
Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

author:Sirius 4V1I

Chess master Wang Tian was suspected of taking bribes, and the chess world was in turmoil again

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

1. The chess world is shaken! Wang Tianyi was investigated, suspected of shady?

On the chessboard, Wang Tianyi always plays amazing chess games, but outside the chessboard, he is suspected of being caught in a storm of bribery. According to the revelations of Li Weiao, a reporter from the Economic Observer, the "leader" of the Chinese chess world is being investigated by the police in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on suspicion of accepting bribes from non-state workers. This sudden news made the entire chess world boil!

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

2. Legendary chess player Wang Tianyi: Glory and controversy are together

Wang Tianyi, born in 1989, has shown outstanding chess talent since he was a child. He won several national championships and was promoted to Grandmaster in 2012. This Peking University student is not only outstanding in academics, but also unrivaled in the field of chess. Since 2014, he has won the first place in the country in the chess player rating for 11 consecutive years, becoming a veritable "leader".

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

3. The police intervened, and Wang Tiansheng was investigated on the same day

On the day of Wang Tianyi's 35th birthday, the economic investigation department of the Hangzhou police suddenly intervened in the investigation. According to a person familiar with the matter, this case is related to Liu Dahua's real-name report to Guo Liping, deputy director of the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports. Liu Dahua mentioned some undesirable forces in the Chinese chess world in his report, and Wang Tianyi, as a superstar in the chess world, naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

Fourth, Guo Liping responded: She has left her post and knows nothing about this matter

In the face of doubts and speculation from the outside world, Guo Liping said that she had left the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China and knew nothing about Wang Tianyi's investigation. Regarding the content of Liu Dahua's report, she said that it was inconvenient to respond directly and needed to wait for an official reply from the organization. This response undoubtedly adds more mystery to the whole affair.

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

5. The focus of controversy: Did Wang Tianyi cheat?

After the news of Wang Tianyi's investigation came out, there was a discussion within the chess world and the majority of chess fans. One of the topics that has attracted much attention is whether Wang Tianyi used some kind of technical means to cheat in the match. Although this claim has not been confirmed, veterans of the chess world and numerous enthusiasts are skeptical. In addition, the fact that Wang Tianyi pretended to be a farmer in 2012 and later apologized was also reopened, causing more controversy.

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

Sixth, the chess world is in turmoil again, can Wang Tianyi tide over the difficulties?

As a leading figure in the Chinese chess world, Wang Tianyi's fate affects the hearts of countless chess fans. Now, he is being investigated by the police on suspicion of taking bribes, which undoubtedly casts a shadow over his career. In this incident, we can't help but ask: Can Wang Tianyi survive this difficulty? Where does his future hold?

Chess superstar Wang Tianyi is suspected of taking bribes, and there is a shady curtain behind the glory?

The editor has something to say:

As a superstar in the Chinese chess world, Wang Tianyi's brilliant achievements and controversial topics have always attracted much attention. Now, he is being investigated by the police on suspicion of taking bribes, which has undoubtedly brought a huge shock to the entire chess world. In this case, we hope that the police will be able to find out the truth as soon as possible and give the public a clear answer. At the same time, we also hope that Wang Tianyi can bravely face the predicament and actively cooperate with the investigation. After all, no matter what the result is, he is one of the legends in the Chinese chess world and deserves our respect and attention.