
Ren Qiuyan conducted research in Qiantong Town and Hanji Town

author:Salt Mountain Express
Ren Qiuyan conducted research in Qiantong Town and Hanji Town
Ren Qiuyan conducted research in Qiantong Town and Hanji Town

On June 28, Ren Qiuyan, secretary of the county party committee, went to Qiantong Town and Hanji Town to investigate the improvement of the rural living environment, the construction of agricultural and rural demonstration belts, the construction of handicraft industries, and the construction and development of old revolutionary areas. She stressed that it is necessary to further consolidate responsibilities, continue to advance, implement scientific policies, carry out the improvement of rural human settlements according to local conditions, and make every effort to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connect with rural revitalization.

Ren Qiuyan and his entourage successively went to Liuzhai Village, Beijie Village, Dongrong Village, and Zhifang Village, Hanji Town, Qiantong Town, to inspect the improvement of the rural living environment, the construction of agricultural and rural demonstration belts, the development of handicraft industries, and the construction and development of old revolutionary areas, and listened to relevant work reports.

Ren Qiuyan pointed out that the improvement of the rural living environment and the development of rural industries are powerful measures to solve and improve the production and living environment of the rural masses and increase the income of farmers, and are also the specific starting points for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. It is necessary to improve the living environment in rural areas, guide the realization of changes from gardens, yards, and houses to neat and clean to minds, guide the broad masses to change their concepts, and consolidate the foundation for the development of rural industries.

Ren Qiuyan emphasized that the agricultural and rural demonstration belt is a key project in Yanshan County to vigorously implement the rural revitalization strategy, and it is a powerful measure to improve the quality and efficiency of the agricultural industry and promote the overall improvement of the collective economy. It is necessary to take the development of rural industries as the main means of invigorating the rural economy and increasing peasant incomes, based on the advantages of existing industries with agricultural characteristics, continue to increase industrial support, give full play to the leading role of industrial associations, professional cooperation, and people who can get rich, and organize targeted study tours, skill training, and industrial promotion, so as to improve the overall development level of advantageous industries. It is necessary to promote the effective cooperation between excellent planting and breeding industries, handicrafts and industrial enterprises, reasonably introduce industrial and commercial capital to participate in the development of rural industries, encourage the grafting of various forms of business and rural industries, and effectively realize the efficient and integrated development of the three industries. It is necessary to adhere to the priority of the old area, based on reality, precise positioning, do a good job in red cultural projects, cultivate its own hematopoietic function, and accelerate the revitalization of the old area. All relevant departments at all levels should attach great importance to it, cooperate closely, and earnestly do a good job in the upgrading and transformation of demonstration belt roads, industrial planning, etc., so as to draw a new picture of a more livable, wealthier and more civilized Yanshan countryside.

The responsible comrades of the county party committee office, Qiantong Town, and Hanji Town participated in the investigation.

Ren Qiuyan conducted research in Qiantong Town and Hanji Town

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