
Former international player Qin Sheng's shocking reversal! 3 details exposed, why did he return to danger?

author:Sporting life

Astound! The inside story of former international player Qin Sheng's arrest was revealed, this operation is simply too confusing!

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Former international player Qin Sheng's shocking reversal! 3 details exposed, why did he return to danger?

Do you still remember Qin Sheng, the former international player known as "Professor Qin"? That's right, it's the language genius who claims to be proficient in the "eight Chinese languages"! Recently, he has made a shocking news! According to the grapevine, Qin Sheng may face 13 years in prison on suspicion of participating in gambling and fraud! As soon as this news came out, it was like dropping a nuclear bomb in football!

Looking back on Qin Sheng's career, it is simply an open-minded existence. From Qingdao Zhongneng to Jiangsu Shuntian, then to Liaoning Hongyun, Guangzhou Evergrande, and finally to Meizhou Hakka and Dalian, this buddy can be said to have traveled south and north, reading thousands of sails. Who would have thought that such a former international player would fall to such a point? really responds to the old saying: "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people to be poor"!

So the question is, how did Qin Sheng get his heels?

According to a well-known big V in the football circle, Qin Sheng originally slipped away faster than a rabbit, and the season evaporated before the end of the season. Everyone thought that this "Professor Qin" had come out of his shell and ran away to the United States. The result? Just because of a notice of "back pay", this "language genius" really came back! This operation is simply a textbook-level "IQ tax"!

Qin Sheng's incident sounded the alarm bell for us, and made us have to think: Why are so many players falling into the abyss of breaking the law? Is the temptation of money too great? Or is the environmental impact too deep? Or is there something wrong with your personal character?

First of all, the allure of money should not be underestimated. But some people just aren't satisfied! In order to pursue more income, some players take risks and participate in gambling and manipulating games, isn't this playing with fire and self-immolation?

Former international player Qin Sheng's shocking reversal! 3 details exposed, why did he return to danger?

Secondly, the environmental impact should not be ignored. In our Chinese football circle, the problem of "fake gambling and black corruption" has been around for a long time. In this environment, some players may think, "If everybody is doing this, why can't I?" "This kind of mentality is simply unbelievable!

Finally, personal character is also key. Unfortunately, some people can't resist the temptation and end up on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes. This can't help but make people sigh: Vanity Fair is like a battlefield, and those who can keep their hearts are real heroes!

So the question is, how do we build a healthy sports ecosystem?

First, it is imperative to improve the regulatory mechanism. The relevant departments should intensify the supervision of the football circle and establish a sound supervision system, so that those who want to take advantage of loopholes have nowhere to hide. It's like the phrase circulating on the Internet: "You never know how terrible the squalor is in the sun." "

Second, it is urgent to strengthen moral education. From the beginning of the academy, it is important to instill the right values and make the players understand that integrity is more important than money. After all, "money can't buy happiness, but integrity can bring happiness"!

Finally, it is also important to optimize the compensation system. Establish a reasonable remuneration system so that players can obtain income commensurate with their own strength through legitimate channels, and reduce their incentive to take risks. Just like the old saying: "Don't suffer from few, but suffer from inequality", only a fair and reasonable system can convince everyone.

Former international player Qin Sheng's shocking reversal! 3 details exposed, why did he return to danger?

At the end of the day, reinventing sportsmanship requires the efforts of each and every one of us. The players have to be self-disciplined, the club has to be responsible, the regulators have to do their duty, and we fans have to be rational. Only in this way can our football career develop healthily. As the Internet buzzword says, "Your choice determines your life", I hope everyone can make the right choice. Hopefully this will be a turning point and bring our football scene back to life. After all, what we love is not only the outcome of the game, but also the pure sportsmanship!

Fans and friends, what do you think about this? Do you feel that "human nature cannot stand the test"? Or do you think that "the system is the foundation"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's talk together! After all, "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high", and only by working together can our football career flourish!

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