
The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

The name Xi Mengyao must be familiar to everyone by now. This supermodel, who once shined on the international stage, became an important figure in the family because he gave birth to the eldest grandson of the gambling king family. This is not just a simple upgrade, but a huge leap in social status. Netizens even jokingly called her "Niu Co Lu Mengyao", which was a joke with a bit of envy and a bit of infinite reverie for her future life.

For Xi Mengyao, childbirth is not only a change in identity, but also a new opening of lifestyle. The eldest grandmother of the gambling king family, behind this title is the glory and wealth that countless people dream of. Judging from the photo of 1 Xi Mengyao holding the child, her face was filled with a happy smile, and the brilliance of maternal love made people moved. And He Youjun beside her, as a member of the gambling king family, is also full of pride and joy at the moment.

The eldest grandson of the gambling king family, the significance of this identity in the family is self-evident. mentioned in 2 that Xi Mengyao's birth is not only her personal matter, but also a major event in the gambling king family. The birth of this child may mean new hope and future for the family. And Xi Mengyao, as the mother of this child, naturally became an indispensable member of the family.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

In 3, netizens reacted enthusiastically to the news of Xi Mengyao's childbirth, some jokingly called it "getting married to a child", and some people were full of curiosity and expectation about her future. After all, the eldest grandmother of the gambling king family, this identity is not something that anyone can have. And Xi Mengyao didn't seem to disappoint everyone, she proved her worth and status in her own way.

Of course, becoming the eldest grandmother of the gambling king family also means that Xi Mengyao will face more attention and pressure. In 7, someone analyzed that Xi Mengyao's child may have an immeasurable impact on her. After all, the influence and resources of the gambling king family are unimaginable to ordinary people. And Xi Mengyao, as the mother of this child, will naturally be affected by these.

In general, Xi Mengyao's childbirth is not only a new starting point in her personal life, but also a sign of her social status. The arrival of this child will undoubtedly bring earth-shaking changes to Xi Mengyao's life. And she will also face the challenges and opportunities of the future with a more mature and stable attitude.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

He Guangshen, the eldest grandson of the gambling king family, has a halo of its own as soon as this name appears, and since he was born, he has become the focus of media and public attention. No, when He Guangshen was first exposed, the scene was really spectacular. On the day he was discharged from the hospital, although he was closely escorted by nannies and bodyguards, the media cameras still captured the face of the little one. Although it's just a glimpse, it's amazing enough.

The tall nose bridge of the little guy is obviously inherited from his father He Youjun. In the photo, the high bridge of the nose is clearly visible, even though the little one's face is tightly covered. This can't help but remind people of He Youjun's handsome face, it seems that when He Guangshen grows up, his appearance will definitely be good.

In addition to the high nose bridge, He Guangshen's round face is also super cute. In the photo, his little face is fleshy, and people can't help but want to pinch it when they see it. This kind of innocent cuteness really makes people's hearts melt. After seeing the photos, netizens left messages saying: "This little face is so cute, I really want to hug it!" "The appearance of the eldest grandson of the gambling king seems to be going against the sky!"

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

Although Ho's face was only a small part of the media capture, it was enough to cause a sensation. After all, as the eldest grandson of the gambling king family, his every move has attracted much attention. This time he was discharged from the hospital, although he was escorted by nannies and bodyguards, the media still tried their best to capture more information about him.

However, Ho's family apparently also takes his privacy very seriously. In the photo, we can see that both the nanny and the bodyguard are very careful to protect him, trying to avoid his face being photographed by the media. This kind of protective measure is undoubtedly out of care and protection for He Guangshen.

But then again, as a member of the gambling king family, He Guangshen's birth was destined for him to live in the spotlight. Every time he appears, he attracts a lot of attention from the media and the public. The first exposure of this discharge from the hospital is just a small beginning in his future life.

As Ho grows up, he will gradually show more of his personal qualities. Whether it is the high nose bridge inherited from his father or the cute round face, they are just some of his many qualities. We have reason to believe that He Guangshen will become a person with his own unique charm.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

For Xi Mengyao and He Youjun, He Guangshen's birth is undoubtedly a great joy in their lives. They are full of expectations and hopes for this child, and they will definitely give him the best education and love. We look forward to Ho Kwong Sun's healthy and happy growth in such a loving family.

He Guangshen's birth is like a bright new star, illuminating the sky of the gambling king family. This little guy, from the moment he was born, was destined to an extraordinary fate. When he was only 7 days old, He Guangshen showed his stronger physique than ordinary children, which surprised many people. The little guy's arms and calves are particularly powerful, as if to tell everyone that he is a descendant of the gambling king family, and he is naturally different.

He Guangshen's growth can be said to have been carried out rapidly in the eyes of the public. The family's attention and devotion to him is evident in his adequate nutrition and meticulous care. It is said that in order to ensure that Ho Guangshen can grow up healthily, the family specially hired a nutritionist and a nursing team to tailor a set of growth plans for him. Every day, the little one's diet is carefully matched, not only to ensure that the nutrition is complete, but also suitable for his digestion and absorption.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

Moreover, He Guangshen's growth environment is also very superior. His home is warmly furnished and comfortable, and every detail reveals the family's love for him. From the cot he sleeps on, to the toys he plays with, everything is carefully chosen. Such a growth environment undoubtedly provides good conditions for the healthy growth of Guangshen.

Of course, in the process of He Guangshen's growth, the company and teaching of the family elders are also indispensable. As the eldest grandson of the gambling king, he has had high hopes since he was a child, and the elders of the family have also devoted a lot of effort to him. They will often play with Ho Kwong-sun, teach him to understand the world, and cultivate his interests and abilities. Growing up in such a loving and caring environment, Ho Kwong Sun's future is undoubtedly bright.

As He Guangshen grows up day by day, his every move affects everyone's hearts. Whether it's his first attempt to stand up, every small improvement will make the family feel extremely relieved and proud. And the outside world's attention to He Guangshen has never decreased. Everyone is looking forward to what kind of character this eldest grandson of the gambling king family will grow into in the future.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

In general, Ho Guangshen's birth and growth show the family's extremely high expectations and importance for him. Under such superior conditions, Ho Guangshen's future is undoubtedly full of infinite possibilities. We have reason to believe that under the careful cultivation of the family, He Guangshen will become a person with his own unique charm and ability, and continue to write the glory of the gambling king family. 11

Xi Mengyao gave birth, this is not just ordinary news, it is simply a microcosm of the life of a wealthy family. It is said that her childbirth and hospitalization expenses in Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital totaled more than 1 million yuan, which was really jaw-dropping. Behind this number, we can not only get a glimpse of the strong financial resources of the gambling king family, but also feel the great importance they attach to this eldest grandson.

First of all, let's talk about the room rate. The cost of the ward alone exceeded 60,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is a luxury that ordinary people can hardly imagine. This price may be just a drop in the bucket for the gambling king family, but for us ordinary people, it is several years of salary. Moreover, this is only the room fee, other medical expenses, nursing expenses, nutritious meal costs, etc., each of which is sky-high.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

Xi Mengyao's childbirth process can be said to be a full range of services from the top team. From the professional team of doctors, to the senior doula to provide psychological support, to the nutritionist's tailor-made confinement meals, every link reveals professionalism and care. This kind of service is not only the care of Xi Mengyao, but also the care of the eldest grandson.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Xi Mengyao's hospitalization costs are so high, that is, she chose an extraperitoneal caesarean section. This type of surgery not only greatly reduces the pain, but also makes the recovery after surgery faster. Of course, the cost of this surgery is naturally expensive. But in order to ensure the health of Xi Mengyao and the baby, the gambling king family is obviously doing whatever it takes.

In this process, Xi Mengyao also showed her bravery and strength. In the face of such a high fee, she did not hesitate or retreat at all, but firmly chose the best way for herself and her baby. This kind of courage and determination deserves the learning and respect of each and every one of us.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

In general, Xi Mengyao's childbirth and hospitalization expenses, although high, also reflect the great importance that the gambling king family attaches to their eldest grandson. In this process, we see the luxury of wealthy life and the greatness of maternal love. No matter how much it costs, the happiness and health of Xi Mengyao and the baby are the most important. 2224252627282930

Ho Youjun, the son of gambling king Stanley Ho, not only has his own ambitions in the business world, but also has his own expectations and plans in family life. In an interview, he confessed that he hopes to have at least three children, which not only reflects his deep expectations for the family, but also reveals his careful planning for the future family blueprint.

The birth of the eldest grandson was undoubtedly a great joy for He Youjun, and his excitement was beyond words. On social media, he excitedly shared the good news, saying, "My dad will be 98 next month, and today I am finally happy to tell him that he has an eldest grandson!" ”31。 This joy not only brought happiness to He Youjun himself, but also immersed the entire family in joy.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

He Youjun's family concept reflects the importance he attaches to traditional family values. He has said that it doesn't matter to him whether the next child is a younger brother or a younger sister, which shows that he treats each family member as an equal and has a deep love. He wants a loving family where his children can grow up healthy and happy, and this is one of the motivations for his hard work.

In He Youjun's planning, family and children are an important part of his life. He hopes that through his own efforts, he will not only succeed in his career, but also play the role of a good husband and father in family life. His attitude of balancing career and family has won wide acclaim from the public.

He Youjun's expectations and plans for the family are also related to his growth background. As the son of a gambling king, he has lived in a big family since he was a child and knows the importance of family. He hopes that he can inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the family, and at the same time create a warm and harmonious family environment for his children.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

Overall, Ho's expectations and plans for his family reflect his sense of responsibility and love as a father and husband. He hopes that through his own efforts, the family will become the warmest haven for each member, and also make himself a role model and pride for the children. This expectation and planning for his family is undoubtedly an important part of his life journey, and it is also the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

The birth of He Guangshen, the eldest grandson of the gambling king, is undoubtedly a high-profile event. From the moment he fell to the ground, he was destined to be the focus of public attention. As a member of the gambling king family, He Guangshen not only carries the hopes of the family, but also has high hopes from the outside world.

The public's expectations of Ho are manifold. First of all, everyone hopes that he can grow up healthy and have a happy childhood. In this loving and caring environment, Ho Kwong Sun was carefully cared for by his family and enjoyed a carefree growth time. Whenever his photos are exposed by the media, that innocent smile can always infect everyone and make people feel his happiness and joy.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

In addition to being healthy and happy, the public also expects Ho Kwong-sun to receive a good education and become a responsible and responsible person. As a member of the gambling king family, he may need to take on the responsibility of the family in the future, so everyone hopes that he can have leadership and judgment and become a pillar of society.

In addition, the public's attention to Ho Kwong-sun is also reflected in the expectation of his personal qualities. In people's imagination, He Guangshen should be a gentle and well-bred child. It is hoped that he will be able to carry on the excellent traditions of the family, and at the same time be able to have his own personality and pursuits.

Of course, the public's expectations of Ho also include curiosity about his personal life. As the eldest grandson of the gambling king, his every move may become the focus of media attention. People are curious about his daily life, curious about his interests, curious about his growth story. This kind of attention is not only a personal expectation for him, but also a continuation of the legendary story of the gambling king family.

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days

However, despite the public's expectations and curiosity about Ho Kwong-sun, everyone hopes that he can live like an ordinary child and enjoy the innocence and happiness of childhood. In this loving family, Ho Guangshen was given high hopes, but at the same time, he was also given the space to grow freely. His family and society hope that he can find his own direction in life in love and respect, and become a person with love, dreams and pursuits.

In general, the public's expectations and attention to He Guangshen, the eldest grandson of the gambling king, are not only a blessing to him personally, but also an expectation for the future of the gambling king family. In this world of possibilities, Ho's story has just begun, and there is reason to believe that he will have an infinitely exciting future. 4142434546

The gambling king's eldest grandson is exposed for the first time! The side face and high nose bridge are very eye-catching, and it costs at least 1 million to live for 7 days