
These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!

author:Zhaoqing release

Some time ago, Ms. Lin found that her son had unexplained diarrhea, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

When she took the child to the hospital for examination, the doctor told Ms. Lin that her son was most likely infected by parasites, and this situation may be closely related to the child's eating habits......

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!

Here are 4 foods

It is the "hardest hit area" of parasites

Be cautious when consuming:



Eating infected sashimi makes it easy to get liver flukes.

Lung flukes not only damage the human liver, but also cause abnormal liver function. Patients often experience liver pain, abdominal distention, and abdominal discomfort, and abnormal liver function can be detected during examination.

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!
These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!



Undercooked snail meat may have parasites that can wander around the human body and even burrow directly into the brain, causing brain tissue lesions.

People with mild symptoms may experience symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, and even shock or death in severe cases.

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!



Water chestnut is the "hardest hit area" of ginger fasciola parasitism

Once fasciola ginger is parasitic in the small intestine of the human body, it may cause gastrointestinal symptoms, causing patients to have abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, and in severe cases, anemia, developmental stunting and other conditions.


Undercooked freshwater fish

Previously, a research team conducted a data survey on parasitic infections in China, and finally found that the rate of parasitic infections increased significantly in areas where fish was eaten more frequently.

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!

Infection with parasites

Will the body sound the alarm?

Don't ignore these symptoms


Nausea, diarrhea

When the parasite exists in the body for a long time, it will directly affect the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in diarrhea symptoms in the human body, especially after being infected by hookworms, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting will become more intense.

In addition, infection with parasites may also make people feel that they can't eat enough.

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!



The most obvious symptoms of being infected by tapeworm and strongyloides are abdominal pain and anorexia, because these two kinds of worms will directly affect our central nervous system, especially strongyloides, and can even transfer to our brain nerves, so it may make patients have symptoms such as dyspnea in addition to the symptoms of general parasitic infection.

These 4 foods are "big parasites", and I would rather not eat them than touch them less!


Itchy, bulging skin

Parasitic infections begin with itchy skin, and inflammation may even occur after scratching.

In addition, after the parasite enters the body, it will also cause other skin problems, and the garbage produced by the parasite will directly enter the human bloodstream, inducing allergic reactions, and the infected person's skin will also appear ulcers, eczema and other phenomena.

Parasitic infections can be avoided as much as possible

But do these things well

Don't eat raw food

The easiest way to avoid being infected by food parasites is to cook food, kill the parasites, and try not to eat raw.

Do not drink raw water

The four types of food mentioned above have a relatively high number of parasites, and almost all of them are aquatic organisms or aquatic plants.

The amount of parasites contained in fresh water is relatively high, so we must drink boiled water. If you drink raw water for a long time, it may lead to a significant increase in the rate of parasitic infection.

Pay attention to personal hygiene

Some parasites are invisible to the naked eye, but they are ubiquitous, and they live quietly in the human body, and their presence cannot be detected unless they are checked regularly.

Source: Guangdong CDC

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