
The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

author:Sirius 4V1I


In the contentious land of the Middle East, the conflict between Israel and Lebanon has reignited. The once tranquil Lebanese border is now shrouded in the smoke of war. Ignoring the international community's condemnation, Israel went so far as to attack Lebanon with white phosphorus bombs, which are banned by the United Nations. This act is reminiscent of the saying: "War is a continuation of politics, but the people are always innocent victims." "In the face of Israel's madness, we can't help but ask: Is the IDF really the most ethical army in the world?

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

In Lebanon, the night is full of fires, collapsed houses, and wailing. Israel's white phosphorus bombs have left indelible scars on the land. The weapon can spontaneously combusts in the air, causing severe burns, difficulty breathing, and even fatal. Its use is undoubtedly a flagrant violation of the rules of international war, and it is a brutal massacre of innocent civilians in Lebanon.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

The IDF claims to be the most ethical army in the world, yet it behaves contrary to that title. Not only have they destroyed houses and infrastructure in Lebanon, but they have also killed countless innocent civilians, including women and children. Their actions have drawn widespread condemnation from the international community, yet Israel has turned a deaf ear and continued their madness.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

Lebanese Allah, as an important political force in Lebanon, will naturally not sit idly by. They reacted quickly by firing 35 rockets in a counterattack against Israel. This counterattack has halted Israel's arrogance and given hope to the Lebanese people.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

However, the brutality of war is much more than that. As the fighting escalated, the IDF claimed that they had been hit by rockets from Lebanon, causing fires and power outages in many places. However, they did not mention whether there were any casualties, which raises doubts about whether they were deliberately hiding the truth.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

Israel's auditor general has also publicly stated that they are not ready to evacuate the population. This statement undoubtedly exposes Israel's sense of powerlessness in the face of war. They know the brutality of the war and the irreparable damage it will inflict on the Israeli people if it breaks out in full-scale. However, they still choose to continue to provoke Lebanon, which raises doubts about their true intentions.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

At the same time, the United States has played an inglorious role in this conflict. They dispatched the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Force into the Mediterranean Sea to provide military support to Israel. This act has undoubtedly increased tensions in the Middle East and cast doubt on the true intentions of the United States.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

However, the American approach has not been recognized by the people of the Middle East. On the contrary, their actions have further provoked the anger and hatred of the people of the Middle East. They know that the United States is supporting Israel and providing protection for Israel's aggression. Therefore, they carried out frequent strikes and retaliation against military bases in the United States and the Middle East.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

Faced with this situation, the United States is also in a dilemma. They know that if they continue to support Israel, they will face strong opposition and retaliation from the people of the Middle East; But if they give up supporting Israel, they are worried that Israel will lose the war and thus lose its position and influence in the Middle East. Therefore, they can only conduct limited military operations in the Middle East in order to protect their interests.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

However, this approach does not solve the underlying problem. Conflicts and strife in the Middle East have been going on for decades, and only peaceful negotiations and compromise can find a way to resolve them. Otherwise, the war will only bring untold suffering and suffering to the people.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

In this conflict in the Middle East, we have seen the cruelty and ruthlessness of war. We have also seen the powerlessness and helplessness of the international community. However, we have seen more of the importance and necessity of peace. It is only through peaceful means that the problem can be solved and that the people can live in peace.

The Lebanese-Israeli war began, it was fought very fiercely, and Israel attacked Lebanon with white phosphorus shells!

Therefore, we should call on governments to renounce war and violence and resolve differences and disputes through peaceful negotiations and compromise. At the same time, we should also call on the international community to pay more attention to and assist the Middle East region, so as to help the people of the Middle East shake off the shadow of war and move towards a peaceful and prosperous future.

Let us pray together that the Middle East will usher in the dawn of peace at an early date and that the people of the world can live a peaceful and happy life.

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