
Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

author:Love music bayberry

Text: Empty Mountain

Edited by Sorayama


Recently, a piece of news went viral in the circle of friends in Jiangsu, about a female leader from Peru who actually visited our Humble Administrator's Garden attraction in Jiangsu.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

Also by the tourists encountered, together with the garden to visit the garden, but also warmly greeted and waved to everyone, such a scene really made the tourists present feel quite shocked, did not expect that our Jiangsu scenic spot, can attract such international friends.

1. Wear a blue skirt to reduce your age

The female leader from Peru, named Dina, came to China this time to have a friendly exchange. In the past few days in China, Dina has maintained a very good image, whether in Shanghai or Jiangsu, she dresses very tastefully, giving people a sense of closeness and distance.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

Especially when visiting places of interest, she will also deliberately choose some distinctive national costumes, which really makes many Chinese tourists feel very cordial and more aware of the cultural heritage of her country.

When visiting the Humble Administrator's Garden, Dina chose a blue skirt to appear, the blue skirt is not only colorful, but also the overall design is very simple and generous, and there are some ethnic elements, matching her smile.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

The whole person looks very amiable, and it also has a unique charm, and the blue outfit also highlights her temperament very well, and can also modify the face shape well, making her look more energetic and younger, and also adds a lot of points to her image.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

During the tour of the garden, Dina also communicated with other tourists from time to time, and would greet everyone cordially and share the beautiful scenery she saw, which also made the other tourists present feel very surprised, and I also felt that it was a very lucky thing to meet such international friends.

2. Wave warmly

When the tourists took the initiative to take photos with Dina, Dina also waved hello to everyone very warmly, adding a touch of beautiful scenery to everyone's travel experience, and also making everyone feel the friendship and equality from different countries.

Although there is a language barrier between everyone, in this beautiful garden, everyone can communicate with the most sincere smile and the most enthusiastic body language, which also makes everyone feel a special emotional impact, so that everyone can more deeply understand the meaning of "friendship first, competition second".

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

When visiting the lotus pond, Dina was also secretly filmed by tourists, although it was only a distant shot, but it still couldn't hide the powerful aura she exuded, and it also made everyone more curious about her country and cultural heritage.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

Through such a video, more people also realized that the original Humble Administrator's Garden can attract such international friends, and also played a positive role in the promotion of our country's friendly exchanges, and I believe that with Dina's personal participation, the friendly exchanges between China and Peru will have a better future.

3. Show the image of the country

The fact that foreign friends like Dina can come to visit the places of interest in our country is also a great affirmation for us, and it is also a recognition of the mainland's characteristic culture.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

As a leader of a country, being able to personally participate in such exchange activities is also to promote the image of his country and nation, and set a very good example for everyone.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

I believe that through her personal experience and testimony, she will definitely have a deeper understanding and understanding of China, and will also play a more positive role in promoting friendly exchanges between China and Peru.

In the days to come, I also hope that more and more international friends can come to us and come to our lives like Dina, and only through personal experience and feelings can we have a comprehensive understanding and understanding, and only then can we truly open our hearts, accept friends from different countries, and join hands to jointly promote world peace and development.


It is indeed a very fortunate thing to be able to meet friends from all over the world in my hometown, and I hope that with the joint efforts of everyone, more and more people can go abroad and go to all corners of the world.

Peruvian female president You Humble Administrator's Garden was met by chance, wearing a blue skirt to reduce her age, and waving hello to tourists

With his own personal experience, he will contribute to the cause of friendly exchanges in the country, and also enable people from all over the world to work together to build a beautiful home through friendly exchanges.

I hope that Dina can have fun in her future trip to China, see the full Chinese style, and be able to have a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of China through this visit to China, and look forward to her next trip to China, to come to us again in Jiangsu, and once again with us, into more Jiangsu characteristic attractions, enjoy more beautiful scenery, and feel China's vastness and tolerance together.

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