
Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

author:Xiao Xin said popular science


Everyone has heard of the legend of the mermaid since childhood, but even in today's 21st century, where technology is quite advanced, there has never been a scientist who actually sees a real mermaid, so does this mermaid really exist?

In the public's understanding, the so-called mermaid should be a mysterious creature with a female human upper body and a fish on the lower body.

So does this mermaid really exist?

In fact, the authenticity of mermaids has always been a rather mysterious topic, and many people have mixed opinions about the existence of this creature, both in ancient times and in modern times.

In order to verify the authenticity of mermaids, many scientists have opened the door to mermaid research, but none of them have been able to find actual evidence, so why is the gap between the two so big?

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

Do mermaids really exist?

For many people, mermaids are human imaginations, and they believe that if mermaids really exist, in so many years, technology has developed into the 21st century, and they will definitely be able to find evidence of their existence.

Although many people do not believe that mermaids really exist, there are still a few people in various countries who believe that they exist.

These people believe that the mermaid as we all know it today is nothing more than an important part of this creature.

Speaking of the origin of mermaids, what is this seemingly plausible claim?

According to these arguments that agree with human beings, the "ancestor" of mermaids is none other than fish, and in fact, there is some truth to this statement.

Because on Earth, fish evolved earlier than terrestrial animals, and there was a fish that was not limited by the living environment of water, and after a certain level of evolution, this fish will actively climb onto land.

According to the study of terrestrial animals, their predecessors were not the amphibians we know, but first the scale beasts, and then the amphibians.

These two fish species just confirm this idea.

That is to say, in the process of amphibian evolution, they unconsciously changed into the basic type of terrestrial animals.

Therefore, from the evolution of this amphibian to terrestrial animals, it can be seen that the evolution of all things has a certain possibility.

So will amphibians not evolve into mermaids after that?

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

In fact, raise your hand to say it, because among these creatures, there is also one creature that is considered by us humans to be one of the most primitive creatures, and that is the shark.

Sharks are arguably the most resilient creatures on the planet, and they are able to survive in many harsh environments.

Sharks have experienced mass extinctions, but even in the most dangerous of times, no creature can easily wipe them out.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

Even in the 21st century, when technology is so advanced, no one has been able to produce a species that is better than sharks, so sharks are now the most powerful mysterious creatures.

Whether mermaids can appear in a possible situation depends on the evolutionary history of sharks.

Because the body of the shark is full of too many strange things.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

No one can be sure what the "ancestor" of the shark was, only that their ancestor must have been an early fish.

And in the patrilineal genealogy of sharks, there are not only fish, but also chordates and nudibranchs.

The evolution of humans is widely on the agenda in the reproduction of these two animals, but it is also certain that the ancestors of sharks have nothing to do with us.

But we can't say for sure that sharks can't have evolved into humans either.

It can only be said that although they are the most tenacious animals, after rigorous tests, their degree of evolution has never surpassed that of phenomenon birds, which we often call dreadclaws.

It is for these reasons that there are still a few people who believe that mermaids should exist.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

The mysterious figure of a mermaid.

So what kind of creature is a mermaid?

In fact, in ancient Egypt and Europe, mermaids have long been sought after.

In ancient stories, there are mysterious creatures such as mermaids with the body of fish-tailed women, and their supernatural powers.

The presence of these creatures is no joke, they usually appear in places that are incomprehensible, such as when a volcano erupts or a tsunami rises.

That's why people thought they were so connected to these natural disasters at the time.

As a product of the intersection of gods and men, the mermaid with a fishtail and a female body was depicted on a physical entity for the first time on the ancient Egyptian dungeon.

In the years since, more and more folk artists have begun to speak for them, believing that mermaids are a kind of god in the water and a continuation of history on land.

At this time, the mermaid was even more popular and popular.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

And this mermaid trip is also the first opportunity to make an appearance, although this creature is very mysterious, people have learned a lot of good inspiration from it.

Three hundred years later, they were called by some as the "patron saints of the pool".

And during this time, mermaids have also become a more mysterious part.

In addition to hiding shadows, some people believe that she is an immortal existence that has been buried in the pond.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

However, in later history, many people said that she would not survive in the pool, but would give birth to her child before she died, and after a certain period of time, she would also change back to her original form and become a small fish.

As long as there are good living conditions, this young body can also live.

The life of living in the pool has passed for dozens of years, but it has not been longer than the old people who have lived for 90 years in other people's families.

And after a certain amount of investigation, some people did not find any clues in this "immortal and immortal" "mermaid", but after she died, she became a bowl of dross.

And that's why she's considered to be a corpseless.

After that, the mermaid was not known to everyone, but was gradually forgotten by the world.

It wasn't until sixty or seventy years ago that a folkloric work called "The Mermaid" came out, which was not only made into a movie, but also adapted into a playground.

As this folklore continues to spread, the legend of the mermaid has slowly become mysterious, and it has been full of curiosity and questions from countless people.

Although many people have taken a keen interest in this mysterious creature, no one has been able to confirm her existence until now.

Scientists' research.

In the face of many people's curiosity and doubts, a maverick scientist resolutely chose to open this door.

In order to be able to find this mysterious creature, he took great pains to prepare an aquarium in advance, and some decorations that could fully show their habits.

After everything was ready, he personally led a team to investigate in the sea area.

And half a month later, the group finally came back, and when he emerged, it was time to give an explanation to the world.

Eventually, with everyone's concerted efforts, he finally discovered the mysterious existence.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

When he introduces their lives, you will be amazed by their living environment and habits.

It turns out that their upper body is a "good friend" ape, and the lower body is a fish we are familiar with.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

Their living environment is the most dangerous sea at 3,000 meters deep that we have never reached now, so if it weren't for the scientist's efforts and unremitting pursuit, I think this creature would have been difficult to expose.

Even their living environment has all kinds of seaweed, as well as some artifacts of the Tight Spell.

In the rich environment, it also attracts many animals from the bottom of the sea to come and feed.

And their food sources are also different, some are seaweed, some are seaweed, some are seaweed.

Far away at the bottom of the dangerous sea, the mystery of them in people's hearts has gradually been revealed.

Slowly, with everyone's efforts, their homes have become more and more beautiful, the reserves are more and more sufficient, and after a few years, they can clearly feel the power of life.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape


In this day and age, the figure of the mermaid has long ceased to be a mystery, and it is no longer regarded as a legend.

Through people's unremitting inquiry and their testimony, this mysterious existence has gradually become extremely real.

In fact, the figure of mermaids has always been around us, but we have not carefully noticed it, their appearance is not only a sign that people have reached a stage in the study of nature, but also can bring a new look to this ancient civilization.

Are mermaids real? American oceanographers believe that mermaids may be a type of ape

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