
Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

author:Military Atmosphere

Recently, the well-known singer Huang An spoke out publicly on social media and sharply criticized Da S, accusing her of lacking enthusiasm for learning since graduating from middle school and excessive pursuit of material comforts, which seems quite vulgar. This remark quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, most of whom sided with Huang An and supported Wang Xiaofei, believing that Big S's behavior was not worth advocating.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

Huang An bluntly criticized Da S on Weibo, saying that Da S has rarely dabbled in books since graduating from high school, has an empty heart, and excessively pursues material comforts, which he thinks is very vulgar. He suggested that Big S should stay calm and read more books to enrich his inner world. Huang An's remarks immediately attracted widespread attention and discussion among netizens.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

In online public opinion, controversies about Da S and Wang Xiaofei have arisen one after another. Since the divorce, the two have been controversial about the division of property and child custody. Big S frequently filed lawsuits to try to occupy more advantages in the division of property, while Wang Xiaofei faced the pressure of mortgages, property fees, utility bills and other expenses, and also faced the pain of losing her children. This kind of contradiction made the dispute between the two more intense, and also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

Netizens who support Huang An and Wang Xiaofei believe that Big S's behavior is too selfish, only considering his own interests, and ignoring his responsibilities as a mother and public figure. They accuse Big S of lacking the motivation to learn and grow, and only pursuing material comforts, which is not worth advocating. At the same time, they also praised Wang Xiaofei for his strength and sense of responsibility in the face of difficulties, believing that he was a responsible father.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

However, there are also some netizens who stand on the position of Big S and think that Huang An's remarks are too radical and extreme. They pointed out that everyone has their own lifestyle and choices, and Big S's pursuit of material comforts does not mean that she has no inner world or lacks a sense of responsibility. They believe that Huang An and Wang Xiaofei's remarks are too one-sided and subjective, and do not take into account the actual situation and feelings of Big S.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

In this controversy, a female anchor in Taiwan also criticized Big S in the live broadcast and advised her not to continue to go downhill, otherwise she would lose the support of all fans. This statement further exacerbated the controversy and disagreement on the Internet.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

In the face of this controversy, we should maintain a rational and impartial attitude. Controversies and hype in the entertainment industry are often full of prejudice and misunderstanding, and we should not blindly follow the trend or take sides. We should respect everyone's lifestyle and choices, while also being mindful of our responsibilities and responsibilities as public figures.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

As public figures, Da S and Wang Xiaofei tend to receive more attention and evaluation for their actions and remarks. However, we should also recognize that they are also ordinary people with their own lives and choices. We should respect their privacy and individuality and refrain from interfering too much in or judging their private lives.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

At the same time, we should also pay attention to moral and ethical issues in the entertainment industry. As public figures, they should set the right values and morals and set an example for society. If their actions and remarks violate moral and ethical standards, we should point out and criticize them in a timely manner in order to maintain the fairness and justice of society.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

In short, this controversy about Da S and Wang Xiaofei has aroused widespread attention and discussion. We should maintain a rational and fair attitude, respect everyone's lifestyle and choices, and also pay attention to moral and ethical issues in the entertainment industry. Only in this way can we jointly create a healthy, just and harmonious social environment.

Singer Huang An angrily criticized Big S: If you don't study after graduating from junior high school, your heart is too low, and the comment area is all supportive

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