
Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

author:Dousha watch Hong Kong films

After Ye Haiyang gave birth to twins, he appeared on his social media, and his physical condition recovered at an astonishing speed, and it did not affect his career at all.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

The news that Ye Haiyang gave birth to twins in the United States has attracted the attention of many netizens, and then she did not choose to rest after giving birth, but put herself into work, balancing life and work perfectly.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

After announcing the news of the birth of the twins, Ye Haiyang's first appearance was amazing, and this recovery state was too good! In her video, she is dressed in shorts and hugging her two newborn children outside her home.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

At the same time, she also posted a clip of herself eating in the video, and the ice water in the video also attracted the attention of many netizens, after all, after giving birth to two children, she can still eat and drink ice water immediately, such a recovery speed is really amazing.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

On the third day after announcing the birth of twins, Ye Haiyang had already returned to work, and his life seemed to be back on track.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

However, Ye Haiyang's high-profile return also made many people question her state, after all, giving birth to a child is a physical and mental thing, ordinary people have to recover for a period of time, Ye Haiyang returned to normal life after giving birth to twins, which made many netizens puzzled.

Some netizens said that Ye Haiyang does not look like he has just given birth, no matter which fertility method he chooses, he can't seem to achieve such a fast recovery speed, nor can he reach Ye Haiyang's physical state in the video.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

Some netizens are puzzled, in tradition, after giving birth, there will be a period of time to supplement nutrition and restore physical strength for pregnant women, officially known as "confinement", but Ye Haiyang has not gone through this period at all.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

However, some netizens also answered in the comment area, and this netizen said that Ye Haiyang's production method chose extraperitoneal caesarean section, which has a relatively small incision and a fast recovery speed.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

This method does recover faster than the general caesarean section, because there is no need to open the peritoneal membrane, and the uterus is touched from the middle of the peritoneal membrane and the bladder, which is more dangerous than the general caesarean section, but because the peritoneal membrane is not cut, the problems of gas and fasting are omitted, but again, because it is close to the bladder, it is easy to injure the bladder, leading to other serious problems.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

Since Ye Haiyang gave birth to a child abroad, we don't know what indicators the doctor used to determine the need for a caesarean section, but in the mainland, everyone still has to follow the doctor's instructions.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

However, another thing in Ye Haiyang's video also attracted the attention of netizens, that is, the milk bottle used by Ye Haiyang when feeding the twins, some netizens took a fancy to the milk bottle used by Ye Haiyang after watching the video posted by Ye Haiyang on social media platforms, and asked in the comment area.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

Some netizens said that this is a one-time and does not exist in China, and some netizens said that there are also such milk bottles in China, and the answers in the comment area are varied, but one netizen is right, this is water milk.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

This so-called "water milk" is actually liquid formula milk, which is not much different from the nutritional composition of milk powder, and the biggest difference lies in the form of the product.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

Liquid formula milk is already canned at the time of delivery, open the packaging when using, and install disposable pacifiers, in fact, there are pros and cons, milk powder as the most commonly used breast milk substitute scheme in China, the price and quality have been balanced, the choice is very intuitive, and liquid formula milk does not need to master the dosage and is more convenient to carry.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

However, liquid formula milk is now only popular in Western countries, and domestic purchases are three to four times more expensive than milk powder of the same quality, and the mainland has not yet issued a standard for liquid formula milk for infants and young children, so you need to be cautious in choosing.

And it seems that the liquid milk that Ye Haiyang uses for her children is a high-end product line of an international brand, and the use of such high-end products can also show that she still cares for her children very much.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

However, many netizens were surprised by Ye Haiyang's high-end feeding method for his child and the speed of physical recovery, and they discussed it in the comment area.

Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed
Ye Haiyang's postpartum state is crazy! Drinking ice water and wearing shorts without confinement, high-end feeding is hotly discussed

In fact, whether it is an extraperitoneal caesarean section or liquid formula, Ye Haiyang is balancing work and life in her own way, judging from the current situation, she has done a very perfect job in this regard, as a female entrepreneur, it is not easy to meet her desire to be a mother while creating her own industry.

What do you think about this, welcome to discuss in the comment area.

Source: Ye Haiyang's official account

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