheng later publicly responded to the incident on social media, severely criticizing the propaganda team and saying that he would fire the people involved. He specifically mentioned the publicity team of Wang Xingyue Studio, as they released the BE (Bad Ending) ending footage of the episode, which is completely contrary to his He position.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Yu Zheng's statement immediately caused a bigger controversy, and fans expressed their opinions, some supported Yu Zheng's decision, believing that the publicity team should be responsible for their mistakes, and others thought that Yu Zheng was too harsh and should not fire the entire team because of a single mistake.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

The popularity of the series and the expectations of fans

Despite such a turmoil, "Ink Rain and Clouds" is still on the air, and the expectations of viewers and fans for the series have not diminished.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Yu Zheng's series of actions, although they affected the promotion of the series to a certain extent, also aroused more discussion and attention. Fans are looking forward to the show's ending, hoping to see a happy ending at the end and not be affected by unexpected tidbits.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Conclusion: Yu Zheng's He Manifesto and the Accident of Social Media


Yu Zheng's He declaration was originally intended to set a clear stance for the ending of the series, but it unexpectedly caused a social media storm. This turmoil not only affected the promotion of the series, but also strained the relationship between Yu Zheng and the publicity team.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the publicity team: What is the truth behind the turmoil at the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Despite this, the popularity of the series and the anticipation of fans have not diminished, and they hope to see a happy ending at the end. This unexpected turmoil may be a small episode in the history of the series, but it also reminds us that in the age of social media, every small action can be amplified and become the focus of public discussion.