
The mystery of the cause of death of the generation of male lord Emperor Taiji has finally been solved! The cause of death was moving, and it turned out to be infatuation


In the long river of history, there is a lamenting love story in which the protagonist is Huang Taiji, the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty. This heroic lord who galloped on the battlefield and expanded his territory was heartbroken by the death of a woman. Everyone in the world knows that Huang Taiji is a generation of heroes, but few people understand his tender side. What kind of love can make this emperor who is fighting in all directions so concerned? Why did he suddenly die when his career was in full swing? What's the secret behind it? Let's uncover this dusty history and explore the true cause of Huang Taiji's death. This story is not just an imperial love, but a profound allegory of life, power, and emotion. Is the ending of Huang Taiji really as simple as the world imagined?

Huang Taiji's political marriage

In the seventh year of the Apocalypse (1627), Nurhachi died and was succeeded by his eighth son, Emperor Taiji. The new monarch, who is only 35 years old, faces the daunting task of consolidating power and expanding his territory. In order to achieve this goal, Huang Taiji adopted a series of brilliant political strategies, the most notable of which was his strategy of multiple marriages.

Huang Taiji is well versed in the way of "marriage to consolidate the country". He married fifteen wives, and these marriages were not only for the sake of continuing the offspring, but also for the elaborate political chess game. Among them, the marriage with the Mongolian nobility was particularly important. At that time, the Mongol tribes were huge, and if they could encircle the Mongols, it would undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of the Later Jin.

Huang Taiji first married Jia Hao, the daughter of the leader of the Horqin tribe. This marriage laid the foundation for an alliance between the Houjin and the Korqin tribe. Subsequently, he successively married noble women from the Harashen tribe, the Zarut tribe, and the Abaya tribe as concubines. This series of political marriages caused the Mongol tribes to gradually fall to the Later Jin, laying a solid foundation for Huang Taiji to unify Mongolia and establish the Qing Empire in the future.

However, among these fifteen wives, there is a special existence, and she is Borzigit Hailanzhu. The appearance of Hai Lanzhu broke the original marriage pattern of Huang Taiji. She was not a Mongolian nobleman who was married for political gain, but she became Huang Taiji's favorite concubine.

The arrival of Hai Lanzhu has brought great changes to Huang Taiji's harem. Before her, Huang Taiji had married four Mongolian women, including Hai Lanzhu's own sister Xiaozhuang. It stands to reason that Hai Lanzhu, as a latecomer, should not have a high status. However, unexpectedly, as soon as Hai Lanzhu entered the palace, she won the status of the Great Fujin of the East Palace, second only to her aunt and Empress Zhezhe of the Middle Palace, and even two levels higher than her own sister Xiaozhuang!

This anomalous arrangement has given rise to a lot of speculation. Some people say that this is because Hai Lanzhu's beauty is overwhelming; Some people also believe that Hai Lanzhu has a special talent that makes Huang Taiji love it. In any case, the appearance of Hai Lanzhu has made subtle changes in the pattern of Huang Taiji's harem.

It is worth mentioning that Huang Taiji's marriage strategy was not limited to the Mongolian aristocracy. He also married the daughters of Han Chinese officials as concubines, showing his political wisdom in trying to win over the Han elite. Through this pluralistic strategy of intermarriage, Huang Taiji succeeded in establishing ties between various ethnic groups, laying the foundation for the strength and unity of the Later Jin.

However, with the advent of Hai Lanzhu, Huang Taiji's marriage no longer seems to be just a tool for politics. In the heart of this iron-blooded monarch, did a sincere feeling begin to sprout? How will this affection affect his reign and life? These questions will be revealed one by one in the following article.

Hai Lanzhu's mysterious background

The mystery of the cause of death of the generation of male lord Emperor Taiji has finally been solved! The cause of death was moving, and it turned out to be infatuation

Among the many concubines of Huang Taiji, Hai Lanzhu is undoubtedly the most mysterious one. Her appearance was like a bolt of lightning, suddenly illuminating Huang Taiji's harem, but leaving many unsolved mysteries.

The most striking thing is that Hai Lanzhu was 26 years old when she married Huang Taiji. In 17th-century Manchurian society, women of this age were usually married and had children. Why is Hai Lanzhu so "late married"? The issue remains unanswered to this day. Some scholars speculate that Hai Lanzhu may have been married but divorced or widowed for some reason. There is also speculation that she may have been hidden for some special reason and did not appear in front of Huang Taiji until the right time.

What's even more puzzling is that there is almost no record in the history books about Hai Lanzhu's life before the age of 26. She seemed to appear out of thin air, and suddenly became Huang Taiji's favorite concubine. This situation was extremely rare in Qing Dynasty royal marriages. Usually, the marriages of members of the royal family will be recorded in detail, including information such as origin, family history, etc. Hai Lanzhu's case breaks this convention.

Interestingly, Hai Lanzhu's sister Xiaozhuang married Huang Taiji nine years before her. It stands to reason that the elder sister should have entered the royal family earlier than the younger sister. This abnormal situation further deepens the mystery of Hai Lanzhu's life experience. Some speculate that Hai Lanzhu may have been sent on some kind of secret mission, or placed in an important position, so that she could not marry into the royal family early.

Although Hai Lanzhu's past is so mysterious, she gained an extremely high status as soon as she entered the palace. She was named the Great Blessing of the East Palace, and her status was second only to the Empress Zhezhe of the Middle Palace, and even surpassed her sister Xiaozhuang. This sudden rise has sparked much speculation. Some believe that Hai Lanzhu may have mastered some important political or military information, so he was reused by Huang Taiji. There is also speculation that she may have some special talent or charm that made Huang Taiji fall in love at first sight.

Hai Lanzhu's family background is also worth paying attention to. She came from the Borzigit clan, a prominent family among the Mongol nobility from which Genghis Khan was born. Huang Taiji married Hai Lanzhu, to some extent, to strengthen the connection with the Mongolian aristocracy. However, family background alone does not seem to explain why Hai Lanzhu is so favored.

In Manchurian society at the time, women were not usually involved in politics. But there are indications that Hailanzhu may have played an influential role in some important decisions. For example, in the process of Huang Taiji's decision to change the name of the country to "Qing", it was rumored that Hai Lanzhu provided important advice. Although these rumors are difficult to verify, they reflect Hai Lanzhu's special status in the harem.

Hai Lanzhu's language ability is also a point worth paying attention to. She is said to be fluent in Manchu, Mongolian, and Chinese, which was very rare at the time. This linguistic advantage may have made her an important bridge of communication between Huang Taiji and the nobles of all ethnic groups, thus increasing her political value.

Although Hai Lanzhu's background is full of mysteries, her influence on Huang Taiji is obvious. Huang Taiji's affection for her far exceeded that of other concubines, even to the point of affecting state affairs. This deep affection eventually led to a series of dramatic events that directly affected Huang Taiji's later life and the fate of the Qing Dynasty.

Hai Lanzhu's mysterious life story is not only a historical mystery, but also the key to understanding Huang Taiji's behavior in his later years. Her appearance, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, caused ripples in circles and finally changed the course of the entire history. As time went by, Hai Lanzhu's influence grew, and her relationship with Huang Taiji became deeper and deeper. This relationship eventually became a key factor affecting the fate of Huang Taiji.

The love story of Huang Taiji and Hai Lanzhu

In the first year of Chongde (1636), the 26-year-old Hai Lanzhu married into the harem of Huang Taiji and became the Great Fujin of the East Palace. This seemingly ordinary marriage set off a love affair that eventually changed the fate of the Qing Empire.

The encounter between Huang Taiji and Hai Lanzhu can be called the arrangement of fate. Legend has it that Huang Taiji met Hai Lanzhu who was picking wild fruits during a hunt. Hai Lanzhu's humble and witty speech immediately attracted the attention of Huang Taiji. After this chance encounter, Huang Taiji never forgot Hai Lanzhu, and finally married her into the palace.

The mystery of the cause of death of the generation of male lord Emperor Taiji has finally been solved! The cause of death was moving, and it turned out to be infatuation

After entering the palace, Hai Lanzhu quickly showed extraordinary talent. She is not only proficient in Manchu, Mongolian and Chinese, but also familiar with the customs and habits of various Mongolian tribes. These qualities made her an important bridge between Huang Taiji and the Mongolian aristocracy. On many important diplomatic occasions, Hailanzhu played a key role in winning the support of the Mongol ministries for Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji's favor for Hai Lanzhu soon went beyond the scope of political marriage. He often rode horses with Hai Lanzhu to enjoy the scenery outside the Saiwai. In these intimate moments, Huang Taiji is no longer the majestic monarch, but a man in love. They galloped on the vast grassland, whispering in the quiet forest, as if they had forgotten the shackles of their identity.

Hai Lanzhu's wisdom also deeply attracted Huang Taiji. It is said that in the process of deciding to change the name of the country to "Qing", Hai Lanzhu put forward important suggestions. She pointed out that the word "Qing" not only means freshness and purity, but also alludes to the homonym of "Qing", symbolizing youth and vitality. This insight was highly appreciated by Huang Taiji and ultimately influenced his decision.

However, the rise of Hai Lanzhu's status has also triggered an undercurrent in the harem. In particular, her younger sister Hyozhuang is puzzled and jealous that her sister has suddenly received such favor. But the way Hai Lanzhu handles these contradictions shows her wisdom and open-mindedness. Not only did she not suppress Xiaozhuang, but she said good things for her sister in front of Huang Taiji many times, so that the sisterhood relationship could be maintained.

The relationship between Huang Taiji and Hai Lanzhu is not only about the relationship between children and daughters. They also often discuss and communicate with each other on political matters. Hai Lanzhu's understanding of various Mongolian ministries provided a valuable reference for Huang Taiji to formulate policies towards Mongolia. Her advice is often to the point, showing extraordinary political insight.

In the seventh year of Chongde (1642), an unexpected event further deepened Huang Taiji's feelings for Hai Lanzhu. At that time, Huang Taiji accidentally fell off his horse while hunting and was seriously injured. Hai Lanzhu disregarded her own safety and took care of Huang Taiji herself. She stayed by Huang Taiji's side day and night, took care of it carefully, and even personally boiled medicinal soup for Huang Taiji. Under Hai Lanzhu's careful care, Huang Taiji recovered quickly. This experience made Huang Taiji cherish Hai Lanzhu even more, and the relationship between the two became deeper.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Just when the relationship between Huang Taiji and Hai Lanzhu reached its peak, a tragedy quietly came. In the winter of the eighth year of Chongde (1643), Hai Lanzhu suddenly fell seriously ill. Huang Taiji was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately summoned the best doctors in the country to come for diagnosis and treatment. He even ordered to stop all government activities and personally stood in front of Hai Lanzhu's bed.

Huang Taiji's efforts, Hai Lanzhu's condition is still getting worse. When she was dying, Hai Lanzhu was still thinking about state affairs. In a weak voice, she told Huang Taiji to be kind to the Mongol tribes and consolidate the Manchurian alliance. These words deeply touched Huang Taiji, and he held Hai Lanzhu's hand tightly, tears raining down.

Hai Lanzhu's death dealt a huge blow to Huang Taiji. He was depressed all day long, and he was no longer as enthusiastic about government affairs as before. Less than a year after Hai Lanzhu's death, Huang Taiji also died suddenly at the age of 52. Many believe that the sudden death of Huang Taiji is directly related to the loss of Hailanzhu.

The love story of Huang Taiji and Hai Lanzhu is not only a beautiful legend, but also profoundly influenced the historical process of the Qing Empire. Their relationship goes beyond a political marriage and becomes a sincere and touching love. This relationship not only affected Huang Taiji's personal fate, but also indirectly affected the development direction of the entire Qing Dynasty. Hai Lanzhu's death became the last turning point in Huang Taiji's life, and also drew a sad and beautiful end to this legend.

Hai Lanzhu's political influence

Although Hai Lanzhu was a harem concubine, she played a pivotal role in the political arena of the early Qing Dynasty. Her influence was not limited to the boudoir, but also extended to the court, and had a profound impact on many of Huang Taiji's decisions.

One of Hai Lanzhu's most notable political contributions was his role in the consolidation of the Manchu-Mongolian alliance. As a member of the Borzigit clan, Hailanzhu has a natural affinity with the Mongolian tribes. She was fluent in the Mongolian language and customs, and became an important bridge between Huang Taiji and the Mongolian aristocracy. In many important diplomatic occasions, Hai Lanzhu has acted as a key translator and mediator.

The mystery of the cause of death of the generation of male lord Emperor Taiji has finally been solved! The cause of death was moving, and it turned out to be infatuation

In the second year of Chongde (1637), Huang Taiji convened the leaders of various Mongolian tribes to hold a grand alliance. The purpose of this alliance was to further consolidate the Manchu-Mongolian alliance and lay the foundation for the expansion of the Later Jin regime. In the process of preparing for the alliance, Hai Lanzhu put forward many insightful suggestions. She suggested that, according to Mongolian tradition, an altar should be set up at the site of the alliance and a ceremony to worship the heavens should be held to show respect for Mongolian culture. This suggestion was adopted by Huang Taiji, and it also won the favor of the Mongol chiefs.

During the alliance, Hailanzhu played an important role. She not only acted as an interpreter between Huang Taiji and the Mongolian chieftains, but also communicated with Mongolian nobles and wives in private to convey Huang Taiji's goodwill. Hai Lanzhu's mellow hand and deep understanding of Mongolian culture greatly eased the tension between Manchu and Mongolia, and made an important contribution to the success of the meeting.

In addition to diplomacy, Hai Lanzhu has also made great achievements in domestic affairs. In the fifth year of Chongde (1640), Huang Taiji decided to promulgate the "Laws of the Great Qing Dynasty" to establish a new social order in the form of law. In the process of formulating the law, Hai Lanzhu put forward a number of suggestions, especially on the provisions on women's rights and interests. She proposed to add a clause to the inheritance law to protect the rights and interests of widows, which was eventually adopted and became one of the important elements of the Qing Dynasty.

Hai Lanzhu's political influence is also reflected in personnel arrangements. It is rumored that the reason why many important Mongolian nobles were able to enter the inner circle of the Qing court was related to Hai Lanzhu's recommendation. She was a good reader and could often accurately determine which Mongol nobles were both talented and loyal to the Qing Dynasty. This ability to discern pearls cultivated a group of loyal Mongol officials for the Qing Dynasty, further consolidating the Manchu-Mongolian alliance.

In terms of economic policy, Hai Lanzhu also put forward some unique insights. She suggested that Huang Taiji adopt preferential policies in trade with the Mongol ministries, exchanging economic benefits for political support. This suggestion has been recognized by Huang Taiji and has achieved good results in practice. As a result, the Mongol tribes gained practical benefits and became more supportive of Qing rule.

However, Hai Lanzhu's political influence is not without controversy. Some conservative ministers have complained about her participation in political affairs, believing that it violates the traditional concept of "male dominant, female dominant". But Huang Taiji ignored these criticisms, and instead relied more on Hai Lanzhu's opinions. This attitude undoubtedly strengthened Hai Lanzhu's political status, and also caused some undercurrents in the harem and court.

In the seventh year of Chongde (1642), Huang Taiji decided to change the name of the country to "Qing". In this major decision, Hailanzhu once again played a key role. She pointed out to Huang Taiji that the word "Qing" not only means freshness and purity, but also has a homonym with "Qing", symbolizing youth and vitality. This insight was deeply appreciated by Huang Taiji, and ultimately influenced his decision. This incident fully demonstrates Hai Lanzhu's influence in major state decisions.

Hai Lanzhu's political influence lasted until the last moments of her life. When she was dying, she was still worried about state affairs, and instructed Huang Taiji to treat the Mongolian tribes well and consolidate the Manchurian and Mongolian alliance. These words not only showed her concern for national affairs, but also showed her political foresight.

After Hai Lanzhu's death, her political legacy has not disappeared. Many of the Mongolian officials she recommended continued to play a role in the DPRK, and many of her policy recommendations continued to be implemented. It can be said that Hai Lanzhu's political influence transcended her life and left a deep mark on the early development of the Qing Dynasty.

Hai Lanzhu's political influence was a unique and important phenomenon in the early history of the Qing Dynasty. She broke the traditional taboo that harem concubines were not allowed to interfere in politics and became an important political partner of Huang Taiji. Her wisdom and foresight not only influenced many of Huang Taiji's decisions, but also made important contributions to the early development of the Qing Dynasty. The example of Hai Lanzhu also provides us with a unique perspective into the complexities of political life in the early Qing Dynasty.

The historical evaluation and influence of Hailanzhu

As a very influential woman in the early Qing Dynasty, Hai Lanzhu's historical evaluation and influence on later generations have always been the focus of attention in the academic and civil circles. With the passage of time, the evaluation of Hailanzhu has also undergone a process of constant change and deepening.

During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, due to the royal family's reverence for Hai Lanzhu, the official evaluation of her has been maintained at a high level. Hai Lanzhu was mentioned many times in "Qing Shilu", praising her as "virtuous and dignified, and deeply satisfied". This official evaluation largely shaped people's perception of Hailanzhu at the time. However, some conservative officials have criticized Hai Lanzhu's participation in politics, arguing that it is contrary to traditional etiquette. Although this voice was not dominant at the time, it also planted the seeds of controversy for later generations to evaluate Hai Lanzhu.

The mystery of the cause of death of the generation of male lord Emperor Taiji has finally been solved! The cause of death was moving, and it turned out to be infatuation

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, there was a new change in the evaluation of Hailanzhu. During the Republican period, some scholars began to examine the history of the Qing Dynasty from a more objective perspective, and Hailanzhu also became the object of study. The famous historian Ke Shaoxun commented on Hai Lanzhu in the History of the New Yuan Dynasty, affirming her important role in the Manchu-Mongolian alliance, but also pointing out that her political involvement may have led to a precedent for the dictatorship of the harem.

After the 50s of the 20th century, with the rise of Marxist historiography in Chinese mainland, there have been new changes in the evaluation of Hailanzhu. From the perspective of class struggle, some scholars criticized Hai Lanzhu for representing the interests of the feudal ruling class. However, some scholars have noted Hailanzhu's contribution to promoting national unity and have given certain affirmation.

After entering the 80s, the academic research on Qing history gradually deepened, and the evaluation of Hailanzhu also tended to be diversified. Some scholars have begun to pay attention to Hai Lanzhu's personal talents and political wisdom, believing that she was a rare political talent in the early Qing Dynasty. For example, Dai Yi, a well-known expert on Qing history, spoke highly of Hai Lanzhu in his writings, arguing that she had made important contributions to the early development of the Qing Dynasty.

At the same time, the image of Hai Lanzhu has gradually entered the field of popular culture. Many historical novels and TV series have Hai Lanzhu as the protagonist or important character, although these works have artistized history to a certain extent, but also made Hai Lanzhu a historical figure known to more ordinary people. For example, in the TV series "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang" broadcast in 2003, Hai Lanzhu was an important role, and the popularity of the show greatly increased Hai Lanzhu's popularity.

In the folk, the legend about Hailanzhu is also widely spread. There is a legend that Hai Lanzhu is proficient in medical skills and often treats the concubines in the palace; There is also a legend that she was proficient in divination and made predictions about the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty. Although these legends lack historical evidence, they reflect the people's reverence for Hailanzhu, and have also become interesting materials for studying the folk culture of the Qing Dynasty.

In the 21st century, the research and evaluation of Hailanzhu has entered a new stage. Some scholars have begun to study Hai Lanzhu from the perspective of gender history, exploring how her role in early Qing politics broke down traditional gender boundaries. For example, some scholars have pointed out that Hai Lanzhu's political participation provided an important precedent for women's political participation in the Qing Dynasty, although this influence did not last in the short term.

On the other hand, some scholars have also begun to pay attention to the influence of Hailanzhu on the cultural policy of the Qing Dynasty. Studies have shown that Hai Lanzhu's understanding of the Manchu, Mongolian, and Han cultures influenced the cultural policies of the early Qing Dynasty and laid the foundation for the later "Manchu-Han integration" policy. This cross-cultural perspective provides us with new ideas for understanding the ethnic policy of the early Qing Dynasty.

In the international academic community, Hailanzhu has also gradually attracted attention. Some Western scholars have begun to compare Hai Lanzhu with other Asian women politicians of the same period, exploring the political role of East Asian women in premodern societies. This comparative study provides us with a broader perspective and helps us to understand more fully the place of Hailanzhu in history.

In recent years, with the deepening of the study of Qing history, the evaluation of Hailanzhu has tended to be rational and objective. Scholars have both acknowledged her talents and contributions, but have not shied away from her controversial points in history. This balanced attitude allows us to get to know this important woman of the early Qing Dynasty more comprehensively.

Hai Lanzhu's historical evaluation and influence on later generations reflect the changes in people's understanding of the history of the Qing Dynasty, the status of women, ethnic relations and other aspects. Her image has gone beyond a mere historical figure and has become an important window into the early history of the Qing Dynasty. Whether in academic research or popular culture, Hai Lanzhu continues to exert her influence and inspire future generations to think about history.

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