
From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

author:Brother Jie said entertainment


Behind the apology statement

On June 29, Plant a Future 2024 released an apology statement on social media, responding to the alleged plagiarism of the opening of Lu Han's concert in "Plant a Future - Ten Qintian Tour Hangzhou Station".

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

The statement mentioned that the production of the opening credits of the concert was entrusted to Fujian Zhaoke Wugou Culture Media Co., Ltd., and after the incident was exposed, the production company admitted that it did refer to the opening idea of Luhan's concert.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

The organizers said that this was a mistake caused by lax auditing, and expressed their sincerest apologies for this. They have terminated their partnership with the production company and made urgent changes to the title, while promising to review copyright issues more rigorously in the future.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

The reaction of fans and the heated discussion on the Internet

The incident quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some fans said that while they understood the organizer's mistake, they thought that replacing "plagiarism" with "reference" was a play on words in an attempt to downplay the seriousness of the incident.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

Some netizens joked: "Copying can also be said to be a reference, what kind of word game to play?" None of them are from professional backgrounds, what kind of concerts do they have, they are not live broadcasts, they are selling things, and now they are still coming to hold concerts, cutting leeks and cutting crazy, and they dare to earn any money. This kind of sharp comment reflects the disappointment and distrust of some fans towards the organizers.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

The responsibility of the organizer and the expectations of the fans

In this turmoil, the responsibility of the organizer cannot be ignored. They commissioned an external team to produce the intro, but there were omissions in the review process, which led to plagiarism.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

This mistake not only damaged the rights and interests of Lu Han and his team, but also affected the image of the Ten Qintian Concert. Fans are looking for a professional and responsible organizer who can make the right judgment and deal with copyright issues. However, the incident seems to have disappointed their expectations.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

Anger and support from fans

Although the organizers have issued an apology statement and have taken remedial measures accordingly, some fans are still outraged. They believe that infringement is infringement, plagiarism is plagiarism, and you can't cover it up because you like a certain artist.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

Everyone should do their part in upholding copyright, not encourage bad practices. At the same time, some fans expressed their understanding, thinking that Ten Qintian may not know that they were cheated by the organizers. This divergent opinion has formed a heated discussion on the Internet.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

Copyright Awareness and Industry Norms

The incident also raised questions about copyright awareness and industry norms. In the entertainment industry, copyright issues have always been a sensitive and complex topic. Artists and teams put a lot of time and effort into creating work that deserves to be respected and protected.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

However, in reality, plagiarism, infringement and other phenomena often occur. This not only damages the rights and interests of the original creators, but also undermines the healthy development of the industry. Therefore, raising awareness of copyright and establishing sound industry norms are the direction that every practitioner should strive for.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

The expectations of fans and the future of the industry

For fans, what they expect is a fair and just entertainment environment. They want their favorite artists to be treated with the respect and protection they deserve, rather than falling victim to abuses.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

For the industry, this incident is also a wake-up call. Only by strengthening copyright protection and standardizing industry behavior can we win the trust and support of fans and promote the long-term development of the industry.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

Conclusion: After the turmoil, look forward to a new life


After this concert turmoil, whether it is the organizers, artists or fans, they need to learn from it and jointly promote the progress of the industry. For the organizers, this incident is a profound lesson to remind them to be more rigorous and professional in their future work.

From apology to action: How did the organizers of Ten Qintian respond to the crisis of plagiarism in the concert Luhan?

It is also an opportunity for artists to show their attitude and stance, and win the support of fans through positive attitudes and actions. For fans, they can promote the healthy development of the industry through rational discussion and expression. After the turmoil, we look forward to a new life, and let us look forward to a more fair and just entertainment environment.

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