
101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


[1] Yang Sa. China Nationalities Expo,2022,(17):1-3.

[2] 100-year-old Yang Zhenning, where is the cow? Yunnan Education (Vision Comprehensive Edition),2021,(10):38-41.

[3] Song Tianli. Yang Zhenning's 100-year-old health classic[J].Family Medicine,2023,(08):50.)

I believe that many people are asked what their future dreams are when they are young, and many people will answer with immaturity: "I want to be a scientist when I grow up!" "Once upon a time, the influence of the mainland was not as good as it is now, and Yang Zhenning was a great contributor to the success of taking root in the hearts of the Chinese people this dream.

If Stephen Hawking built the edifice of physics, then Yang Zhenning installed an elevator for this edifice, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the world's greatest physicist. Yang Zhenning was born in 1922 in an academic family, his father Yang Wuzhi was a famous mathematician and educator at home and abroad at that time, cultivated countless outstanding students, and truly achieved the world's peach and plum, the famous mathematician Hua Luogeng is one of his students.

When Yang Zhenning was less than one year old, his father went abroad to study, and in a family with such a strong academic atmosphere, Yang Zhenning seemed destined to break through in the academic world. When his father was studying abroad, his mother sent photos of several children in the family, but his father seemed to be most impressed by Yang Zhenning, and wrote on the back of the photo "This son seems to be extraordinary".

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

After studying abroad for six years, his father took Yang Zhenning to Beijing to study in primary school after returning to China, and since then he has shown an amazing talent for mathematics. However, his father thought that learning should be balanced, and instead of focusing on his math scores, he hired a tutor to tutor the history and culture of the mainland, which allowed him to learn a lot of traditional Chinese culture that was difficult to contact in the classroom, and also laid the foundation for his future achievements.

With the continuous deepening of his studies, Yang Zhenning is indeed as his father said, he is talented in learning, and he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Southwest Associated University with excellent grades at the age of 16, and has since embarked on his academic career. Since then, he has overcome all the obstacles along the way, and his legendary life has begun, not only earning countless honors for himself, but also bringing great influence to the world and the country.

The Nobel Prize can be said to be the most valuable award in the world, even if it is only a nomination, it is a great honor, and Yang Zhenning was only 35 years old when he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and he and his companion Tsung-Dao Lee were also the first Chinese to receive this honor. After the news was transmitted back to China, it caused a huge sensation, and the award of the two proved to the world that the mainland is not inferior to any country, and planted the small seed of "becoming a scientist" in the hearts of the Chinese people.

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

Yang Zhenning did not stop there, and then worked hard in physics, and was successfully elected as an academician of the Academia Sinica one year after winning the Nobel Prize, became an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of a foreign country at the age of 43, won the Oppenheimer Memorial Prize at the age of 59, and won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the age of 84 at the World Chinese Festival. In 2017, Yang Zhenning, who has won numerous awards, gave up his foreign nationality and returned to China decisively, and cultivated countless outstanding talents for mainland scientists.

An academically accomplished public figure will have his personal life watched by countless pairs of eyes. Yang Zhenning has experienced two marriages in his life, his first wife is Du Zhili, the two met when he was teaching in Kunming, and gave birth to three children during their marriage, all three of whom are dragons and phoenixes among people, and have created a lot of value in their respective fields. However, at some point, he died of soft tissue tumors, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and finally died at the age of 75.

In fact, as far as world research is concerned, there is no doubt that the average life expectancy of men is significantly shorter than that of women, regardless of race or region. Because the number of women who have the bad habit of smoking and drinking is relatively small, and because of the problem of hormone secretion, women are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. But in this case, Yang Zhenning still lived more than ten years longer than his first wife, and even married his second wife in his later years, which shows that he is very good at his own recuperation.

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

After Du Zhili's death, he had more contacts with his second wife Weng Fan, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and they entered the palace of marriage together in 2004. Many people say that the woman is just for her own selfish desires, but the relationship between the two has survived under the accusations of the outside world, no matter how the outside world speculates, the two of them have also kept their own small happiness.

In his 80s, Yang Zhenning still stuck to the front line of the laboratory and taught physics courses to freshmen at the university. Many people believe that Yang Zhenning's life is favored, from the original family, to academic achievements, to physical fitness, the first two are the peaks that many ordinary people can't climb in their lives, so everyone turned their attention to the secret of his longevity.

Many reporters once flocked to ask why Yang Zhenning was able to live so long, whether it was because he was in a high position and obtained a secret health recipe that was difficult for ordinary people to access. Unexpectedly, he was very kind and said: "I don't have any so-called secret recipes, and most of the time I am just an ordinary old man who has more time to study." But if I had to share them, I do have three unusual little habits that may have made me live so long. ”

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

1. Good eating habits

Yang Zhenning eats regularly, but he pays more attention to the speed of eating. He chews slowly during his meals, usually lasting more than 30 minutes. He believes that chewing slowly can not only fully enjoy the excellent taste of food, but also have great benefits for the body.

Doctors in the mainland have paid special attention to eating to chew and swallow slowly, the Ming Dynasty Zheng Xuan's "Yesterday Fei An Ri Compilation" cloud: "Eat must chew and swallow slowly, send it with jin liquid, and then the essence is dispersed in the spleen, and the color is full of muscles." "Tell us that chewing slowly when eating can make the food be transported to the spleen by the fluid, and then through the physiological function of the spleen to clear the body, nutrients such as the subtleties of the water valley can be nourished throughout the body.

On the contrary, if you eat too quickly, the food is swallowed into the stomach without sufficient chewing, which will invisibly increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, and over time the spleen will lose its health, which can easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases such as decreased appetite, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

2. Diligent reading hobby

Yang Zhenning once said, "Reading can not only increase knowledge, grow knowledge, erudition, but also prevent and treat diseases, cultivate morality and fitness." Many diseases arise from bad mood and bad conduct. Yang Lao believes that calmness can stabilize emotions and correct virtues, which is the way to maintain health, so he said, "Tranquility is also an excellent way to maintain health and longevity." "Reading helps to calm the mind and achieve the purpose of health preservation.

In the Ming Dynasty, Gong Tingxian's "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" recorded: "Reading is pleasant, the mountains and forests are prosperous, and you can prolong your life." "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: "The heart, the master of the five internal organs... Therefore, sadness and sorrow are heartwarming, and heartbeats are shaking all the internal organs. It means that sadness, sorrow, sorrow, and sorrow disturb the mind, and the restlessness of the mind will have a certain impact on the internal organs of the human body, which shows the importance of calmness.

3. Health Science Exercise

Walking and basking in the sun is Mr. Yang Zhenning's favorite way of health exercise. The World Health Organization made it clear back in 1992 that one of the best exercises in the world is walking. Modern studies have shown that walking can strengthen myocardial contraction, speed up blood flow, indirectly massage the heart, strengthen the heart, and prevent and treat heart weakness in the elderly.

101-year-old Yang Zhenning's secret of longevity: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 3 points

In addition, walking can increase the amplitude of diaphragm activity, speed up the movement of abdominal wall muscles, and promote the digestion and absorption of food. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the head is the head of all yangs", that is, all the yang energy of the human body converges on the head. Basking in the sun can unblock the veins and regulate yang energy, which is one of the most direct and effective ways to replenish yang energy.

There is a saying in "Su Wen: The Theory of Life and Qi through the Heavens": "Therefore, those who are yang are outside the main day for a day, and people are popular in Pingdan, and yang is strong in the middle of the day, and yang is needed in the west of the day, and the valve is closed." "The yang energy of the human body is closely related to the changes in the laws of yin and yang in nature, so we must follow the laws of natural changes and carry out activities according to the changes in the growth and decline of yang energy throughout the day in order to achieve the best health effect.

(Note: "101-year-old Yang Zhenning's longevity secret: playing tai chi, drinking water and standing aside, the real key is these 4 points" Part of the pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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