
Shi Ping, a 113-year-old veteran of the New Fourth Army, passed away, and he was the grandfather of Academician Shi Yigong

author:The Paper
Shi Ping, a 113-year-old veteran of the New Fourth Army, passed away, and he was the grandfather of Academician Shi Yigong

Shi Ping. WeChat public account "New Fourth Army Memorial Hall" map

The Paper ( reporter learned from Mr. Shi Yigong that Comrade Shi Ping, a veteran of the New Fourth Army and former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, died in Shanghai on June 29, 2024 at the age of 113 due to ineffective medical treatment.

According to public information, Shi Pingyuan's name is Shi Eryi, born in November 1911 in Dayao County, Yunnan. Shi Ping participated in the student movement led by the Communist Party in middle school, joined the Great Revolution in Kunming in 1926, and was admitted to the Agricultural College of Zhejiang University in the fall of 1931 and served as the chairman of the Student Anti-Japanese Association.

In 1935, during the "December 9th" Movement, Shi Ping served as the chairman of the Zhejiang Student Union, the chairman of the Hangzhou Federation of Students of Secondary Schools and above, led the anti-Japanese movement of students in Hangzhou, and served as the chairman of the Special Committee of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Students. In January 1938, Shi Ping joined the Communist Party of China and served as a member of the Propaganda Committee of the Special Committee of Southeast Zhejiang and the Secretary of the Yunhe County Working Committee. and more than a dozen articles.

In the winter of 1939, Shi Ping was transferred to Guilin to work in the party-led "International News Agency", and secretly went to Shanghai to serve as the head of the news workstation in the occupied area of East China, a reporter for the Hong Kong branch, and the director of the interview department. In August 1941, Comrade Shi Ping entered the anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines in the Soviet Union and China of the New Fourth Army to participate in the anti-Japanese work. During this period, he was assigned by the military department of the New Fourth Army to escort Zou Taofen to the Huainan military headquarters. From 1946 to 1947, Shi Ping served as secretary of the Nantong County Party Committee and political commissar of the county guard regiment.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Shi Ping served as secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Agricultural University and East China Normal University, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Shanghai Municipal People's Congress.

According to the introduction of the New Fourth Army Research Association, Shi Ping is the oldest surviving man in Asia and the third oldest man in the world.

Shi Ping, a 113-year-old veteran of the New Fourth Army, passed away, and he was the grandfather of Academician Shi Yigong

100-year-old Shi Ping (taken in September 2010). WeChat public account "New Fourth Army Memorial Hall" map

Shi Ping is the grandfather of Shi Yigong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Westlake University.

According to Shi Yigong's previous article "My Father is the Person I Admire the Most" published in Guangming Daily, "My hometown is Dayao County, Yunnan Province, which is the birthplace of my grandfather Shi Ping. My grandfather was trained in revolutionary ideas when he was young, and later left Yunnan to study at the Agricultural College of Zhejiang University, where he fell in love with and married my grandmother, Yang Lin. Grandma was one of the main organizers of the revolutionary activities of the progressive students in Hangzhou at that time, and was arrested and imprisoned by the Kuomintang government for convicting her of being a member of the Communist Party; On January 5, 1935, my father was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and 18 days after his birth, his mother died in a Kuomintang prison. In order to commemorate and miss his grandmother, his grandfather named his father Shi Huailin. ”

According to Shi Yigong: "My grandfather then joined the revolution and participated in the Anti-Japanese War, and he had no time to take care of my father, so he could only entrust him to relatives and friends to raise him. It wasn't until after the founding of the People's Republic of China that my grandfather inquired everywhere that he found my father in his hometown in Yunnan and took him to Beijing. My father had a hard time from birth, and it can be said that he never really met his biological mother, and it was not until he became an adult that he was reunited with his biological father for the first time. ”

Shi Ping, a 113-year-old veteran of the New Fourth Army, passed away, and he was the grandfather of Academician Shi Yigong

In his later years, Shi Ping was like a "literary youth": he loved photography, travel, reading, and writing. The Paper Chart