
The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

author:Genius speaks

The former computer city was synonymous with the electronic frenzy, but now it has become deserted, what is the change behind this? Let's walk together into the glory of those years and the silence of today.

The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

Twenty years ago, Beijing's Hailong Electronic City opened, attracting tens of thousands of customers every day and becoming a business card of Zhongguancun. The TPY Center in Xujiahui, Shanghai, was once a mecca for electronics enthusiasts. However, in 2024, these once popular landmarks are experiencing the throes of transformation.

The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

The rise of e-commerce is undoubtedly a direct factor in the decline of the computer city. Those standardized 3C products have captured the hearts of consumers with lower prices and more convenient services on e-commerce platforms. Computer City, once a shopping paradise, is gradually losing its aura.

The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

Once upon a time, building a computer was a carnival for DIY enthusiasts. Now, with the popularity of brand machines and the affordability of prices, the market for building machines is shrinking. Those once prosperous computer cities have witnessed the whole process of building computers from prosperity to end.

The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

In the face of the impact of e-commerce, some computer cities did not choose to sit still. They are trying to find their place in the new industrial coordinates through upgrading, transformation and development. For example, the TPY Center was rebuilt on its original site and revitalized as a new commercial center.

The computer city that exploded 20 years ago, why is it so crowded now?

The return of integrity managementIn the process of transformation, integrity management has once again become the golden rule of business. No matter where the computer city develops, it must adhere to the principle of integrity. This is the key to winning the trust of consumers and regaining their glory.

Reflection on business common senseThe decline of the computer city also allows us to reflect on the common sense of business. Liu Qiangdong once expressed his feelings when the Pacific Digital City was closed, pointing out that the decline of the computer city was not an external force, but an internal problem. Integrity management is always the cornerstone of business success.

ConclusionThe decline of the computer city is not only the change of the times, but also the result of market choice. In this wave, some computer cities choose to stick to it, and some choose to transform. In any case, they are looking for new coordinates that suit them, hoping to create more brilliance in the future market.

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