
String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

author:Murong Yuzi
String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Since Sun Zhuo returned to his biological parents, his weight has soared, but his size has not grown by half, and his younger brother, who is several years younger, is about to catch up with him in the blink of an eye.

We know it's happy fat, but it's not much good to be too fat.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Some time ago, Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination ended, and many people were curious about what kind of results he could get, and they were afraid that he would be affected by the change of school and the changes some time ago.

In the face of the curiosity of netizens, none of them said anything, Sun Haiyang said that this time was a little busy, and in order to ensure the smooth progress of the later filling in the volunteers, Sun Zhuo's results will not be announced to the public for the time being.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Sun Haiyang's behavior is understandable, after all, this is a major event related to Sun Zhuo's future. But there are still many people who ridicule him, saying that he is floating and deliberately hangs his appetite.

In this regard, some netizens said that Sun Haiyang's father, that is, Sun Zhuo's grandfather, died suddenly on June 24.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

This is a big blow to the family. Now that the old man is just over the first seven, as the saying goes, "the deceased is great", and it is disrespectful to the deceased to talk about happy events when he is sad.

Sun Haiyang didn't want to hear the congratulations and congratulations of the whole network to him and Sun Zhuo when he was sad.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

However, in the face of netizens' questions, Sun Zhuo's mother still chose to reveal a little news, she said that the results came out, which was Sun Zhuo's ideal result, and lived up to her three years of hard work.

It can be seen that Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results are still good, at least their family is very satisfied, and there is no need to announce the specific results.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

For Sun Haiyang and netizens who care about Sun Zhuo, his results are not important at all, and when Sun Zhuo cried and threw himself into their arms, Sun Zhuo was already a full score.

As long as Sun Zhuo can live happily in the new environment and get along well with his friends, it is enough.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

I don't know where Sun Zhuo will apply for the university, will he study abroad like his sister, or stay with his parents? Make up for the days of the past?

I think Sun Zhuo should take advantage of the summer vacation to lose weight, or find a place to work and increase his social experience.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Sun Zhuo's family finally reunited, and it is understandable to make some money as an Internet celebrity, after all, it is an era when everyone can be an Internet celebrity.

But excessive marketing will inevitably attract cyberviolence. Because of a confession, the whole family has become an Internet celebrity, do they really deserve our attention and like?

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

We need to focus on families who have not yet found children, not on families who have found them and are living in abundance.

It's time for Xie Qingshuai to stop, and Sun Zhuo is the same, the living conditions are so good, why are you still here to get a piece of the pie?

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Finally, I hope that Sun Zhuo's three sisters and brothers can get along well and be more filial to their parents, Sun Haiyang and his wife are not easy in this life. From the loss of a child to the recovery of the loss, the pain and bitterness of those more than ten years are unimaginable to us. So in their hearts, as long as Sun Zhuo can be healthy and happy for a lifetime, it is enough.

String somebody along! Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were released, but Sun Haiyang kept silent, suspected that it was related to the death of his grandfather

Sun Yue is an excellent daughter and sister, Sun Zhuo is the same, let's not compare Sun Zhuo with his sister and brother, let alone others, he is unique.

Sun Zhuo has completely started a new life, and hopes that other families who have lost their children can also find their children as soon as possible.

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