
Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

author:Boyu Mi

Speaking of the contradiction between Guan Yu and Sun Quan, it has been around for a long time. Back then, in the twentieth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan wanted to borrow a few counties from Liu Bei, but Liu Bei didn't agree, so Sun Quan took matters into his own hands and sent Lu Meng to occupy the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang. Guan Yu is also a fiery temper, and when he saw Sun Quan's posture, he directly drove away all the officials sent by Sun Quan. This came and went, and the two sides formed an indissoluble enmity.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

As for Liu Bei, although he reconciled with Sun Quan on the surface, he was definitely not happy in his heart. He asked Guan Yu to continue to guard Jingzhou, because he valued Guan Yu's prestige and ability, and wanted Sun Quan to have some scruples. But Guan Yu is also a hard temper, and he has never had a good face towards the people on Sun Quan's side. In this way, Jingzhou has become a powder keg, which will explode at one point. This is just like what we are saying now, if there is no harmony between neighbors, something will happen sooner or later.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, Liu Bei won a big victory in Hanzhong, and Guan Yu was also ready to move, wanting to take advantage of this good opportunity to go north to Xiangyang and Fancheng. This idea is not wrong in itself, just like when we play cards, when we have good cards in our hands, of course, we must take the opportunity to play cards. But the problem is that Guan Yu didn't expect Sun Quan to stab him in the back. It's like when we play cards, we look at our own cards, but forget to guard against our opponents.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

At that time, Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army, shocked China, and Cao Cao was so frightened that he wanted to move the capital. But at this moment, Sun Quan sent Lü Meng to attack Jingzhou. Guan Yu was also negligent and didn't pay attention to the movement in the rear. By the time he found out, it was too late, so he had to retreat hastily. It's like we usually say, there is a fire in the backyard, and it's useless to fight in front of it.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

This retreat is the exit of the problem. Guan Yu was supposed to retreat west and return to Yizhou, but he went north and wanted to go to Shangyong to find Liu Feng for help. As a result, Liu Feng and Meng Da were not saved, and Guan Yu was captured by Sun Quan and finally killed. This is just like what we usually say, if you are sick and rush to the doctor, the more you get treated, the worse it gets.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

Speaking of which, you may have to ask, is Guan Yu's defeat a conspiracy of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, or is it the situation dictated? Personally, I think that this matter is mainly due to the situation. As for Liu Bei, although there are some problems with employing people, such as sending unreliable people like Elfang and Shiren to guard Jiangling and the public security, he definitely didn't mean to harm Guan Yu. After all, Guan Yu was his cronie and his right-hand man, how could he deliberately push such an important place in Jingzhou into the fire pit? This is just like what we usually say, no one will deliberately bring their right-hand man into the pit.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

As for Zhuge Liang, it is even more unlikely that he is behind the scenes. At that time, Zhuge Liang was in charge of logistics in Chengdu, and he didn't even go to the front line, how could he remotely command Sun Quan to attack Jingzhou? Besides, there is no deep hatred between Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu, why would he want to harm Guan Yu? This is like what we usually say, who will harm you if there is no injustice or hatred?

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

Therefore, I personally believe that Guan Yu's defeat was mainly due to his own negligence and lack of attention to the movements in the rear. In addition, Liu Bei does have some problems in employing people, such as sending unreliable people like Liu Feng to be mediocre. Also, even Sun Quan's side has been looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Guan Yu, after all, Guan Yu has offended them many times before. This is like what we usually say, if you are not careful, and your opponent is bad, it is strange if you don't have an accident.

Is there another hidden reason for Guan Yu's death? The person who killed him was not an outsider, but the most important person around him

In general, Guan Yu's defeat was a tragedy, the result of the times, and the result of human negligence. While we regret it, we should also learn a lesson, think twice before doing things, and not be negligent. As we usually say, be careful to sail the 10,000-year-old boat and don't let your backyard catch fire.

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