
Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

author:Yuxuan Literary Society
Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man
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Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

In the history of Chinese film, there is a name like a bright star, and she is Gong Li. From the young and ignorant girl in "Red Sorghum", to the passionate rural woman in "Ju Dou", and then to the majestic and domineering "Gong Huang", Gong Li's screen image has undergone an amazing transformation.

However, why did this former queen of the film industry choose to gradually fade out of the public eye at the peak of her career? Why did her eight-year love with Zhang Yimou end without a problem? What are the considerations for marrying a 70-year-old French musician at the age of 56? Let's uncover the mysteries of Gong Li's legendary life and explore her twists and turns from star-studded to dull.

In 1983, 18-year-old Gong Li confidently participated in the national unified admissions examination with the dream of stardom. However, reality has dealt this passionate girl a blow - she has fallen off the list.

This defeat not only undermined Gong Li's self-confidence, but also made her parents waver in her determination to pursue art and no longer provide financial support.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

Faced with such a dilemma, many people may choose to give up. But Gong Li showed extraordinary perseverance and determination. She decided to work part-time to earn money while preparing for next year's exams.

In the days when she worked part-time at the publishing house, Gong Li immersed herself in work during the day and devoted herself to the study of cultural courses at night.

Fate always seems to favor those who don't give up. By chance, Gong Li got acquainted with her enlightenment mentor, Yin Dawei. The careful guidance and encouragement of this mentor rekindled Gong Li's confidence in her love and pursuit of art.

In 1985, Gong Li once again embarked on the journey of national unified enrollment. Although her grades improved significantly this time, fate played a joke on her - her score was only 11 points behind the admission line.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

Just when Gong Li thought that she was about to miss her dream again, the goddess of luck finally smiled at her.

Although Gong Li's score failed to meet the standard, the teachers found that her overall quality was quite good. They wrote a special report for Gong Li and submitted it to the leadership of the academy.

After repeated deliberation, the Central Academy of Drama finally decided to make an exception to admit Gong Li.

In this way, on that sunny September, Gong Li finally stepped into the door of the Central Academy of Drama. Standing at the school gate, her eyes gleamed with excitement and anticipation.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

Gong Li took a deep breath and clenched his fists, as if he wanted to hold both past setbacks and future hopes firmly in the palm of his hand.

At this time, she didn't know that fate was weaving a legendary story for her. Soon, she will break into the Chinese film industry in an amazing way and start her brilliant acting career.

In 1987, the god of fate favored Gong Li, who was studying at the Central Academy of Drama. When the talented director Zhang Yimou was preparing for his new work "Red Sorghum", he fell in love with this girl with a unique oriental charm at a glance and invited her to play the heroine Jiu'er.

Gong Li's appearance and temperament seem to be tailor-made for this role, and her performance amazed everyone.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

As soon as "Red Sorghum" was released, it immediately caused a sensation at home and abroad. The film swept many international awards such as the Golden Bear Award, the Golden Rooster Award, and the Hundred Flowers Award, and Gong Li's sentence "Sister, you boldly move forward" has become a classic line in the history of Chinese film.

In this way, Gong Li reached the peak of her acting career with her debut, which can be called "the peak of her debut".

This success was only the beginning of Gong Li's brilliant career. Since then, her cooperation with Zhang Yimou has been like a perfect match, and she has successively launched a series of classics such as "Ju Dou", "The Red Lantern Hangs High", "Qiu Ju Fights a Lawsuit" and "Alive".

Each work has shined on the international stage and won numerous honors for Chinese films.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

However, the path to art has not been easy. "Ju Dou", released in 1990, was banned in China for 25 years due to scale issues. In this work, 25-year-old Gong Li, with her mature figure and delicate acting skills, successfully interprets the tragic fate of Ju Dou, a rural woman who was sold into a wealthy family and reduced to a fertility tool.

The breakthrough performance of this role made Gong Li stand on the cusp of controversy again.

While his career is thriving, the relationship between Gong Li and Zhang Yimou has also quietly changed. The two have gradually developed from a simple relationship between a director and an actor to lovers.

Gong Li once told the media with great hope: "I hope to marry him before the age of 35 and conceive four children for him." This relationship lasted for eight years and became one of the most talked about topics in the Chinese film industry.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

However, just when everyone thought that this pair of golden boys and girls would achieve positive results, fate played a joke on them. After Gong Li took the initiative to seek marriage from Zhang Yi, there was a crack in the relationship between the two.

In the face of Gong Li's request, Zhang Yimou always flickered and was unwilling to give a clear answer. In the end, he reluctantly said: "Marriage is just a piece of paper, why should we restrain our feelings because of this paper?" This sentence became the end of the relationship.

Despite the emotional setback, Gong Li's career did not stagnate. She continues to shine on the international stage, participating in a series of high-profile works such as "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "The City Full of Golden Armor".

However, attentive viewers will find that the character image created by Gong Li at this time is completely different from the past.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

Standing at the crossroads of life and career, Gong Li seems to be undergoing a profound transformation. There is not only reluctance for the past in her eyes, but also anticipation for the future.

She knows that her life is ushering in a new turning point, and this turning point will completely change the trajectory of her life.

After ending her eight-year relationship with Zhang Yimou, Gong Li did not stagnate in the haze of feelings. In 1996, she made a surprising decision to marry a wealthy Singaporean businessman, Wong Ho Siong, and resolutely became a Singaporean citizen.

This move caused a lot of controversy at the time, and many people could not understand why she made such a choice.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

However, this marriage did not bring Gong Li the happiness she expected. Ten years later, in 2012, Huang Hexiang publicly announced that he and Gong Li had parted ways, and their marriage only lasted for more than ten years.

These two unforgettable emotional experiences brought great pressure to Gong Li, who was in her thirties, and also gave her a new understanding of love and marriage.

After these emotional twists and turns, Gong Li's image has undergone tremendous changes. Once gentle and elegant, she gradually showed a domineering and exposed "queen temperament".

In various activities, she always appears with a strong posture, exuding an unapproachable aura. This shift has come as a surprise to many and has sparked a lot of speculation.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

However, just when people thought that Gong Li might choose to be single, she surprised the world again in 2019. At the age of 56, she tied the knot with the famous French musician Jean-Michel Jarre, who was 70 years old.

This marriage, which has a large age gap, has once again sparked heated discussions. In the face of doubts from the outside world, Michelle showed a physical examination report, showing that his physical condition was comparable to that of a 50-year-old in the prime of life, and his mental state was maintained at the peak of 40 years old.

Standing beside Michelle, Gong Li's eyes flashed with happiness. Compared with the passionate love with Zhang Yimou and the nominal married life maintained with Huang Hexiang, Michelle seems to have combined the advantages of the first two generations.

He not only has Zhang Yimou's artistic talent, but also has Huang Hexiang's social status, and at the same time can give Gong Li endless romance and care.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

This marriage may be a new interpretation of Gong Li's life. After experiencing the glory of her career and the ups and downs of her relationship, she seems to have finally found the lifestyle that her heart truly desires.

Although there are still many speculations about this marriage, Gong Li behaves calmly, as if she has seen through the glitz of the world and found her own happiness.

With the growth of age and rich experience, Gong Li's public image has quietly undergone a huge change. The once gentle and elegant oriental beauty has gradually evolved into an invincible "Gonghuang".

This transformation is not only reflected in her appearance, but also in her words and deeds.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

In various public occasions, Gong Li always appears with a domineering attitude. Her dress has become more bold and edgy, and her speech and demeanor have become more aggressive. Especially at the 55th Golden Horse Awards, as the organizer, she declared even more domineeringly: "As long as I am here, fairness and justice will not be absent!" This strong attitude has impressed many people.

Gong Li's transformation is not without controversy. Her "nude lipstick" sparked widespread discussion, with some people questioning her aesthetics, but Gong Li didn't care about saying that self-assertion was the most important thing.

This attitude of not caring about the evaluation of the outside world highlights her "queenly temperament" even more.

With the increasing popularity and resources, Gong Li has served as the organizer of many film and television awards. Every appearance of her became the center of attention, and every sentence sparked heated discussions.

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

This influence is not limited to the entertainment industry, but even extends to a wider social field.

Standing in front of the camera, Gong Li's eyes revealed a kind of indifference and confidence. She no longer seems to need the approval of others, but completely lives the way she wants.

This transformation may be a kind of self-protection after she has experienced the ups and downs of life, or it may be her redefinition of self-worth. In any case, the rise of "Gonghuang" has added a unique and strong color to the Chinese film industry.

In recent years, Gong Li, the former queen of the film industry, has gradually faded out of the public eye. Her appearance no longer caused a sensation, but quietly participated in the filming of works such as "Chinese Women's Volleyball" and "Winning the Championship".

Gong Li, who is at the peak of her debut, how can she drive high and go low, and how is she doing now after marrying a 70-year-old man

These character choices seem to be closer to life, showing a different Gong Li.

In her married life with Jean-Michel Jarre, Gong Li showed a calmness and calmness. She no longer pursues a vigorous acting career, but enjoys the bits and pieces of life more.

Occasionally, photographs of street walks captured by the media show the image of an ordinary and happy middle-aged woman.

The "Gong Huang", who once dominated the film industry, seems to be looking for a new balance. She finds a comfortable intersection between her acting career and personal life, embarking on a calm and fulfilling new journey.

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