
The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

author:Lao Bai narrated 5r4t


Behind the glamorous entertainment industry, a Taiwanese actress Di Ying, her mother's love story is full of controversy and pain.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Di Ying, the dazzling actress on the screen, her maternal love is like a twisted vine, tightly entangled in the growth of her son Sun Anzuo. We can't help but ask, what kind of fragility and regret is hidden behind the mother's love behind this powerful queen?

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Di Ying: The shadow behind the powerful queen

Di Ying, an actress whose name is well-known in Taiwan's entertainment industry. Her childhood was not as good as people imagined, the death of her father and the bullying suffered by her mother made Di Ying learn to be strong and self-protective since she was a child. This experience made her form a stubborn and strong character, which also deeply affected the way she educated her children.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Di Ying has achieved great success in her acting career, and with her outstanding performances in works such as "Bao Qingtian", she has become a household name. However, as famous as her acting skills are, her strong style. Di Ying calls herself the "queen" in the entertainment industry, and her fiery temper and invincible attitude have earned her fame and established enemies. But behind this glamorous and glamorous, Di Ying's desire for family and children's education are full of hidden worries.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Di Ying and Sun Peng's marriage seems to be happy, but under this happy appearance, Di Ying's excessive worry and control over her son are hidden. She worries about any harm to her son and that he will not be able to grow up as he would like. This worry and anxiety made Di Ying's way of educating her son go to extremes.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Deformed maternal love: the shackles of Sun Anzuo's growth

Di Ying's love for her son can be said to be almost perverted. She treats her son as her own and exercises excessive control and interference in his life.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

From Sun Anzuo's food, clothing, housing and transportation to learning and making friends, Di Ying has made a detailed plan and asked her son to grow up according to her wishes. This almost perverted intimacy makes Sun Anzuo unable to breathe, as if he lives in the shadow of his mother, losing his ability to think independently and independently.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

What's even more shocking is that Di Ying even insisted on breastfeeding her son until he was 12 years old. This extreme intimacy undoubtedly brought a heavy shackle to Sun Anzuo's growth.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

He is unable to face life's challenges and difficulties on his own, nor can he build healthy social relationships. This kind of education not only made Sun Anzuo lose the opportunity to grow, but also made Di Ying herself fall into deep regret and pain.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Di Ying's mother's love story makes us sigh: Mother's love is like water, too much. Moderate maternal love can make children feel warm and safe, but excessive maternal love can become a shackle to children's growth. Di Ying's deformed maternal love not only made Sun Anzuo lose her ability to think independently and independently, but also plunged herself into endless pain and struggle.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

As parents, we should learn to let go and let our children grow on their own. We need to give our children enough love and support, but also respect their individuality and choices.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

Only in this way can children thrive in an environment of freedom, equality, and respect. Di Ying's story is a tragedy, but it is also a wake-up call. Let's take this as a warning and love children in the right way!

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come


Di Ying's story of maternal love allows us to see the complexity and multifaceted nature of maternal love. Excessive maternal love will not only make children lose their ability to think independently and independently, but also put their parents in pain and struggle.

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

As parents, we should learn to let go of our children's growth on their own, give them enough love and support, and respect their individuality and choices. Only in this way can we allow our children to thrive in a healthy and happy environment. Di Ying's story makes us think deeply: mother's love is like water, too much. Let's love children in the right way!

The second generation of stars ruined by deformed maternal love: 12 years of breast milk, 15 years of bedriding, and the absurdity is still to come

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