
Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

author:Easy tendon to wash the marrow and clear the source

Taijiquan was born, but it has been more than 300 years. Because of its fitness and technical effects, it has swept the world. The Taijiquan that is circulating today is dominated by Yang, Wu, Wu and Sun. The source of this technical power is recognized as "qi" and "meaning".

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

Modern science and technology have confirmed that Yi and Qi are subtle substances that maintain human life and have field energy, which are manifested in the functions and functions of human life, work, sports, and learning.

A person's birth, old age, illness, and death are objective physiological processes and phenomena in which the innate qi is exhausted and the acquired qi is not accepted. A person's mental field energy is closely related to the profit and loss of his prior and acquired qi.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

The so-called "mind field energy", which the ancients called "god", is hidden in the heart and manifested in the brain. In short: the heart is the house of God, and the brain is the working body of God; The heart is the inside, and the brain is the surface.

At the end of the 19th century, Sigmund Freud, the originator of psychiatry, discovered that 97% of the human brain has not yet been developed, and Freud named it "brain black hole" and "unconscious region". For example, the human brain is a treasure trove of consciousness, and the proportion of applications developed is only 3%. However, how to develop and utilize 97% of the brain's black hole has become a mystery in psychiatry.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

At the beginning of the 20th century, Freud's assistant Carl Jung caused a sensation in the world by finding a technical way to develop a black hole in the human brain. This method is the ancient Chinese technique of Neidan.

Neidan technique, originated from the ancient Chinese real people, is a health preservation technique that prevents illness before it happens, prevents it from changing and prevents it from changing. During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, Taoism took human immortality as the goal, took the Neijing as the theoretical basis, and took philosophy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, astronomy, biology and other means to make great efforts to make the country prosperous, and invented the active management of physical and mental health, prolonging life, and the health preservation technology system.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

Nei Dan technique takes the essence and spirit as the target, the human body or human body parts as the furnace, and the breath as the driving force to cook the essence and spirit into "Dan". The cultivation procedure is: refining oneself to build a foundation, refining and refining qi, refining qi and refining gods and refining gods to return to emptiness.

The so-called refining oneself and building the foundation refers to "filling the gaps", that is, repairing the imbalance of yin and yang in adults, which is marked by the breathing mode of the human body that connects the two veins and restores to the fetal state. One inhale, the true qi from the perineum to the hundred meetings; With one exhale, the true qi will go from Baihui to the perineum. The ancients called it "river cart running", "small Zhoutian" and so on.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

The so-called refining and refining qi refers to the restoration of innate qi. The innate qi comes from the inheritance of parents, but with the increase of biological age, the innate qi is gradually depleted. This leads to aging, disease, and death. It needs to be replenished in time with the acquired qi.

The acquired qi comes from the subtle substances of the water valley and the pure and nourishing qi of nature. Normally, people incorporate food grains and natural qi through their mouth and nose, and use this as energy to maintain normal life and survival needs. However, the loss of innate qi was not stopped.

How to transform and supplement the subtle substances of the water valley and the pure qi of nature into the innate qi, this technique is called "Neidanshu". "The technical means is refining and refining gas. The standard is to open up the eight meridians of the human body and restore the "true qi" reserve function in the fetal stage.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

The mark of the completion of refining and refining qi is the "Great Zhoutian" penetration, that is, one inhalation, the true qi rises from the heel to the top of the head; As soon as you inhale, the true qi descends from the top of your head to the spring on the soles of your feet. The ancients called it "heel breath." ”

"Zhuangzi: The Great Master": "The true people of the ancients, they do not sleep, they feel worry-free, their food is unwilling, and their breath is deep. The breath of the true man is the heel, and the breath of the people is the throat. ”

Brief explanation: In ancient times, people who cultivated the Tao did not dream when they slept, did not worry when they were awake, did not seek sweetness when eating, and had a deep breath when they breathed. The breath of a person who has the Tao can reach the heel directly from the inside; And the average person only breathes by the throat.

To sum up: the breathing mode of ordinary people is lung breathing, which is acquired breathing; Neidan cultivates to the first step, that is, to complete the refining of oneself and build the foundation, and the breathing channel is the second pulse of Rendu, which is the "fetal breath"; After completing the second stage of Neidan cultivation, that is, refining and refining qi, the eight veins of the Qi Sutra and the twelve main meridians are all connected, and the true qi flows deep in the body like still water, spreading all over the body, and the heel breath is generated.

The so-called refining qi and transforming the gods refers to the surplus true qi in the human body, which will be continuously supplied to the brain. "Brain black holes are gradually developed, and paranormal phenomena or functions are gradually emerging. The Dan family calls it "supernatural power", and modern science interprets it as "special function", "consciousness potential", etc.

Modern technology has confirmed that through the cultivation of Neidan, the cerebral cortex will gradually thicken, and the secretion of hormones will be accelerated. The cerebral cortex is the carrier of conscious energy. Scientists in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany have found that persistent practice of Tai Chi can prevent or reverse "Parkinsonism." "Germany has included the cost of tai chi training in the scope of health insurance.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

In short, when the Inner Dan Technique reaches the stage of refining qi and transforming the gods, the human brain contains 97% of the consciousness energy, which will be developed one after another, which Zen Buddhism calls the "Six Divine Powers". That is, the human body has at least six supernatural abilities through special cultivation. This is the root of Tai Chi's "intention is not forced".

American scientists, through special research, revealed that the human brain can change the internal structure and external form of matter. At present, scientists have completed the process of typing with the mind through the interconnection of man and machine, and the speed and accuracy rate surpass the traditional method.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

Refining the gods is still empty, which refers to the religious realm of immortality, so I will not repeat it.

Chen Wangting, the founder of Chen-style Taijiquan, left "long and short sentences" poems in his later years. It reveals the theory and practice of Taijiquan, which originates from Neidanshu.

The poem said: "Sigh back then, I was stubborn and stubborn, swept away the atmosphere, and was in danger several times. Blessed in vain! Now, he is old and wheezing, and he only ends up with a volume of "Huang Ting". Make a fist when you are bored, plough the fields when you are busy, take advantage of your spare time, teach some disciples and grandchildren, and it is convenient for Jackie Chan to become a tiger. ”

Chen Wangting's "Huang Ting", that is, "Huang Ting Jing", is a Taoist Liufang Baishi Dan cultivation classics, with the reputation of "the wonderful book of longevity", the author is Wei Huacun, a female Taoist priest of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Chen Wangting's use of the art of Nei Dan as a functional practice method for Tai Chi is a reform and innovation of traditional Chinese martial arts.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

Tai Chi, Qi also; The material basis of Taijiquan is qi, and its technique is in "meaning". Therefore, refining oneself to build a foundation, refining and refining qi, refining qi and transforming gods are compulsory practices for traditional Taijiquan. Otherwise, Tai Chi is called "Tai Chi Exercise".

To practice Taijiquan, we should take refining oneself to build a foundation, refining and refining qi, and refining qi and transforming gods as functional introductory kung fu. Its symbols are: full of qi, great qi travel, and supernatural consciousness energy generation. The cultivation process takes about 1 year for teenagers and 1-3 years for healthy young adults.

In addition, why does Tai Chi need to be practiced quietly and slowly? are closely related to "heel information".

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

The movement of Tai Chi requires the mind, from the soles of the feet along the three yin meridians, around the belt veins, and the three yin meridians of the hands, to the palms and fingers; The tranquility of Tai Chi requires knowledge and meaning, along the Sanyang Sutra, leading back to the heel. This process is not extremely quiet and impossible. If you travel for a long time, the gas machine will be accessible; Temporary application, then the intention is to breathe, a touch of imminent. The bioelectricity released in an instant is enough to kill the enemy in an instant, which is the authentic Taijiquan.

The standard of slow Tai Chi practice is not to break the breathing rate. For those who are well-trained in Tai Chi, the breathing rate per minute is 5-8 times, multiplied by 4 to get the number of heartbeats. In the process of discing and shelf, the number of breathing and heartbeat must not be increased, otherwise, the qi machine will be stagnant and chaotic. Long-term insistence on slow practice of Tai Chi, such as damming and storing water, when not in use, the still water flows deeply, once the flood gate is opened, it is unstoppable.

Of course, today's slow and slow Taijiquan, due to the lack of a strict Neidan cultivation program and the endorsement of supernatural energy, is used for physical exercise, and has nothing to do with technical attacks.

Heel breath is not only a cultivation method, but it needs to run through the whole process of Taijiquan practice; Heel breath is also a kind of cultivation result, and it is necessary to cultivate the method of intention in a down-to-earth manner. The refining of oneself to build the foundation, refining and refining the gas, refining the gas and turning the gods into life, daily life, the meritorious teacher, the meritorious service, the diligence and the speed. This is the formality of Taijiquan.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

The basic method of Neidan cultivation is Jinggong, which can be standing, sitting, or lying down. Cultivating the Inner Dan, lethargy and contemplation are the two major obstacles. Whenever there is both, there will be sluggishness or disorder of the qi. Although lying down is the simplest, it is easy to be drowsy; Standing on the pile, you can practice anytime and anywhere, but it is easy to have thoughts, that is, constant thoughts. Only sitting is the best, but overcoming the sleeping demon and distracting thoughts also requires special practice. There are two types of sitting exercises: cross-knee and upright. The ancients admired crossed knees because they were afraid of lodging and injury, and there is no other way to say it. Therefore, Confucianism's upright sitting, that is, sitting upright, is most suitable for modern people to practice the art of Neidan.

The method of sitting upright is:

1. Adjust your body. Choose a high wooden stool with your calf, half of your buttocks on the stool, and your calves are perpendicular to the ground and shoulder-spaced; The thighs are parallel to the ground; The trunk is erect, erect, the tongue is against the palate, and the eyes are level.

2. Centering. The eyes are hanging the curtain, the eyes are looking at the nose, the nose is looking at the heart, this is the lock heart ape.

3. Pranayama. Breathe naturally, and when you are smooth and natural, forget to inhale, and when you exhale, your mind gently focuses on the Navel Chakra or the 2 inches below the Navel Chakra acupoint. Don't forget, don't help, don't leave. If you pay too much attention, you will be prone to fire.

4. Three refining a day, each refining is not less than three incense sticks, that is, more than 45 minutes, and no more than 180 minutes. This is the work of diligence and speed, no fault. About 30-100 days, young and middle-aged people can pass through Xiao Zhoutian, that is, a breath from the bottom to the top, through the Du Mai; One breath, from top to bottom, along the line. The disease gradually healed. This is the "100-day foundation". With such perseverance, for about 10 months, the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, namely the second vein of Rendu, the belt vein, the yin vein, the yang vein, the yin stilt vein, and the yang stilt vein, are all connected. This is the "October Pregnancy". If you insist on doing the exercises, you will also refine your brain, and supernatural consciousness field energy will be developed one after another. This is the god of refining gas.

5. On the basis of refining qi and transforming gods, and then cultivating the mixed yuan pile for about 100 days, the body can produce the strength of Taijiquan. The so-called strength is extremely strong bearing force and great impact force. For a year, it is like destroying people.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

There are still many taboos in the cultivation of Neidan, which are limited by space and will not be repeated.

Reveal the secret of Tai Chi cultivation - heel breath

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