
When visiting and condolences to veteran party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ren Qiuyan stressed that we should always keep the well-being of old party members and party members in difficulty in mind, and truly let them feel the warmth and care of the party organization

author:Salt Mountain Express
When visiting and condolences to veteran party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ren Qiuyan stressed that we should always keep the well-being of old party members and party members in difficulty in mind, and truly let them feel the warmth and care of the party organization
When visiting and condolences to veteran party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ren Qiuyan stressed that we should always keep the well-being of old party members and party members in difficulty in mind, and truly let them feel the warmth and care of the party organization

On the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day, on June 28, Ren Qiuyan, secretary of the county party committee, visited the old party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and extended holiday blessings and high respect to them on behalf of the county party committee. She stressed that all departments at all levels should always keep in mind the well-being of veteran party members and party members in difficulty, and truly let them feel the warmth and care of the party organization.

At the home of Zhang Changsheng, a veteran party member before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ren Qiuyan learned in detail about the physical health status and family life of the elderly. Ren Qiuyan pointed out that the vast number of veteran party members are participants, strugglers, and witnesses of our party's glorious history, and are the precious wealth of the party and the country, and all relevant departments at all levels must do a good job in various service guarantee work with heart and affection, and truly send the care and warmth of the party organization to the hearts of veteran party members, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace. It is necessary to educate and guide the majority of party members to learn from outstanding old party members, inspire morale with the party's struggle process, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, so as to draw on the strength of endeavor, stimulate the enthusiasm of the officer, make new contributions in promoting the high-quality development of Yanshan, and make greater contributions to the great cause of rejuvenation of the country.

At the home of Liu Zhiling, a party member who was in difficulty, Ren Qiuyan learned more about his illness and living conditions, and sent condolences and condolences to him, telling him to take care of his health. Ren Qiuyan demanded that all departments at all levels should always care about and pay attention to party members in difficulty, visit and comfort party members in difficulty on a regular basis, help them solve practical difficulties in a timely manner, and truly care for them ideologically, in life, and spiritually, so that they can truly feel the warmth and care of the party organization.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, the County Party Committee Office, and Qiantong Town participated in the above activities.

When visiting and condolences to veteran party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ren Qiuyan stressed that we should always keep the well-being of old party members and party members in difficulty in mind, and truly let them feel the warmth and care of the party organization

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