
87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

author:Big man entertainment
87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Wei Jizhong, this old man is famous in the history of sports in our country, and his life story is simply a wonderful blockbuster. His life is like a thick book, full of wisdom, courage and relentless pursuit of ideals, and people call him the big man in the sports world. Speaking of his younger days, you know what? At that time, he already had two disciplines in his hands, namely a master's degree in law and physical education, which was not an ordinary difficulty! However, for Wei Jizhong, who has a football dream, this is only the beginning of his new journey.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

When he was young, Wei Jizhong seemed to have inexhaustible strength all over his body, whether at school or on the court, as long as he appeared, it would inevitably cause a burst of applause and praise. He is not only a star on the field, but also a leading figure in academia and management, and this all-round figure is destined to play a pivotal role in the future development of sports.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

At the beginning of the 21st century, Uncle Wei finally became a man of the year in the Chinese sports world by relying on his deep professional knowledge and otherworldly wisdom. Having worked as both a coach and a leader in his dazzling career, this combined strength has given him a unique and broad vision in the world of sports.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

He also has a unique vision and skills to discover and cultivate those talented athletes, and some people even nicknamed him "the father of the Olympic industry", which is not just a random title! For the smooth holding of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he has put in countless efforts and sweat.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Time passed, and when Wei Jizhong reached the peak of his career, the vision and expectations around him seemed to have reached the peak. However, it was precisely at a time when he was in power and opposition that some historical changes and mistakes inevitably occurred. At such a glorious moment, with the deep nostalgia for the old era and personal talent selection preferences, the management trend of the decision-making level seems quite authoritarian.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Let's focus on the storm about the selection of the new women's volleyball coach, an old friend who was promoted to a new position by him; This abrupt move quickly aroused countless questions and questions from the outside world. Looking back at the results of that decision, the women's volleyball team's originally radiant record began to fade, and even plummeted into an unprecedented low.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

The same scene was also played out in the field of table tennis, and Liu Guoliang's name was thunderous in that era; And the tremendous pressure and antagonism behind him is probably a little-known secret. Wei Jizhong's adherence to traditional training concepts and his frequent involvement, with no one able to challenge his decision-making authority, are gradually showing cracks. Overnight, the "invincible" national football team became more divided due to internal contradictions, and it was getting farther and farther away from losing its glory.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Wei Jizhong, who was in power in the past, gradually faded with the passage of time. Like a meteor streaked across the sky, the light was still stunning, but its trajectory eventually seemed quite lonely. His late season is not guaranteed, and he may leave an indelible trace in the long river of history.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

In the turbulent political arena, how to use the power in his hands? Do the principles of fairness, justice, and openness really be embodied in the personnel arrangements and decision-making adjustments? When public opinion came overwhelmingly, those who had surrounded him also began to choose to stay away; It's even more lonely in such a situation.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

The topic of "how is old age" always seems to be accompanied by a certain sourness and regret for Wei Jizhong. The transformation from the glory of the past to the current lonely family reflects many questions worth pondering: if you can't adjust your code of conduct and thinking mode with the times, no matter how brilliant it once was, it will be difficult to escape the selection of the times.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

In his later years, Wei Jizhong seemed to be a microcosm of a turning point - at this turning point, the "unique secrets" style of arbitrary management methods were no longer recognized. Because of this, his choices and attempts gradually caused him to lose the voice of his listeners and supporters, and he was in a situation of separation surrounded by many negative voices.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

The media began to question him in an endless stream, and the term "godhead" became a distant memory of yesterday's most influential figures. With endless anxiety and contemplation in the dead of night, his admirable story has left endless reflections in the long river of years.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Standing on the shore of the years, we look through the stories in the long river of history, and we can always find many profound revelations from them. The ups and downs of Wei Jizhong's life not only let us see the rise and fall of an individual's life, but also reflect the complex relationship between power and responsibility, personal will and the call of the times.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

In this age of heroes, there is no shortage of new things - everyone can write their own life story like a picture scroll. Behind the remarkable achievements, how can we maintain humility and prudence while staying true to our original intentions? This requires each of us to ponder carefully.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

To go a little deeper, in such a flashy stage of life, it is sometimes more important than anything else to find peace and tranquility in your own heart. Looking at Wei Jizhong in his later years, he used his personal experience to warn us that acting too emotionally may make people fall into confusion and even anxiety.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Don't be pessimistic in the face of setbacks, because this is just the beginning of another journey. Life is so colorful – the places where you fall make you stronger and braver, and the lessons learned from these stumbles are often more valuable.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Today's social development is changing with each passing day; Only by keeping up with the pace of the times, constantly improving their knowledge level, and enhancing their cognitive ability to the world, can we avoid being overwhelmed by the torrent of the times. Therefore, maintaining a humble and studious attitude and being open and transparent in dealing with major decisions such as personnel appointments are the key to ensuring the long-term and stable operation of the system.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

In shaping our personal values, we should always be humble and low-key, and we should live this principle through practical actions. Only in this way can we be on the right path of growth.

87-year-old night festival is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future

Remembering the monochrome back of that leading figure in the world of sports, we should not only pay deep respect to his tortuous and arduous struggle, but also think about how to write a glorious chapter for our generation in this diverse world environment.

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