
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

Thousands of mountains are dripping green, cool and comfortable. On June 29, the 13th Baoji Cultural Tourism Festival - the 15th Taibai County Tourism Summer Season and the Launching Ceremony of the Motorcycle Cross-Country Race was held in the Tourist Service Center Square of South Street in Taibai County. Jing Yaoping, Director of the Standing Committee of the Baoji Municipal People's Congress, Shi Zhen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Zhang Deke, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, Yang Wenming, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Wu Yun, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Qin Bin, Director of the Standing Committee of the Taibai County People's Congress, Zhang Hongbin, Chairman of the County CPPCC, and other leaders attended the day's activities. The launching ceremony was presided over by Zhang Junfeng, head of Taibai County People's Government.

Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race

At the launching ceremony, Liu Junxia, Secretary of the Taibai County Party Committee, delivered a speech, and Li Shaohua, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, introduced the tourism resources of Taibai County and released the summer season tourism routes. At the event site, the knight representatives were awarded the safe and civilized riding knight badge, the founder of the Shaanxi Motorcycle Travel Alliance and the judge of the annual model selection of Chinese motorcycles, Mr. Zhao Yingqun, awarded the "motorcycle travel destination" in Taibai County, and Jing Yaoping, director of the Standing Committee of the Baoji Municipal People's Congress, announced the launch of the event.

Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race

In Taibai County in midsummer, the mountains are empty and cloudy, the breeze is cool in summer, the grass and trees are verdant, and all things are abundant. Taibai County, the highest elevation in Shaanxi, is located in the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains, named after the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, Taibai Mountain, with the first peak of the Qinling Mountains and the second highest peak of Ao Mountain, with a forest area of 3.9 million mu, a vegetation coverage rate of 95%, a forest coverage rate of 93.36%, and 4634 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the atmosphere, which is one of the most ecologically intact areas at the same latitude in the world. The average temperature of the year is 8.1 °C, the average temperature of summer is 19 degrees, the average annual air quality is more than 350 days, the air is fresh, the water is glycol, the soil is clean, the mountains are green, the water is green, and the people are simple. The climate is divided into north and south, the water flows into Hanwei, both have the customs of Guanzhong, and have the characteristics of Bashu, the county has 57 kinds of wild rare animals and more than 1,700 kinds of rare plants including the "four treasures of the Qinling Mountains". "No fan in summer, no girl wears skirt, no mosquitoes in the house, and the quilt should be covered when sleeping" is a vivid portrayal of Taibai's cool climate, known as "Qinling Summer Capital, Snow Region is too white". It has been on the list of the most beautiful counties in China for 7 consecutive years, and has won many awards such as China's summer tourism destination, China's most beautiful rural tourism destination, and China's natural oxygen bar. It is an important ecological reserve and water conservation area in the province.

Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race

In recent years, the county has deeply practiced the theory of "two mountains", vigorously implemented the strategy of "establishing a county with ecology and enriching the people with characteristics", focused on building two major destinations of national well-known tourism and vacation, sports and health care, focused on the integrated development of culture, tourism, business and sports, vigorously promoted the first industry of alpine vegetables and all-for-one tourism, and built a 4A-level Qingfengxia Forest Park, a 3A-level Huangbaiyuan Scenic Area, and Aoshan Ski Resort was selected as the first batch of national ski tourism resorts, becoming the best and preferred place to see mountain flowers in spring, escape the heat in summer, watch red leaves in autumn, and play ice and snow in winter.

Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race
Taibai County held the launching ceremony of the 15th Tourism Summer Season and Motocross Race

It is understood that the summer season of Taibai County lasts for two months, from June 29 to the end of August. In this event, Taibai County carefully planned 3 series of 22 activities. Among them, there are 12 summer vacation series activities, the motorcycle cross-country race officially opened on June 29, the mass theatrical performance, music beer barbecue carnival opened in Lily Square on the evening of June 30, outdoor camping, street performances, music nights, people's stages, food markets, public welfare films, Qixi River lantern blessings and other activities will be carried out in urban and rural areas. There are two series of sports events, the provincial mass sports five-level league table tennis and Chinese chess projects compete in the county gymnasium from July to August, and the fluorescent night run starts in July. There are 8 series of rural tourism activities, from the end of June to the end of August, 7 towns in the county are held simultaneously, and the village wrestler competition, happy farm, oil sunflower viewing, agricultural experience, "one table banquet" tasting and other activities are full of agricultural interest and nostalgia. (Reporter Yang Dongshi)

Editor-in-charge: Ren Xing Review: Yang Yong

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