
The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79
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The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1984, an elegant figure slowly walked to the center of the stage. When the melody of "Unforgettable Tonight" sounded, Li Guyi's ethereal and tactful singing voice instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country.

Since then, this song has become the finale of the Spring Festival Gala, and it has been sung continuously for nearly 40 years, witnessing the reunion moments of countless Chinese families.

However, what few people know is that behind this shining stage, what ups and downs has Li Guyi's life experienced? Why did her marriage to her mentor come to an end? How did you get in touch with fans and enter your second marriage? How does Li Guyi weigh the brilliant achievements of his artistic career with the regrets of his family life? These stories constitute an embarrassing symphony of life.

Li Guyi's artistic journey began in Kunming, Yunnan Province, where she was born. However, the place where her artistic dreams were truly nurtured was Changsha, Hunan Province, where young Li Gu once lived a childhood full of music and dance.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

From an early age, she showed an infinite love for the stage, as if she was born to stand in the spotlight.

With his dedication to art, Li Guyi devoted himself to the dance career. She studied hard, soaked her dancing shoes with sweat, and sharpened her skills with persistence. The effort soon paid off, and she successfully joined the Flower Drum Theater and began her stage career.

On the stage, Li Guyi exudes a unique charm, as if his whole body is telling his love for art.

Li Guyi's talent is not limited to stage performance. In the movie "Mending the Pot", she completed the interpretation of the protagonist brilliantly, showing a variety of artistic talents.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

However, for Li Guyi, these achievements are far from enough. She has set her sights on the wider field of music and is eager to make a breakthrough in her singing career.

The twist of fate occurred when Li Guyi was 23 years old. She was fortunate to be under the tutelage of the famous music educator Jin Tielin. Although Jin Tielin is only 27 years old, his musical talent is already widely recognized.

Under the careful guidance of Jin Tielin, Li Gu was eager to absorb musical knowledge, and her singing voice became more and more proficient, and her vocal range continued to expand.

After unremitting efforts, Li Guyi was successfully admitted to the Central Orchestra in 1974. It was a hard-won achievement, and she had experienced two defeats, but she never gave up on her dream.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

When standing on the stage of the Central Orchestra, Li Guyi felt that his artistic career had finally ushered in a new starting point.

From Yunnan to Changsha and then to Beijing, Li Guyi's artistic path has been full of ups and downs, but she has always maintained her love and dedication to music. Every time she takes the stage, she puts her heart and soul into the song.

This dedication and passion for art became the cornerstone of Li Gu's brilliant achievements in the music industry one day later.

Li Guyi's love life is as ups and downs as her singing, full of drama. Her first marriage began with an encounter with her mentor Jin Tielin. Li Guyi, who was 23 years old at the time, became the proud protégé of 27-year-old Jin Tielin.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

In getting along day and night, the relationship between teachers and students gradually sprouted love, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, the reality is always more complex than the ideal. Both are fully committed to their respective careers, and the time they spend together is getting less and less. The sweetness of the past is gradually replaced by the trivialities of life, and quarrels and misunderstandings also increase.

It is even more regrettable that they have not been able to conceive the crystallization of love for many years. Although the hospital examination showed that both parties were healthy, this fact still stuck like a thorn in the hearts of both people.

In the end, in order not to owe each other any more, they chose to break up peacefully. When Li Guyi saw Jin Tielin and Ma Qiuhua, who was 18 years younger than him, tie the knot and soon have a child, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

She forced a smile and blessed her former love, but the loss in her heart came like a tide.

Fate always likes to joke. When Li Guyi thought that no one would ever enter his heart again, a loyal fan named Xiao Zhuoneng appeared. Xiao Zhuoneng is not only the vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the head of the China National Offshore Oil Company, but also an avid music lover.

Xiao Zoneng's admiration for Li Guyi is as warm as the flowers he sends every time. No matter how busy he is at work, he can always be there at Li Guyi's concert and listen attentively to her every note.

His eyes were full of admiration and love for Li Guyi, and this sincerity touched Li Guyi, who had experienced a failed marriage.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

At Xiao Zhuoneng's insistence, Li Guyi once again stepped into the palace of marriage. This time, she reaped a mature and deep love. Soon after, they ushered in the crystallization of love - a lovely daughter named Xiao Yi.

The name expresses the value of the two in this relationship.

However, Li Guyi's career is on the rise, and she has to make a difficult choice between family and career. The busy performance schedule made it difficult for her to devote herself to family life, which also laid the groundwork for future regrets.

The two marriages and completely different experiences have left a deep imprint on Li Guyi's life. From the passionate love when he was young to the acquaintance and sympathy after maturity, Li Guyi's love story is like a love song that transcends time and space, and it is tactful.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

These experiences have not only enriched her life experience, but also provided a rich source of emotion for her artistic creation.

In the trade-off between career and family, Li Guyi paid a huge price. But her story also shows us that even in the face of difficult choices, love can still bloom beautifully.

In 1980, Li Guyi released a song destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Chinese pop music - "Hometown Love". The song was novel in style and unique in singing techniques, which was very different from the folk and classical music that was prevalent at the time.

It is like a fresh spring breeze that blows into the pop music scene in China, bringing an unprecedented listening experience to listeners.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

However, this new wind caused an uproar in the social environment at that time. In the early days of reform and opening up, people's ideas and concepts were not yet fully opened, and many people could not immediately accept this novel music style.

Some conservatives even labeled it an "obscene song" and harshly criticized Mr. Li.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, Li Guyi was tormented in his heart. She couldn't understand why the work she had put all her heart and soul into was treated like this.

However, she did not back down because of this, but became more determined in her musical philosophy.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

Although "Hometown Love" was labeled as a "forbidden song", it is still widely circulated among the people. More and more people are beginning to enjoy this song and feel the deep emotions contained in it.

Li Guyi's singing, like a ray of sunshine, penetrates people's hearts and evokes their longing for their hometown and relatives.

In 1983, CCTV held the first Spring Festival Gala. When Li Guyi stood on the stage, the audience's enthusiasm was high, and six songs including "Hometown Love" were played.

Although the program team was embarrassed for a while, they finally respected the audience's choice.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

When the melody of "Hometown Love" sounded, the whole studio fell into intoxication. Li Guyi's singing voice is like a warm current, soothing the heart of every homesick wanderer. At this moment, all the controversy vanished, leaving only the charm of music.

The "Hometown Love" incident is not only a breakthrough for Li Gu alone, but also an important milestone in the development of Chinese pop music. It broke the shackles of traditional music and opened the way for the diversified development of Chinese pop music.

As a result, Li Guyi has become an indispensable pioneer in the history of Chinese pop music.

As his career flourished, Li Guyi was faced with a difficult choice: how to balance career and family. She loves her daughter Xiao Yi deeply, but because of her busy performance schedule, it is difficult to stay by her daughter's side.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

This contradiction has become an eternal pain in her heart.

Once, Xiao Yi was sick and hospitalized, but Li Guyi could only rush to the performance site after a quick visit. Seeing his daughter lying lonely on the hospital bed, Li Guyi's heart was like a knife.

How she wanted to stay with her daughter, but there were still tens of millions of spectators waiting for her on stage. The torn sensation tormented her.

Fortunately, her husband Xiao Zhuo can become the glue of the family. He constantly explained to his daughter the nature of his mother's work and helped her understand Li Guyi's situation. Under the mediation of Xiao Zhuoneng, the relationship between mother and daughter was maintained.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

However, the guilt in Li Guyi's heart is increasing day by day. Every time she saw her daughter's expectant eyes, she felt a pang of heartache.

Li Gu initially questioned whether he was a competent mother and whether he should give more for the family. She wanted to juggle her career and family, but found it an almost impossible task.

This inner struggle has become the biggest problem in her life.

In 2020, a bad news came, Xiao Zhuoneng passed away due to illness. Having lost the most important pillar, Li Guyi fell into deep self-blame. She regretted not spending more time with her husband before his death and not giving more love to her family.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

Despite this, she still insisted on appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala that year, expressing her longing for her relatives with singing.

This experience made Li Guyi deeply realize the importance of family. She began to reflect on her life choices and tried to find a balance between her career and family.

However, life often does not have perfect answers, and she can only move forward in regret and use her own experience to warn future generations.

Today, 79-year-old Li Guyi stands at the crossroads of his life, looking back on the past, his heart is full of complex emotions. Her artistic career is brilliant, and the melody of "Unforgettable Tonight" still reverberates on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, witnessing the reunion moments of countless Chinese families.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

This achievement made her proud and convinced that her pursuit of art was worth it.

However, when thinking of his lack in family life, Li Guyi couldn't help but feel sad. She knew deep down that she owed too much. She owes her two husbands the companionship they deserve, and she owes her daughter the love of her mother when she was growing up.

These regrets have become an eternal pain in her heart.

Despite this, Li Guyi does not regret his persistent pursuit of art. She believes that it is this dedication that allows her singing to touch so many people. She hopes that her own experience can be used as a reference for those who come after her, so that more artists can find a balance between career and family.

The guilty Li Guyi: married to a teacher for the first time, married a fan for the second time, and his two husbands have died at the age of 79

With the thought of his deceased relatives and the guilt of his daughter, Li Guyi still stood strong on the stage. She knew that as long as there was an audience that needed her singing, she would keep singing.

Because in her view, this is not only a career, but also a mission. Li Guyi's story, just like her singing, is full of love for life and dedication to art, but also full of guilt and regret for her family.

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