
It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

author:Only the wind watched the ball
It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

On the variety show "Ding Lu Throat Choking", Shang Wenjie sparked a fierce controversy because she sang in French, and was accused of "admiring foreign countries". This show was supposed to be a stage to promote traditional culture, but Shang Wenjie chose to express music in Western languages, and immediately became the target of public criticism.

Li Guyi, as a titan in the music industry, expressed strong dissatisfaction and incomprehension with Shang Wenjie's singing in French in the program "Ding Lu Throat Choking". He believes that in programs that focus on traditional culture, we should insist on using Chinese to sing songs, which is not only a respect for Chinese culture, but also a responsibility for the theme of the program. Li Guyi is well aware of the power of music and believes that through the singing of Chinese songs, the essence and profound connotation of Chinese culture can be better conveyed, so that the world can better understand and respect Chinese musical traditions.

Shang Wenjie takes a diametrically opposed view, insisting that singing in French is a more effective way to promote Chinese music culture to the international stage. Shang Wenjie has a solid academic foundation and rich artistic experience in French, and has received many honors in art and literature in France, such as the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French cultural circles. She believes that by singing in French, she can attract the attention of more international audiences, making it easier for them to understand and accept the beauty and uniqueness of Chinese music.

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

For Li Guyi, his dissatisfaction is not only because of Shang Wenjie's choice of singing language, but also because of his deep love for traditional Chinese culture and his insistence on musical expression. He believes that in the context of globalization, it is very important to maintain and promote the cultural characteristics of one's own nation, and music, as an important form of cultural expression, should be based on Chinese and Chinese dialects to inherit and carry forward the unique charm of Chinese music.

Shang Wenjie's choice is not unreasonable. Her French singing is not only a personal artistic creation concept, but also an exploration and contribution to the international development of music. In her opinion, singing in French not only breaks down language barriers, but also promotes communication and understanding between different cultures around the world. She hopes that through her musical expression, more international audiences can feel the charm of Chinese music, so as to achieve the deep purpose of cultural exchange.

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

Shang Wenjie is not just a singer, she has a strong academic background and multifaceted artistic activities in the field of French. She studied French at Fudan University, not only for the sake of language mastery, but also to gain an in-depth understanding of and integrate into the French cultural and artistic scene. This cross-cultural learning and experience has allowed her to communicate with the international community more freely, and at the same time, it has also provided her with a broad vision and profound cultural heritage for her artistic creation.

In the French cultural circle, Shang Wenjie is not just an ordinary singer, she was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government, which is not only a recognition of her musical achievements, but also an affirmation of her years of deep cultivation in the field of French culture. As a mainland singer, Shang Wenjie became the first person to receive this award, which attracted widespread attention and praise. Her achievements are not only a personal glory, but also an important expression of Chinese music culture on the international stage.

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

Shang Wenjie's French proficiency is extremely high, not only limited to her performance on the singing stage, she is competent for simultaneous interpretation work, building a bridge of communication for Sino-French cultural exchanges. She is actively involved in various French cultural events and is loved and respected by French audiences. Her concerts often attract large numbers of French audiences, who admire her not only for her musical talent, but also for her understanding and respect for French culture.

On the Internet, netizens have mixed opinions about Shang Wenjie's French singing and her activities in France. Some netizens believe that Shang Wenjie's ability to gain such high recognition in the French cultural circle is not only the result of her personal efforts, but also the embodiment of the soft power of Chinese culture, and her performance in cross-cultural communication is exemplary. A netizen commented: "Shang Wenjie is not just a singer, she has proved the importance and influence of Chinese culture in the international arena with her actions. ”

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

Although she has long been questioned that "there is no masterpiece", Shang Wenjie has gradually changed the public's perception of her with her musical composition and performance talents. She has performed well in several music programs, especially winning the championship again in "Riding the Wind and Waves 2024", proving her musical strength and creativity with her strength.

Let's take a look at Sa Dingding's character evaluation in "Riding the Wind and Waves 2024".

Sa Dingding is a musician who combines creation and performance, and has emerged on the world music scene with his unique ethnic performances. Her music is inspired by in-depth research and personal experience of the ancient culture of the nation. According to the evaluation of "Jiangnan Metropolis Daily", Sa Dingding not only has an enviable unique voice and high recognition, but also creates the image of a "mysterious oriental woman" with her singing songs in Sanskrit, Tibetan and other languages, combined with strong ethnic clothing.

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

On the Internet, there are various comments and opinions on Sa Dingding's music style and performance style. Some netizens were deeply impressed by her music, believing that she created a unique musical style by blending the rhythm of Western electronic music with the original ethnic music of the East. One netizen commented: "Sa Dingding's music is like a wonderful journey through time and space, she perfectly combines ancient oriental folk instruments with modern electronic music, making people feel like they are in a mysterious and modern music world." ”

There are also some netizens who have reservations about Sa Dingding's music style, thinking that her music is too biased towards cross-border integration and may not be pure and traditional enough. One netizen said: "Sa Dingding's music is indeed new and unique, but sometimes I prefer to hear more pure ethnic music than a version that has been processed electronically by modern times." ”

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

Sa Dingding's innovative and exploratory spirit has made her unique on the international music scene. She has not only made achievements in performing arts, but also made breakthroughs in music creation, bringing more exploration and understanding of oriental culture to the world. In a cross-over way, she skillfully integrates oriental folk instruments with modern electronic synthesizers to form a unique and charming "Sa Dingding music", which has become one of the important representatives of the intersection of contemporary folk music and electronic music.

Shang Wenjie is not only a singer, she is a bridge between music and culture. Her story teaches us that by persevering in the pursuit of goals and being brave in innovation, we can continue to progress on the path of art and move towards a better future.

It turns out! Shang Wenjie, who was once said by Li Guyi to "worship foreign flattery"! Have embarked on another avenue

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