
Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

author:Delicate Jerry

In the midst of a crisis-ridden city life, safety is always our top concern. Recently, the news that a primary school student fell into the sewer and was bravely rescued by his classmates once again made us deeply worried about the safety hazards of the city.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

On the afternoon of June 27, 2024, a thrilling rescue incident occurred near an elementary school. At that time, the students were returning home together as usual, but one elementary school student accidentally stepped on the air and fell into the stagnant sewer on the side of the road. Fortunately, Xiao Yang, another elementary school student from the same school, quickly reached out to help.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

At the time of the incident, the sewer well was clogged with fallen leaves and garbage, and the water rose rapidly and soon reached the chest of the drowning elementary school student. At this critical juncture, Xiao Yang did not choose to escape, but resolutely rushed forward. He first tried to grab the hand of the person who had fallen into the water with his hands, but was unsuccessful due to the depth of the water. So, he quickly found a long branch and reached into the sewer. After several efforts, he finally grabbed the hand of the person who fell into the water and, with the help of his classmates and passers-by, successfully rescued him. Xiao Yang's brave behavior not only shows his wisdom and responsibility, but also allows us to see the demeanor of contemporary teenagers.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

The incident has attracted widespread attention on social media, and netizens have expressed their opinions:

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

Don't look at your phone if you don't look at what you look at, but fortunately, people are fine. This incident reminds us that we must be attentive when walking and not be distracted by playing with our phones.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

It's all the phone's fault. While mobile phones have brought us convenience, over-reliance on mobile phones has also brought security risks.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

She's not looking at her phone, she's folding an umbrella. Sometimes, we may be distracted by other things, which also requires us to be vigilant at all times.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

An extra layer of protective netting should be put in place. In order to avoid similar incidents, we should strengthen the maintenance and management of urban infrastructure to ensure the safety of citizens.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

Walking without looking at the road?? This incident once again reminds us that we must take care of the road when walking to avoid accidents.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

There should be a warning sign when it is opened. Relevant departments should set up conspicuous warning signs on waterlogged road sections to remind the public to pay attention to safety.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

I flipped through the comment area, and it seemed like I was back home. Reading these comments, I felt everyone's concern and concern for safety.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

Walking depends on the road conditions in front of you, left and right. No matter when and where, we must be vigilant and aware of changes in our surroundings.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

This incident not only shows us the bravery and responsibility of contemporary teenagers, but also makes us deeply reflect on the issue of urban safety. Only the joint efforts of the government, schools, parents and all sectors of society can ensure the safety of citizens and the harmony and stability of the city. Let us praise those teenagers who are brave enough to take responsibility and pass on positive energy, and we also hope that the relevant departments can take measures to eliminate potential urban safety hazards as soon as possible and create a safer and more harmonious living environment for citizens.

Elementary school students accidentally fell into the sewer, and classmates' witty rescue sparked heated discussions

Source of inspiration: DV Live