
In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

author:The light of Malanshan

The 1979 counterattack against Vietnam was an important military operation in the history of the People's Republic of China. The victory in this war not only consolidated the country's border security, but also demonstrated the strong will and combat effectiveness of the Chinese army. In this war, the 55th Army, with its outstanding achievements, became the focus of attention.

The predecessor of the 55th Army was a unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and it has brilliant achievements in history. However, due to historical reasons and information asymmetry, some local leaders and the public did not have a comprehensive understanding of the 55th Army, and there were even misunderstandings. They mistakenly regarded the 55th Army as an old unit of the Kuomintang, and this misunderstanding affected the image and reputation of the 55th Army to a certain extent.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Deli, a general of the People's Liberation Army, stood up and corrected this misunderstanding with his own personal experience and deep understanding of history. General Chow Duc Lai was an experienced military commander who played an important role in the counterattack against Vietnam. He was well aware of the history and contributions of the 55th Army, and he was well aware of the injustice of this misunderstanding to the 55th Army.

General Zhou Deli first talked about the historical evolution of the 55th Army. He pointed out that the 55th Army grew up in the sequence of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and its history dates back to the period of the Anti-Japanese War. During that period, the predecessor units of the 55th Army had already begun to participate in the struggle to resist Japan and save the country, and made great contributions to the independence of the country and the liberation of the nation. General Zhou Deli stressed that the 55th Army is a force with a glorious tradition, and its members are all fighters loyal to the country and the people.

General Zhou Deli then reviewed in detail the performance of the 55th Army in the counterattack against Vietnam. He mentioned that after the outbreak of the war, the 55th Army quickly responded to the call of the country and rushed to the front. During the battle, the officers and men of the 55th Army displayed extremely high fighting qualities and tenacious fighting will. They braved hardships and dangers, forged ahead bravely, overcame many difficulties, and achieved a series of important results. General Zhou Deli specifically mentioned the heroic performance of the 55th Army in conquering a key high ground, and the victory of this battle was of great significance to the course of the entire war.

General Zhou Deli also emphasized the spirit of unity and cooperation of the 55th Army in the war. He pointed out that the officers and men of the 55th Army supported each other and cooperated with each other in the battle, forming a strong combat effectiveness. This spirit of unity and cooperation was one of the important factors in the 55th Army's victory in the war. General Zhou Deli believes that this spirit is a precious asset of the 55th Army and a fine tradition of the Chinese army.

In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

Through the correction and explanation of General Zhou Deli, people's misunderstanding of the 55th Army was gradually eliminated. More and more people are beginning to realize that the 55th Army is a force with a rich history and brilliant achievements, and it is an important part of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The officers and men of the 55th Army have proved their loyalty and bravery with their practical actions, and have won the respect and love of the people.

However, General Chow Deli's corrective work did not end. He is well aware that more effort and time will be needed to dispel this misunderstanding once and for all. He plans to further publicize the history and contributions of the 55th Army through various channels, such as holding lectures, writing books, and shooting documentaries, so that more people can understand and recognize this heroic unit.

At the same time, General Zhou Deli also realized that in order to eliminate misunderstandings, it is also necessary to strengthen communication and exchanges between the army and the localities. He suggested that the armed forces should participate more in local social activities, have face-to-face exchanges with local leaders and the people, enhance mutual understanding, and promote military-civilian integration. In this way, local misunderstandings about the army can be effectively eliminated and the image of the army in the hearts of the people can be enhanced.

In short, after the victory of the counterattack against Vietnam, the misunderstanding of the 55th Army was an issue that needed to be taken seriously. Through the efforts of General Chow Deli, this misunderstanding has begun to be corrected. But more work and effort are needed to completely dispel this misunderstanding. This is not only respect for the 55th Army, but also respect for the history and traditions of the Chinese army.

The 55th Army, as a unit with an important historical position in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, has a multifaceted history and composition. Its establishment and development is an indispensable part of China's military history and an important symbol in the process of modernizing China's armed forces.

The predecessor of the 55th Army dates back to the early stages of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. During the Liberation War, the Chinese People's Liberation Army was divided into four field armies, of which the Fourth Field Army was one of them. The 55th Army was mainly reorganized from the 48th and 49th armies of Shiye. These two armies played an important role in the War of Liberation, participated in many major battles, and made great contributions to the cause of China's liberation.

Specifically, the military headquarters of the 55th Army was originally reorganized from the military headquarters of the 48th Army. The 48th Army was a powerful combat force in the War of Liberation and participated in many important battles, including the Liaoshen Campaign and the Pingjin Campaign. Its military command and organizational capabilities laid a solid foundation for the later establishment of the 55th Army.

In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

In the 60s, with the adjustment of China's military system, some divisions reorganized from the rebel forces were assigned to the provincial military districts. Historically, these units were part of the Kuomintang army, but at a critical moment they chose to revolt and join the ranks of the people's army. This transformation not only strengthened the strength of the people's army, but also contributed to the unity and unification of the Chinese army.

However, at the time of the war against Vietnam in 1979, only one division of the 55th Army was developed from the insurgent forces. This division performed well in the war, fully demonstrating the combat effectiveness and determination of the insurrectionary troops. Its participation was not only an important factor in the victory of the war against Vietnam, but also the best proof of the loyalty and ability of these troops.

The composition of the 55th Army was diverse, and it included not only divisions adapted from the rebel forces, but also a number of other divisions and brigades. These units have their own glories in history, and they have made their own contributions to China's military cause in different historical periods. Under the unified command of the 55th Army, these units form a powerful whole and work together to contribute to China's national defense and security.

The establishment and development of the 55th Army is a microcosm of the modernization process of the Chinese armed forces. It embodies the transformation and development of the Chinese armed forces in different historical stages, and also demonstrates the continuous progress of the Chinese armed forces in terms of organizational structure and combat capability. Through the study of the 55th Army, we can have a deeper understanding of the history of the Chinese army and a more comprehensive understanding of the development of the Chinese army.

In the war against Vietnam, the performance of the 55th Army once again proved its strength and value. Its success was not only an important factor in the victory of the war against Vietnam, but also an important test of the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army. Through this war, the 55th Army further consolidated its position in the Chinese army and also accumulated valuable experience for the future development of the Chinese army.

In general, the history and composition of the 55th Army is an important chapter in China's military history. Through its study, we can better understand the development of the Chinese armed forces and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the organizational structure and combat capability of the Chinese armed forces. At the same time, the history of the 55th Army has also provided us with valuable experience and enlightenment, which is of important guiding significance for the future development of the Chinese army.

Zhou Deli, an outstanding general who left a deep mark on China's military history, and his military career and contributions were an indispensable part of China's revolution and construction. In 1939, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, Zhou Deli resolutely joined the Eighth Route Army and started his extraordinary military career.

In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was a great national liberation war in modern Chinese history, and Zhou Deli, as a witness and participant in this war, witnessed countless hardships and heroic struggles. In the War of Resistance behind enemy lines, he gradually grew from an ordinary soldier to an excellent commander by virtue of his outstanding military talent and firm revolutionary will. His military career is a microcosm of the transformation of the Chinese revolutionary army from weak to strong and from victory to victory.

During the difficult years of the War of Resistance behind enemy lines, Zhou Deli participated in many important battles and battles. Not only did he excel on the battlefield, but he also showed great talent in tactical command and force management. His military wisdom and leadership skills contributed greatly to the victory of the troops. As the war progressed, Chow's position was gradually promoted, and he began to assume more important command positions, responsible for larger operational areas and more complex combat missions.

In his long-term military practice, Zhou Deli has accumulated rich combat experience and command art. He was well aware of the cruelty and complexity of war, always adhered to the guidance of the strategic thinking of the people's war, paid attention to bringing into play the strength of the masses of the people, and formed a set of tactics and tactics suited to the characteristics of the War of Resistance behind enemy lines. These experiences and ideas of his had a profound impact on the subsequent military command and troop building.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Deli continued to hold important positions in the army, and his military career entered a new stage. During this period, he not only continued to be involved in military command and combat missions, but also began to become more involved in the construction and management of the army. The focus of his work gradually shifted from battlefield command to the organization, training, and modernization of the army.

Especially in the 1979 counterattack against Vietnam, Zhou Deli, as the commander of the 55th Army, once again demonstrated his military talent and leadership. In this war, he commanded the 55th Army to achieve a series of important victories, making an important contribution to the defense of the country's territorial integrity and sovereign security. His military command and strategic deployment have fully demonstrated his military wisdom and strategic vision.

Zhou Deli's military career was a glorious chapter in the course of China's revolution and construction. His life was closely linked to the cause of the country and the people. Whether it was in the smoke of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or in the peaceful years of the construction of New China, he made unremitting efforts for the independence of the country, the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people with the loyalty and responsibility of a revolutionary soldier.

In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

Zhou Deli's contribution is not only reflected in the battles he commanded and the victories he achieved, but also in his far-reaching influence on the construction and development of the army. His military thinking and command art provided valuable experience and enlightenment for later military commanders and troop building. His life is an indelible memory in China's military history and a vivid embodiment of China's revolutionary spirit and military tradition.

The War of Self-Defense and Counterattack against Vietnam, also known as the Sino-Vietnamese War, was a border conflict between China and Vietnam that took place in 1979. In this war, the 55th Army played a crucial role, especially in the Eastern Front, where it was particularly prominent. The 55th Army, commanded by Zhou Deli and Xu Shiyou, not only demonstrated the strong will and combat effectiveness of the Chinese army, but also made remarkable achievements in strategy and tactics.

The main targets of the 55th Army in the war were the Dong Dang and Lang Son areas in northern Vietnam. These two areas are of great strategic importance to Vietnam and are the key defensive directions of the Vietnamese army. Dong Deng is located on the Sino-Vietnamese border and is an important passage connecting northern Vietnam with China. Lang Son is a military center in northern Vietnam, and its geographical location plays a pivotal role in controlling the entire northern region. As a result, the Vietnamese army deployed heavy troops in these two areas and built a solid defense system.

In the face of the tight defense of the Vietnamese army, the 55th Army showed a strong ability to attack fortifications. Under the command of Zhou Deli and Xu Shiyou, the officers and men of the 55th Army braved hardships and dangers, marched forward bravely, and adopted a series of effective tactics and strategies. Taking advantage of the terrain and the cover of night, they skillfully avoided the Vietnamese defense line and quickly broke through the enemy's forward positions. During the battle, the artillery and infantry of the 55th Army worked in tandem, giving full play to their firepower superiority and effectively suppressing the resistance of the Vietnamese army.

In the battle of Lang Son, the 55th Army faced even more serious challenges. The terrain in the Lang Son area is complex, the Vietnamese army's fortifications are stronger, and the Vietnamese army has deployed more troops and firepower here. However, the officers and men of the 55th Army were not intimidated by the difficulties, and under the command of Zhou Deli and Xu Shiyou, they adopted flexible and mobile tactics, skillfully taking advantage of the terrain and the enemy's weaknesses, and launched a fierce offensive. Through various methods such as night battles, close combat, and special operations, the 55th Army gradually weakened the Vietnamese army's defenses, and finally succeeded in capturing Lang Son.

The performance of the 55th Army in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam fully demonstrated the heroic, tenacious and superb tactics of the Chinese army. Their success has not only won honor for the Chinese army, but also made an important contribution to the territorial integrity and sovereign security of the country. In this war, the officers and men of the 55th Army showed a high degree of discipline and sacrifice, they were not afraid of hardships and dangers, they were not afraid of sacrifice, and defended the dignity and interests of the country with their blood and lives.

In the 1979 war against Vietnam, the People's Liberation Army shelled the Vietnamese army for 30 minutes, how did the Vietnamese army evaluate it after the war?

The commanding art of Zhou Deli and Xu Shiyou was also fully embodied in this war. Their military wisdom and leadership provided an important guarantee for the victory of the 55th Army. Not only did they make the right decisions tactically, but they also showed foresight strategically. Their command enabled the 55th Army to quickly adapt and adjust to the complex battlefield environment, effectively responding to the various tactics and tactics of the Vietnamese army.

In general, the outstanding performance of the 55th Army in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam is a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese army. It not only demonstrated the strong will and combat effectiveness of the Chinese armed forces, but also accumulated valuable experience for the modernization and development of the Chinese armed forces. This war is of great significance to enhancing the international status and influence of the Chinese armed forces and promoting regional and world peace and stability.

The 55th Army's record in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam was brilliant, and its performance on the battlefield not only won honor for the Chinese army, but also had a far-reaching impact on the course of the entire war. In this war, the 55th Army killed a total of 10,843 enemies and captured 108 enemies, a figure that was extremely rare in military operations at that time. More importantly, the 55th Army basically annihilated the 3rd Division of the Vietnamese Army and a large number of local troops, which weakened the combat effectiveness of the Vietnamese Army to a great extent and laid the foundation for the final victory of the war.

The achievements of the 55th Army are not only reflected in specific figures, but also in the blow it has dealt to the morale and combat effectiveness of the Vietnamese army. The 3rd Division of the Vietnamese Army is an elite unit of the Vietnamese People's Army that played an important role in the Vietnam War. However, in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the 55th Army successfully annihilated it, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Vietnamese army. At the same time, the victory of the 55th Army also greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese army and enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the whole army.

The achievements of the 55th Army are also reflected in its contribution to the course of the war. During the war, the 55th Army successfully broke through the Vietnamese defense line and occupied a number of strategic points, creating favorable conditions for the offensive of the follow-up troops. The actions of the 55th Army were not only rapid, but also accurate, and its tactical use and command and coordination reached a very high level. This kind of highly efficient combat capability is of great significance to the rapid advance and final victory of the war.

Despite the large-scale disarmament of the Chinese army in 1985, the saga of the 55th Army did not end there. In fact, some units of the 55th Army not only remained, but also played an important role in the modernization of the Chinese army. Among them, the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison and the Marine Corps are outstanding representatives under the command of the 55th Army.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison is the garrison of the Chinese army in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and its main duty is to maintain Hong Kong's stability and security. This unit has inherited the glorious tradition and fine work style of the 55 th Army, and has won wide acclaim from the people of Hong Kong for its strict discipline and efficient combat capability. In many major incidents, the Hong Kong Garrison has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and a sense of responsibility, and has made important contributions to safeguarding Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

The Marine Corps is an important force in the Chinese military, mainly responsible for amphibious operations and maritime special operations missions. This unit inherited the fighting spirit and tactical skills of the 55th Army, and with its excellent combat ability and rapid reaction capability, it became an important support for the Chinese army in naval operations. In a number of military exercises and real combat missions, the Marine Corps has demonstrated strong combat effectiveness and a high degree of tactical flexibility.

In general, the 55th Army's record in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam was brilliant, and its impact on the war was far-reaching. Even after the Great Disarmament, the legend of the 55th Army continued, and the troops under its command played an important role in the modernization of the Chinese army. The history and contributions of the 55th Army are a glorious chapter in China's military history and a vivid embodiment of the spirit and tradition of the Chinese army.