
"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

author:Jin Xin chatted

On June 28, as the dust of the Magnolia Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival settled, the ripples caused by the attribution of the award have not subsided for a long time.

"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

"Flowers" won five awards for its outstanding performance, becoming the biggest winner in the net.

However, under the glory, the fairness of the distribution of awards and the selection criteria can't help but make people think deeply, especially the re-coronation of Hu Ge and Zhou Xun, which made the Magnolia Award fall into the whirlpool of public opinion, and the official had to close the comment area, which can be seen.

"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Fairness Question 1: Is the distribution of awards overly skewed?

The harvest of "Flowers" is a testament to its extraordinary quality, but the high concentration of awards has raised widespread doubts from the outside world.

The value of art lies in diversity, and the balanced distribution of awards can better reflect the fairness and comprehensiveness of the awards.

Although "Flowers" is very popular, does such a concentrated honor mean that other excellent works are marginalized?

In particular, its strong regional color inevitably makes the outside world wonder whether the selection of awards has been affected by non-artistic factors.

"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Fairness Question 2: Why is the nomination criterion obsolete?

The nomination turmoil of "Wind Chaser", especially the nomination controversy between Wang Yibo and Wang Yang, exposed the ambiguity of the selection criteria.

Wang Yibo, as the core character in the play, also performed remarkably, but he was excluded from the nomination, which undoubtedly exacerbated the outside world's doubts about the fairness of the selection.

Do you follow the principles of art or avoid traffic risks? The silence of the organizers is reminiscent.

"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Fairness Question 3: Nomination and Awards, Who is the Real Protagonist?

Zhou Xun won the crown with "Imperfect Victim", however, Lin Yun's performance in the play is also eye-catching, and even in the eyes of some audiences, Lin Yun's role is the key to promoting the development of the plot.

Lin Yun's absence raises questions about the nomination criteria, whether artistic achievements and the importance of the role have been properly measured?

"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Overview of other issues in dispute:

  • Best Actor Controversy: Hu Ge's award, compared with Fan Wei's superb performance in "The Long Season", makes people question whether the judges focus too much on the actors' backgrounds and the origin of the series.
"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Stills from Fan Wei for the long season

  • Ren Suxi's regret: Ren Suxi's outstanding performance in "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" was not recognized, which is regrettable, but also questioned the selection criteria for the award.
"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Hometown, don't come unharmed, Ren Suxi stills

  • Dong Yong's absence: Dong Yong's wonderful interpretation of "Under the Busy City" failed to win Best Supporting Actor, as if he was a victim of the organizer's balancing interests, which makes people lament the purity of art and the complexity of the award.
"Flowers" won five awards alone, and the Magnolia Award was accused of having a strong regional color and questioning its impartiality

Under the bustling city, Dong Yong stills

The controversy of this year's Magnolia Award is not only a question of the ownership of several awards, but also a profound torture of the award mechanism and artistic fairness.

The prize should be an impartial reflection of artistic achievement, not the product of external factors.

In the future, if the Magnolia Awards is to maintain its authority and reputation, it must confront these controversies head-on, make the selection process transparent, and ensure that every honor is convincing.


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