
20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

author:Maleonn talks about history

The development background of China's inverter technology is a process full of challenges and opportunities. Since the 50s of the 20th century, there is a big gap between China and the world's advanced level in the field of inverter technology, and it has lagged behind for more than 20 years. During this period, the domestic understanding and application of inverters were very limited, the technical foundation was weak, and the independent research and development capabilities were insufficient, resulting in the domestic inverter market almost completely dependent on imported products.

In the 90s, with the deepening of reform and opening up and the gradual establishment of market economy, domestic users began to gradually understand and try to use inverters. With its significant advantages in energy saving and speed regulation, inverters have gradually been applied to many fields of industrial production. However, due to the late start of domestic technology and limited R&D investment, the inverter products on the market are still mainly monopolized by foreign brands. During this period, foreign brands occupied a dominant position in the Chinese market by virtue of their mature technology and brand advantages.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

Although the market is dominated by foreign brands, it also provides an opportunity for the development of China's inverter technology to learn and learn from. Domestic enterprises and research institutions have begun to increase their research and development efforts in the field of inverter technology, and gradually improve their own technical level and product competitiveness through the introduction of foreign advanced technology, digestion and absorption and re-innovation. At the same time, the national level has also begun to pay attention to the development of the inverter industry, and has introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage and support domestic enterprises to increase R&D investment and promote industrial technological progress and localization process.

With the continuous improvement of industrial automation, as a key power control equipment, the application range of inverter is becoming more and more extensive, and the market demand is expanding. Especially under the promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction, green environmental protection and other policies, the energy-saving advantages of inverters have been more fully exerted, and have become an important force to promote the green development of industry. In addition, with the rapid development of the domestic economy, the requirements for the stability and reliability of the power system are getting higher and higher, and the application of frequency converters in the power system is also increasing.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

In this context, the domestic inverter industry has gradually developed and grown. Some forward-looking enterprises have begun to make breakthroughs in the core technology of inverters and launched inverter products with independent intellectual property rights. These products have gradually approached or even surpassed foreign brands in terms of performance and reliability, and have begun to occupy a place in the domestic market. At the same time, domestic enterprises are also constantly exploring and expanding the application fields of inverters, such as new energy, new energy vehicles, high-end equipment manufacturing and other fields, which further broadens the market space of inverters.

In short, the development background of China's inverter technology is a process from backwardness to catching up, and then to gradually realizing independent innovation and localization substitution. Although it started late, with the support of national policies and the promotion of market demand, the domestic inverter industry has made significant progress and shows broad development prospects. In the future, with the continuous maturity of technology and the further development of the market, China's inverter industry is expected to occupy a more important position in the global market. 1234

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

The start of China's inverter technology can be traced back to the 80s, which marked the initial exploration of domestic inverter product research. However, due to the weak technical foundation and low market awareness, the development of the domestic inverter industry has faltered. Although in the 60s, the mainland has a preliminary study of power electronic devices, such as in 1963 Shanghai Rectifier Factory developed the first domestic thyristor 9, but it was not until the 80s that China began to really start the research and development of inverters, this stage of exploration is mainly promoted by state-owned enterprises and research institutions.

In the 90s, China's inverter market began to gradually awaken, and users' awareness and demand for inverter products continued to grow. But at the same time, foreign brands have quickly occupied a dominant position in the Chinese market with mature technology, perfect product lines and strong marketing capabilities. Foreign brands such as Japan's Sanken, Fuji and other inverter products have won the favor of domestic users for their performance and reliability9, while domestic inverters are in a disadvantageous position in market competition due to technical limitations and insufficient brand influence.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

The challenges faced by domestic inverters are manifold. First of all, the lack of technology research and development makes it difficult for domestic inverters to compete with foreign brands in terms of performance and reliability. In addition, the lack of funds restricts the investment of enterprises in R&D and market promotion, and the blockade of key components, especially the lack of key technologies such as power semiconductor devices, seriously restricts the development of domestic inverter technology and the improvement of product quality.

During this period, domestic inverter companies not only have to face technical challenges, but also have to deal with the problems of low market awareness and low user acceptance. Due to the lack of brand effect and user trust, the promotion and application of domestic inverters in the market have been greatly limited. At the same time, the market monopoly of foreign brands also makes domestic inverters face great pressure in terms of price, channels and services.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

Despite this, domestic inverter companies have not given up their efforts. Through technology introduction, cooperative development and independent research and development, we have gradually accumulated a certain technical foundation and market experience. Some companies have begun to seek breakthroughs in specific fields or market segments, and have gradually won a certain market share by providing customized solutions and high-quality services to meet the specific needs of users.

With the support of national policies and the promotion of market demand, domestic inverter enterprises continue to increase R&D investment to promote technological innovation and product upgrading. Through cooperation with universities and research institutions at home and abroad, as well as the introduction of foreign advanced technology and management experience, domestic inverters have made certain progress at the technical level, and the performance and reliability of some products have been significantly improved.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

In general, from the 80s to the 90s, although China's inverter technology faced many challenges, it was the efforts and explorations of this period that laid the foundation for the development of the domestic inverter industry. With the progress of technology and the maturity of the market, domestic inverters have gradually occupied a place in the market and began to move towards a broader market space.

At the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of the level of industrial automation, domestic inverter technology has ushered in important development opportunities. During this period, domestic inverter technology has made significant progress and began to occupy a place in the domestic and foreign markets, marking China's gradual maturity and independence in this field.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

The breakthrough of domestic inverter technology first benefited from the strong support of national policies and the rapid growth of market demand. Driven by policies such as energy conservation and emission reduction, green environmental protection, inverter, as an important energy-saving equipment, its market demand continues to expand. At the same time, domestic enterprises have gradually improved their technical level and innovation ability by increasing R&D investment, introducing foreign advanced technology, and cultivating professional talents.

In this process, some domestic brands such as Inovance Technology, Dinghan Technology, Hewang Electric, etc. have made remarkable achievements in the field of frequency converters. Through continuous technological innovation and product upgrading, these enterprises have successfully developed inverter products with independent intellectual property rights, which not only meet the needs of the domestic market, but also begin to expand to the international market, and gradually get rid of the dependence on foreign technology.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

As a leading enterprise in the domestic inverter industry, Inovance's products have been widely used in elevators, lifting, textiles, machine tools and other industries through continuous technological innovation and market expansion. Inovance's inverters have won wide recognition from users at home and abroad for their high performance, high reliability and good user experience.

Dinghan Technology focuses on the R&D and production of high-voltage inverters, and its products have been widely used in metallurgy, electric power, petrochemical and other high-energy-consuming industries. With its efficient energy-saving performance and stable control performance, Dinghan Technology's high-voltage inverter has made an important contribution to energy conservation and emission reduction in high-energy-consuming industries.

With its professional advantages in the field of medium and low voltage inverters, Hewang Electric provides high-quality drive solutions for industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing. With its excellent performance and flexible application characteristics, the inverters of Hewang Electric meet the individual needs of different industries and customers.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

The success of these domestic brands has not only enhanced the market competitiveness of domestic inverters, but also promoted the technological progress and industrial upgrading of the entire industry. Through continuous technological innovation and product optimization, domestic inverters have approached or even surpassed some foreign brands in terms of performance, reliability, and intelligence, and have begun to show strong competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

In addition, domestic inverter enterprises also actively participate in the formulation and revision of international standards, and enhance the international competitiveness of products by integrating with international standards. At the same time, by strengthening cooperation and exchanges with internationally renowned enterprises, domestic inverter enterprises continue to improve their technical level and management level, laying a solid foundation for further expanding the international market.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

In general, the breakthrough and growth of domestic inverter technology at the beginning of the 21st century is an important embodiment of the improvement of independent innovation capabilities in the field of industrial automation in China. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, domestic inverter enterprises are moving towards a broader stage with more confident and firm steps, and make greater contributions to promoting the development of China's industrial automation and the global cause of energy conservation and emission reduction.

20 years behind! How does China's inverter technology break the foreign monopoly and become the first in the industry?

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