
Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

author:Lao Wang talked about sports awkwardly

At the turbulent moment when the Chinese football world ushered in the anti-gambling storm, the once eye-catching name - Qin Sheng once again became the focus of attention.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

The former international player, who was favored by fans and known as the "master of language", not only skillfully communicated in "eight languages" on the field, but also fell into the quagmire of gambling and fraud, and was finally caught when receiving his salary.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

Qin Sheng's name is wonderful in Chinese football, he has become a dazzling star on the field with his excellent ball skills and fluent language communication skills, and his precise communication with referees and foreign coaches has won the admiration of countless fans.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

It was the "master of language" on the pitch who was mired in gambling and fraud late in his career, and this series of negative news not only seriously damaged his image, but also made fans full of doubts about his past and future.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

According to authoritative media, Qin Sheng was involved in the scandal of gambling and game manipulation, he invested a lot of money in gambling, but he suffered heavy losses, in order to make up for the loss, he even colluded with others to defraud, trying to obtain huge profits by dishonorable means, this kind of greedy behavior not only deviated from professional ethics, but also violated the bottom line of the law.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

In the whirlpool of gambling and fraud, Qin Sheng became unable to extricate himself. He was supposed to make his mark in football with his talent and hard work, but greed drove him astray and eventually led to tragedy, a dramatic reversal that made people feel sorry for the man of yesteryear.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

What's even more dramatic is that after Qin Sheng fled to the United States, he was lured back to China because of "receiving a salary". When he went to the Shanghai Shenhua Club to collect his salary, he was arrested at the police scene.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

Qin Sheng's arrest is not only his personal tragedy, but also a wake-up call for Chinese football. Do you stick to your professional ethics and bottom line, or do you go astray for the sake of financial gain? This is a question worth pondering.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

At the same time, Qin Sheng's case has also exposed loopholes in the management and regulation of Chinese football. Chinese football has long been plagued by "fake gambling and black corruption". In order to solve this problem, we must carry out in-depth reform and improvement of the system. Only by establishing a sound management mechanism and supervision system can we fundamentally curb the occurrence of illegal activities such as gambling and game manipulation.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

Greed is often the bait of the devil, in a world full of temptation, I hope that all athletes can learn a lesson, keep a clear mind and firm beliefs, while pursuing honor and achievement, but also adhere to the way of life and the bottom line, only in this way, can leave a career worthy of the heart.

Former international player Qin Shengyuan has run away and was arrested for coming back to receive a salary! The degree of involvement is second only to Kim Jingdao

Finally, it ended with a humorous and profound sentence: "Qin Sheng was arrested for receiving his salary, and greed led him astray, fans, what do you think?" Let us look forward to a brighter and healthier future for Chinese football!

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