
The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

author:Sunlight ☀️,

Imagine stepping on the moon for the first time and you might be in tears and even burst into tears. About half of the surface of the Moon, you can see the Earth, the familiar blue planet hanging high in the air, stationary and not rising or setting like the Sun and Moon do on Earth. This seemingly familiar but strange planet, fourteen times larger than the moon, hangs over your head like this, giving a powerful sense of oppression. You stand on the surface of the moon, looking at the earth, and you can't help but feel an inexplicable loneliness.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

Neil Armstrong once described how he felt when he first saw Earth on the moon. That sense of loneliness, he says, is boundless, and even if teammate Buzz Aldrin is nearby, it can't alleviate that intense loneliness. The loneliness seemed to engulf people, and both of them secretly wept in their spacesuits, trying to escape the oppression. This physiological change is so peculiar that it's hard to believe.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

The moon's night temperature can be as low as -180ºC, and you simply can't survive at night on the moon without extremely warm gear, such as a mink coat. This extreme temperature difference creates a deeper awe for the moon's environment. Each step of Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon is a double test of their own psyche and physiology. Not only do they have to face the harsh natural environment, but they also have to overcome the fear and loneliness of their hearts.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

Scientists explain this loneliness by pointing out that people are prone to psychological oppression and fear in an unfamiliar and boundless environment. The silence and emptiness of the moon amplifies this feeling, making people feel small and helpless. In this environment, people's emotional fluctuations will be more intense, and crying will become a natural emotional catharsis.

Looking at the Earth from the Moon, the Earth appears so beautiful and fragile. With its blue ocean and green continent, one can't help but marvel at the wonders of nature. The beauty of the Earth makes people feel intimate, but it is also because of this intimacy that the loneliness on the moon is even more remarkable. This strong contrast gives human beings infinite space for reflection.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

Many netizens believe that the moon landing is not only a breakthrough in science and technology, but also a challenge to the limit of the human spirit. Some netizens said: "In such a distant and unfamiliar environment, being able to feel the fragility and loneliness in our hearts makes us cherish everything on the earth even more." Experts also suggest that in future space expeditions, more attention should be paid to the mental health of astronauts, and more psychological support and counseling measures should be provided to help them better cope with the psychological stress brought about by this extreme environment.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

The experience of landing on the moon is not only a great feat in human history, but also a great test of human psychological endurance. Under the boundless loneliness and strong sense of oppression, tears became the only emotional outlet for the astronauts. These tears are not only the fear of the unknown environment, but also the nostalgia for the warmth of the earth.

However, this loneliness has also sparked controversy. Some people believe that the emotional fluctuations of astronauts in the face of such a harsh environment are understandable and a true manifestation of human emotions. But some critics point out that astronauts, as human pioneers, should have stronger psychological qualities and adaptability, and should not be swayed by emotions.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

In any case, the moon landing brought us a profound reflection: we must not only conquer the outer universe, but also learn to face and regulate our inner loneliness and fear. This is also the meaning of human exploration.

Many netizens took to social media to share their understanding and empathy for the astronauts crying. A netizen named "Small Universe" left a message: "It's completely understandable for astronauts to cry in that environment. Everyone has a vulnerable side, and we should give more care and support. Another netizen said: "The moon landing is a challenge to the limits of the human spirit, and such an emotional response allows us to see the brilliance of human nature more realistically." ”

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

Experts suggest that in future space expeditions, more attention should be paid to the mental health of astronauts, and better psychological support and counseling measures should be provided. Psychologist Professor Li pointed out: "In extreme environments, emotional fluctuations are inevitable. We should provide more psychological counselling for astronauts to help them better cope with loneliness and fear. ”

Through these tears and emotional fluctuations, we see the true side of humanity in the process of exploring the universe. It is this kind of truth that makes us cherish the warmth and beauty of the earth more, and also strengthens our courage and determination to explore the unknown.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?

The moon landing brought us not only a scientific breakthrough, but also a deep reflection on the human heart. How do you think astronauts can better cope with psychological challenges in future space exploration? Do you agree with the catharsis of astronauts' emotions in the face of extreme loneliness? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section and discuss with us this great human adventure.

The Earth is more than ten times the size of the Moon, what would you feel if you could get on the Moon?