
How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

author:Brother Deyiqiang

The Mayan civilization in the eyes of Brother Qiang: glory and inheritance

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Qiang, an oral blogger who is keen to explore the mysteries of human civilization. Today, I would like to take you into a once glorious ancient civilization - the Mayan civilization. With its unique architectural, artistic, and technological achievements, this civilization has left a strong mark on the long history of mankind. Today, Brother Qiang is here to talk to you about my views on the Mayan civilization, as well as the wisdom and enlightenment that this civilization has brought us.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

First, let's talk about the building techniques of the Mayan civilization. When it comes to the Mayan civilization, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the towering pyramids. Indeed, the Mayan pyramids are an outstanding example of the building techniques of the Mayan civilization. Not only are they unique in design, but they are also scientifically constructed and full of mystery. Qiang Ge believes that the equilateral triangular design of the Mayan pyramid is not only for aesthetics, but more importantly, to enhance the stability and resistance of the building. This design allows the pyramid to be evenly distributed in different directions, thus ensuring the safety and stability of the building. In addition, the Mayans mastered a technique called "curved stone", which allowed for the creation of seamless arches that made the building more durable and durable. This technique was not found in other parts of the world at the time, showing the Maya's leadership in the field of architecture.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

Next, let's take a look at the Mayan civilization's achievements in astronomy. The Maya established a system of accurate astronomical observations, capable of predicting astronomical phenomena such as solar and lunar eclipses, and developed a complex calendar system. These achievements not only demonstrated the Maya's deep understanding of the laws of the universe, but also their superb mathematical and calculating skills. Qiang Ge learned that the Maya developed a calendar system that included the Venus Cycle, the Long Calendar, and the Hab Calendar, which were far more accurate than those used by other civilizations at the time. For example, the Mayan Venus Periodic Calendar was accurate to the point that Venus returned to the same position in the sky every 584 days, an accuracy that surprised modern astronomers. In addition, the Maya also predicted the harvest of crops and the arrival of the rainy season by observing astronomical phenomena, which had a profound impact on their agricultural production and lifestyle.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

When it comes to mathematics, the Maya have also shown remarkable achievement. They grasp the concept of zero and are able to do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. This achievement may seem simple, but it was rare in the world at the time. It is important to know that the concept of zero was not widely accepted and used in Europe until the end of the Middle Ages. In addition, the Mayans invented the "occimal" counting system, which was very similar to the decimal counting system we use today, except that the base was different. The use of this counting system made it easier and faster for the Mayans to perform complex mathematical calculations. What's more, the Mayans also studied advanced mathematical concepts such as pi and trigonometry. These concepts still hold an important place in modern mathematics, but they were very advanced at the time. Brother Qiang believes that these achievements of the Mayans in the field of mathematics not only demonstrate their wisdom, but also provide valuable reference and inspiration for the development of modern mathematics.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

Of course, the artistic achievements of the Mayan civilization cannot be ignored. Their artworks, especially the murals, show their unique style and rich content. These murals not only have a high artistic value, but also reveal many aspects of the Mayan people's religious beliefs, social life, and agricultural culture. Brother Qiang once personally visited some Mayan ruins and was deeply attracted by the exquisite murals. One of the frescoes depicts a mystical ritual scene with a tall priest praying to the sun god in the center. Surrounded by a group of nobles and commoners dressed in costumes, they held flowers and offerings to pay their respects to the priests.

This mural shows the Maya's devout belief in religion and their rigorous approach to religious ceremonies. Another mural shows a busy market scene with many vendors and customers trading a variety of goods. The mural reflects the commercial prosperity of the Mayan society and the importance they placed on trade. There is also a mural depicting an agricultural scene of farmers working in the fields to harvest grain and fruit. This mural shows the farming culture of the Maya people and their dependence on agriculture. Through the study of these frescoes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the Mayan civilization.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

However, just as any civilization has its ups and downs, the Mayan civilization has gone through a process of prosperity and decline. Although they were advanced in many ways, they also had problems with their religious beliefs and social systems, which eventually led to the decline of civilization. However, Brother Qiang believes that the decline of the Mayan civilization is not the end, but a new beginning. This once glorious civilization has left us with a rich cultural heritage and a valuable wealth of wisdom. We can draw on their wisdom by studying the Mayan civilization and apply it to modern society. For example, we can draw on the Maya's achievements in architecture and mathematics to advance modern technology and engineering. We can draw inspiration from the Mayans' artworks to enrich our cultural life; We can also draw lessons from the rise and fall of the Mayan civilization to reflect on our own social systems and cultural traditions.

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

In short, Brother Qiang believes that the Mayan civilization is an ancient civilization full of wisdom and charm. Their architectural, artistic, and technological achievements not only fill us with awe of the world's ancient civilizations, but also provide us with valuable references and inspirations. Let's step into the world of the Mayan civilization and explore the mysteries hidden in the depths of history!

How advanced was the Mayan civilization? The murals from thousands of years ago have been restored, and many of the contents are difficult to understand

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