
I ran away the day before I got married, and he came to the door with red eyes and locked me on the couch with a gold chain

author:Little Sister Library

I rescued the handsome blind man home, but he tied me up and rubbed the powder.

He grinded in my ears with a hoarse voice: "I'll take it off for you every night, don't drive me away, little lady."

Lunon flowers are thin, thin sweat and light clothes.

Rouge powder grew on my cheeks, and I was pushed to the top of the mountain again and again.

But I ran away the day before I got married.

He came to the door with red eyes and locked me on the bed with a gold chain: "Little lady has someone else in her heart, so what am I!"

I whispered, "You two are side by side, huh...... Other...... You're the boss......

I ran away the day before I got married, and he came to the door with red eyes and locked me on the couch with a gold chain


"Qing Xiaoniang, your chimney is burning so vigorously today, what good things are made in the pot?"

I pursed my mouth and said helplessly: "I said it eighty times, don't call me little mother, I have already been divorced."

My name is Wan Muqing, born in the year of the great drought, and the people in Yangjia Village love to call me Qing Xiaoniang.

I turned out to be the son of a large family in Shengjing, and I was appreciated by the main family and given to the eldest son as an aunt.

It's a pity that Childe doesn't have me in his heart, and I don't love him.

deliberately made himself a little uncomfortable, and took the letter of resignation and flew away.

When my father was alive, he often bought fresh vegetables in Yangjia Village, and people in the village knew me when he came and went.

What I was called before, I still call it now.

It can't be corrected.

"Oh, look at my! Is that blind man in your house better?"

Two days ago, I went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots, but I didn't find the bamboo shoots, but I dug up a bare-chested man first.

The man was soaked, and his body was hotter than my boiling kettle.

I called Aunt Yang of the chief family's family for help, and it took a lot of effort to carry this man back to the house.

I've grown so big, I've only helped my son's feet wash my feet in the master's house, and I've never helped a man take a bath.

I was busy working for a long time, and my body was sticky and greasy, so I helped him wipe it clean, and he woke up.

Why don't you play me here for half a day?

I frustrated myself with the cloth towel on him: "Awake? When I woke up, I wiped it myself, and my arms were sore."

The cloth slid down on him, and he reached out and fumbled around, even though it was at hand.

I was surprised and stretched out my hand and shook it in front of his eyes, but there was no response.

He knew what I was doing, and he said hoarsely, "I can't see now."


I picked up the cloth again and handed it to him, squatting down on the side of the kang to look at him carefully.

Well, it's a handsome blind man!

The best-looking man I've ever seen in the past is the eldest son of the main family, but the son was born with a female appearance and a feminine energy.

This big brother was born tall but not weak, with square and tough facial features, and the sexy curves on his arms looked like he had done heavy work.

It's just this eye......

I cupped my cheeks and said earnestly, "I saved your life, otherwise you would have died of illness alone on the mountain."

"Thank you."

"People say that the grace of saving lives is promised by body, I don't need your body, can you tell me how you ran to the barren mountains and mountains blindly?"

The man paused, tilting his head slowly in my direction.

I saw that his arm was bruised, and I thought I was going to hit me, so I rolled on the spot and stayed away from him.

"Where is this?" The man suddenly asked me without a head.

I pursed my lips, and the white of my eyes was about to roll to the back of my head: "This is the Heavenly Palace of the Jade Emperor, you are dead, I will bring you back to report."

"Heh......" the man sneered, "I got an eye injury and rolled down from the top of the mountain."

He rubbed his body slowly, and my eyes lit up with his tight muscles.

It's a pity that he has a good face and is a blind man.


Aunt Yang came to me with a mention of stuffed meat, asking me to make up for the little blind man's body.

"It's always the injury that I can't see, maybe I'll recover after recuperation. You keep him at home, and he remembers your love as the days go by, maybe you can make a happy marriage! If I'm a few years younger and not married, I'll take him home and raise him myself, but you'll have picked up a ready-made treasure."

Listening to Aunt Yang's jokes, I couldn't be happy.

They all said that I picked up a big bargain, but they didn't know that I had picked up an ancestor and came back.

The guy was very picky, and he almost refused to eat when it was salty.

I was so angry that I wanted to put the pot on his head.

Whenever I was so angry that I was going to die, he could always make some tricks to trick me, screaming a good girl, and with that pretty face, it really made me angry.

I took the stuffed meat and returned Aunt Yang a jar of leek meat sauce: "In the past two days, there has been a lot of trouble at home, thanks to my aunt's help."

Aunt Yang grinned: "Where is this, if it weren't for your father who took care of us in the past and gradually saved some money, otherwise how could the people in our village have a good life today." Hurry back, I'll see the black smoke coming from your chimney, don't burn the pot dry."

I jerked my head and looked, really!

Sure enough, it is unreliable to let a blind man look at the pot.

I didn't care about the meat, so I hurriedly ran back.

"Qing Xiaoniang, take the things back together!" Aunt Yang caught up with me and stuffed the stuffed meat back into my hand.

Back in the courtyard, the man's face was rubbed with soot, and the black and white mottled was very funny.

The fire was extinguished, and the pot was not dry.

I pursed my lips and snickered, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe his face.

But he grabbed my wrist violently, and I was scared: "Big brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm not called Big Brother, I have a name, Gu Xiao."

I twitched my wrist and didn't move.

Gu Xiao asked, "She called you Qing Xiaoniang, are you married?"

Gu Xiao's eyes were wrapped with a circle of gauze, and the lower half of his face was very serious and cold.

The calluses on my fingertips tickled my wrists, and I let out a "hmm" and struggled again.

Gu Xiao let go of his hand and turned his back slightly, looking a little lost.

I hurriedly explained: "I got married, and I got the letter of divorce not long after, and the village didn't pay so much attention to it, so I shouted casually."

I'm afraid that my mouth will be slow, and my toad meat won't be fed to his mouth.

Sure enough, the corners of Gu Xiao's mouth raised slightly, and the tense atmosphere relaxed a lot: "You saved me, I can't rub your food in vain, I have to help you do some work after all."

I thought about it, it is not realistic to let a blind man chop wood and carry water.

When the time came, the reputation of mistreating patients spread, and I didn't have a face in ten miles and eight villages.

I said, "Then take off your clothes, and you will sing and dance to me while I work."


I quickly regretted my decision.

Gu Xiao was already shirtless, and only half of the fabric I cut from my old skirt was tied underneath.

The bright sun shone on him, his slightly wheat-colored skin was covered with sweat, and he danced his arms clumsily, and he was a little aggrieved.

Don't look at this guy's talent, let him dance...... It's not as good as the cockfighting cockfights in the east of the village pecking each other!

"If you want to jump, you're really jumping!" I hugged my head and wailed, hurrying to stop his stupid behavior.

"I won't ......" Gu Xiao froze in place like a child who had done something wrong, a little at a loss.

I never expected that looking at the five big and three rough masters, they were still fierce when they picked them up, why did they look like a submissive little daughter-in-law in front of me today.

I sighed: "Brother Gongzi, you can sit there honestly and rest, and then let you jump, the sisters in Ming'er Village will laugh at me for not being blind, but a big fool!"

Gu Xiao grinned and let out a sullen laugh.

I suspect he's a little paralyzed, and he laughs like Hades—weird.

This guy is very obedient, and after I finished speaking, he really found a place to sit quietly.

I was chopping wood in the courtyard, and he sat beside me like a kitten and didn't move.

I thought he was going west a few times, but I was really not at ease, so I wiped a handful on my body to probe his snort.

"Qingniang, are you worried about me?" He turned his head to look at me, as if he could see me through gauze.

Green Lady? It's so hot.

The roots of my ears were as red as a burning cloud: "Don't put gold on your face, I'm afraid that you will have to dig a pit when you die, and you will be tired to death!"

The corners of the man's mouth were not well controlled, and I saw the twitches that wanted to stop talking.

I was afraid that the words would be too serious, so I made up again: "In order to pull you down from the mountain, I owe a lot of favors, and you have to accompany me to repay the favors, and then it will be too late to die."

Gu Xiao was still silent.

I was a little panicked.

Normal people don't speak when they are angry, and they can always see some thoughts in their eyes.

But he's blind, and I can't guess what he's thinking except for his mouth to move.

After a while, he said, "I'm a burden, and I'm causing you trouble."

"No, you're ......" I choked up, not knowing how to answer him.

The men I met in the Lord's house were all commanding, and I hated to go up to heaven to look at people through my nostrils.

When I met a Gu Xiao today, it looks very terrifying, why are you talking about it?

What kind of charter is this, I haven't seen it!


I'll admit that I spoke a little more bluntly, but the man was too cautious.

One afternoon the cat was in the house, and when they saw me, they turned their backs.

Until the sun went down, I fetched a basin of hot water and brought it to him: "I sweat so much during the day, I wiped it clean before going to bed, and I don't sleep sticky."

Gu Xiao turned his back and half lay on the bed, and I don't know if he really slept or faked sleep.

My bed had to be washed on the left and right, and I rolled up my sleeves and wiped it off with a hot handkerchief on his back.

Gu Xiao sensed my approach, and keenly turned over to grab my wrist accurately.

I was stunned for a long time, this guy has opened his eyes? How can you catch it so accurately once or twice?

There was arm to arm between the two of us, and my face was about an inch or two from his chest.

"There is a difference between men and women, so I'll do it myself."

Gu Xiao groped up along my arm, grabbed my hand and ravaged it left and right for a long time before taking the Bupa.

I felt as bad as a fly at this moment, and my throat tightened.

Is there a difference between men and women, you touch my little hands?

Don't I want to lose face?

I was angry, pressed Gu Xiao with my backhand, and clasped his two hands tightly on the top of my head.

At this point, the posture is that I go up and he down.

I pondered his awkward behavior today, and asked me the first question: "Are you in love with my mother?" How did you twist and twist?"

Gu Xiao didn't seem to have seen such a straightforward and rough woman as me, and the crimson blood covered from the chest to the root of the ear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I can't see, I'm acting recklessly, Qing Niang shouldn't care about me, a blind person, right?"

When it comes to this, I really seem to be cautious when I hold on to it.

Annoyed, I pushed him away and pushed the basin to his side: "You are a patient, I care about what kind of door I have with you, quickly wipe it clean and rest!"

There was only one bed in the house, and I let him sleep with it, and I couldn't sleep on the floor by myself.

The money in hand is still rich, and it is not difficult for multiple people to support him, but it is rare that he is a man!

I don't know who he is, and if he is chased by the enemy, won't he be burdened by himself?

Second, he lives with me, and he has no name or point, so he will inevitably be poked in the back.

Why don't you send him to the government?


I saved the idea of taking him to the government to find his family, so I got up early in the morning and set up a donkey cart with the lame king, and made a few baked cakes as dry food.

I returned to the house and found that Gu Xiao had already gotten up.

He was still dangling naked in front of me, naked and leading people to sin!

I whispered softly, "I don't have any clothes for men here, and it will be cold in a while, so can I take you out into the street today to make you a set of clothes?"

Gu Xiao was not suspicious, nodded obediently and let me pull him into the donkey cart.

He reached out and touched the hay on the board, slightly dazed.

"It's ......"

"Donkey cart."


I knew that he must have come from a large family, and had never ridden such a sloppy cart, so I patiently explained, "Horses are expensive, and they cannot be raised by the farmers in the village. The ox cart is steady, but it will remain in the field to plough the field, and you will be satisfied."

The donkey shouted twice at me, Gu Xiao barely adapted, and groped his way to sit on it.

Yangjia Village is the boundary of the suburbs of Shengjing, and if you want to go to the government, you must enter the city.

I was afraid that my acquaintances would recognize me, so I put on a hat and veil in advance, and sat in front of the car and slowly spurred the little donkey.

Gu Xiao didn't wear clothes, and when he entered the city, he attracted frequent sideways glances from passers-by - I wore a hat because I was afraid that I would be embarrassed.

"Shopkeeper, pick him two clothes of coarse cloth."

Gu Xiao held the clothes and groped in the palm of his hand for a long time, and the flashing disgust was in my eyes.

I whispered in his ear and threatened, "At home, you don't have to pick and choose, you can wear it if you can, and if you can't wear it, let others see the joke."

He was dressed quite neatly.

Jokes, I'm also a servant from a big family, and I'm too good at the mentality of a son!

Gu Xiao was born upright, and the coarse cloth worn by civilians could also wear seven points of luxury on him.

I admired my masterpiece with satisfaction, and now I will not be ashamed to take him to the government.

I parked the donkey cart at the entrance of the alley and helped Gu Xiao to walk forward.

Walking to the stone lion, Gu Xiao raised his hand and touched it, and suddenly he stood still and didn't leave, no matter how I dragged him, he didn't move.

"Where are you taking me?" Gu Xiao's face was cold, and his tone was tough.

I thought to myself that he was afraid that he was not a real fugitive, and he would not go because he sensed my intentions.

When the words came to his mouth, he turned around euphemistically: "Take you to the government to find your family!"

"You're going to take me to the government? You don't want me anymore!"

"I ......," I said, angry and amused.

How does this sound like a little daughter-in-law who is about to be divorced, I am a little Langjun with a weak heart.

He refused to go, and I couldn't help it.

The tugging between the two of us quickly attracted the attention of the government soldiers: "What are you doing over there!"

The soldiers came over with knives, but I was still a little weak-hearted.

Just as I was thinking about how to quibble so as not to arouse their suspicion, Gu Xiao blocked me behind me: "I'm sorry to disturb the two adults, the little lady is pregnant, and she vomits and feels uncomfortable to stop here for a while, my lords forgive me."

Strange to say, after whispering a few words, the soldiers of the two provinces made a move and turned to leave.

It's a pity that Gu Xiao was born tall and blocked me to death, and I couldn't see anything real.

I gritted my teeth and pinched him: "What lady, what is pregnant, what nonsense are you talking about!"

, although I have been married, but I am still a big girl with yellow flowers, how can I ruin my reputation like this!


The operation to send Gu Xiao to the government temporarily ended in failure.

Gu Xiao was aggrieved and refused to talk to me all the way.

I felt the back of the cart tremble, and when I looked back, he was crying!

Oh my God, what kind of delicate macho man did you send me!

If you know, I went to the government to help find my family, and if you don't know, I thought I was selling men on the street.

I took out the handkerchief in a panic and tried to take off the gauze for him to wipe his tears.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

I flipped onto the cart and lay on my back on Gu Xiao's lap, my hands still raised to wipe his tears.

He hooked my neck and pressed it against my face: "Qingniang, there is no one else around me, is it okay to leave me."

"How ...... you?"

I'm a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person, and he has already spoken first, and I can't say anything ruthless.

But the posture of the two of us is too ambiguous......

"Young lady! What are you two doing?" Aunt Yang's voice ran from the east to the west of the village, causing the villagers in the crops to look back frequently.

I was so ashamed that I threw my head into Gu Xiao's arms and scolded my mother in a muffled voice: "Look at the good things you have done!"

Gu Xiao stopped crying for a long time, and smiled at Aunt Yang with a mouthful of white teeth: "Qing'er took me to the street to buy clothes!"

Well, the more you draw it, the darker it gets.

Aunt Yang's loud voice is eager for the whole village to hear: "Hey, what are you shy! What a good marriage Lang has a concubine intend to! Auntie, I have long seen that this little brother is good-looking, and he is very compatible with you! When is the wedding going to be? Auntie, I'll set you the table!"

"Auntie, we didn't ......."

"You two didn't know what day it would be, did you? According to me, three days later, the zodiac is auspicious! It is advisable to marry and incense! That's it!" Aunt Yang enthusiastically dragged me down, and then helped Gu Xiao to get off the board carefully.

The little donkey walked happily towards the lame king's house.

I didn't report it to the official on the street, and I hugged a groom official back, what is the matter!


In fact, since I left the door of the Lord's house, I have never thought of getting married.

It's not that I'm hurt by love as the Jianghu dialect book says, but I feel that it is difficult to meet a good match for a lifetime.

My previous monarch's surname was Chu, and he was a smash hit Tanhualang in the previous dynasty, and he was the person the princesses wanted to marry when they broke their heads.

The lord was afraid that he would climb too high and fall too badly, so he finally lifted a bride from his hometown who was neither high nor low.

What if you have a wife, you have to pay a price for being popular. The Son of Heaven wanted these courtiers to contain each other, and he always had to stuff some ears and eyes into the backyard.

The life of being the mother of the house is trembling, and she may become a cousin wife one day.

Not to mention the chickens and dogs in the old master's house, my own biological father and mother are not happy with each other.

My father is in charge of the outer courtyard of the lord's house, and in order to win over the power, the housemother wants to give my father a daughter-in-law with the maid who came to marry.

My mother originally had a good match, just waiting for someone to be admitted to the fame to manage the housewife and ask someone to propose.

By mistake, the good relationship changed his mind, and my mother was also pointed out to my father.

After the two got married, they could only say that they respected each other like guests and ran the family wholeheartedly.

So much so that the lady asked me to go to the eldest prince by name, and the two of them did not have any objections.

I know what they think: a daughter, even if she doesn't marry outside, will be betrothed to other subordinates in the future. It is better to make a room for the son, and in the future, he will be raised to an aunt, and he will have a man and a half girl, and he will have a firm foothold in Shengjing in the future, and he will have a dependence.

It's a pity that what kind of person the eldest prince is, I have seen through it since I was a child.

He is conceited and beautiful, and often goes in and out of the poetry club of the restaurant. Writing a beautiful poem will make the girls blush and heartbeat.

He loves talented and noble women, and he can't look down on me, who has a rough personality who doesn't understand literature and ink.

He even thinks that if I clean in his room, I will stain the classic paintings that he regards as treasures.

The young servants in the family are envious that I can be an aunt to the eldest son who is outstanding, and I feel that it is better to be a real subordinate.

How do they know that it is superfluous for me to be accused of being scolded and seduced by Childe's fox on the one hand, and to be disgusted by Childe on the other hand.

Fortunately, the lord still has a conscience, thinking of the kindness of my father and mother who resisted with two lives, wrote a letter of resignation to me, returned my status wedge, and let me leave Beijing.

The frost wind will change the red leaves overnight, and replace the green trees in the river.

At that time, I thought, I should not be a green leaf by my husband's side, even if I don't marry in my life, I must be the most gorgeous red maple.

The rest of my life, only for myself.


I was soaking in the barrel, and my mind was so muddy that I didn't even notice when the water was cold.

I reached for my clothes, but I found that I didn't bring new clothes with me when I changed them.

I can't walk out naked, can I?

Through the two screens, I saw a figure next to the candlelight, not moving, probably asleep.

"Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao?" I whispered his name, but there was no answer.

My plan to ask him to help me put my clothes next to me was thwarted.

I comforted myself in my heart: Gu Xiao is a blind man and should not be in the way.

The new clothes were in the cupboard next to the bed, and I had to pass by him.

I crept out of the barrel, barely able to cover it with a scarf, before tiptoeing out.

When I passed by Gu Xiao's side, he still maintained the posture of supporting his head, and his voice was faint.

I relaxed and strode towards the cabinet.


A wooden box fell out of the cabinet and landed on the ground with a crisp and loud sound.

I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly turned around to see Gu Xiao's reaction.

Fortunately, it didn't wake him up.

I grabbed my new clothes and hurried back behind the screen.

I didn't notice that the man's blush was comparable to applying rouge.

I came out after changing my clothes, but Gu Xiao still maintained a settled posture.

I crouched down on his knees and looked at him for a long time.

If he is an ordinary person, we will live an ordinary life behind closed doors, and it is not impossible to live a successful life in this small village for the rest of our lives.

But my experience and intuition tell me that he is not an ordinary person, and that his injuries and deaths are no accident, and that the ambiguous words he said are just to stabilize me and give him enough time to rest.

"Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao, when will you be honest with me, I don't want to live a day of worry."

Reason tells me that his golden scales are not in the pool, but selfishly shouting that it would be best if he was truly willing to stay.

I was so upset that I put on a single coat for him, pinched the candle flame, and went out alone.

The moonlight in front of the court was like snow, and the black hole in the room behind me was chilling, like a tiger hiding in the darkness, ready to devour me at any time.

Is this marriage a success?


Wang Xiaoliu, the youngest son of Wang's lame family, heard that I was going to get married, and he was as anxious as a fire, and ran to my house early in the morning with a bouquet of radish flowers.

"Sister, how can you choose him and abandon me? You know that I have admired you for many years!"

Wang Xiaoliu is five years younger than me, and after I came to the village, he followed my ass all day long, my sister was older and my sister was shorter.

I really only want him to be his brother, but he wants me to be his daughter-in-law?

I pushed the radish back into his hand: "You are still young, where do you know how to love and love, when you grow up and meet a girl who treats you sincerely, when you say these words again, your state of mind will be different from today!"

Wang Xiaoliu looked at the tanned face, full of stubbornness: "I understand! I'm only fifteen years old now, and my sister thinks I'm too young to tell me if what I say is not true, and if my sister waits for me for a few more years, I must fight for fame and come back to let my sister be my daughter-in-law!"

Wang Xiaoliu was an ambitious child, he was admitted to Tongsheng at the age of ten, and Xiucai at the age of twelve, and he was the most promising child in the village.

If I can be the driving force for him to be promoted, it will not be a disappointment to the care of the villagers.

I gritted my teeth, pondering what to say back, Gu Xiao suddenly walked out and took me behind me: "Wang Xiucai is a young man with high spirits, which is rare and valuable. But I think you should do it for yourself and for the sake of the glorious lintel, so as not to disgrace the hardships you have endured for many years of studying."

Hey, this man's brain is better than mine!

Wang Xiaoliu didn't taste Gu Xiao's words for a while, and held his head high in the face of Chaoyang: "Brother Gu, don't worry, sooner or later I will look taller than you and be better than you, and when the time comes, we will compete in front of my sister, and we will definitely not lose you!"

Wang Xiaoliu still insisted on giving me the radish flowers, and Gu Xiao accepted them for me.

Gu Xiao accurately placed the radish on the stone table, no longer stumbling when walking a few days ago, and had to grope forward by hand.

I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "You—Can you see it?"


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