
After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

author:Small back basket for agricultural technology

In summer, there is a lot of rain, high humidity, coupled with high temperature, this high temperature and high humidity environment is simply a "hotbed" for the reproduction and spread of various germs and pests, so all kinds of crops planted in the field and all kinds of flowers and plants planted at home are prone to all kinds of pests and diseases. When plants have pests and diseases, the most direct way is to spray fungicides and insecticides to kill and insecticide to protect plants.

But here comes the problem: there are many rainy days in summer, rainy weather is more frequent, this kind of frequent rainy weather environment spraying, it is easy to appear that the rain will spray on the plant liquid wash away and the spraying effect is not good (even ineffective), pest control can not be the problem. For example, sometimes the front has just arrived in the field to spray, and then it rains, which makes many farmers who need to control plant diseases and pests have a headache when spraying.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

So how to solve the problem of reasonable spraying in rainy seasons to improve the efficacy of medicine? The method is very simple, that is, to take a certain method to make the fungicides and insecticides you spray have stronger "rain-proof and rain-resistant capabilities", so that the liquid sprayed on the plants can absorb more, waste less, have good efficacy, and will not be effective.

Generally speaking, when spraying pesticides to control plant pests and diseases in rainy weather, if you want to make fungicides and insecticides and other pesticides improve the "rainwater resistance" and improve the effect of drug sterilization and insecticide, then the agricultural technology small back basket recommends that you use the following 5 types of pesticides (fungicides, insecticides) as much as possible, otherwise even if you spray fungicides/insecticides on plants, rainy weather will cause the fungicides/insecticides you spray to be ineffective.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

The first is to select and use strong systemic permeable pesticides that can be quickly absorbed and infiltrated into the body with less loss of efficacy.

When a plant disease or insect pest needs to be sprayed, we spray the strong systemic and strong penetration of the liquid medicine on the plant stems and leaves or the pest body, which can be quickly infiltrated and absorbed into the target body (such as the plant and the insect), so that even if it rains within 2-4 hours after the spray, it will not have much impact on the efficacy of the drug. Even fungicides and insecticides with weak permeability can be absorbed by more than 80% of the liquid after 4 hours after injection.

For example, triazolone insecticides, fluconazole fungicides and pyrethroid pesticides such as deltamethrin have little impact on the insecticidal effect when it rains 1-2 hours after the spray, because most of the liquid has already been infiltrated into the body by plants or pests, so the insecticidal and sterilization effect is less affected by the rainy weather, and the amount of efficacy is less due to rainwater erosion, and the rain a few hours after the spray generally does not need to be sprayed twice after the rain.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

The second is to select and use fast-acting pesticides that can quickly kill bacteria and pests.

When plants have diseases or insect pests, we spray pesticides on the surface of the bacteria or insects (contact with the bacteria and pests or eat into the body when the pests are eaten), the fastest tens of seconds and a few minutes, the slowest 2-3 hours can quickly kill the bacteria and knock down the insects, for example, chlorbromoisocyanuric acid only needs a few seconds - more than ten seconds to pierce the cell wall of the bacteria to kill the bacteria, generally this kind of pesticide after 4 hours of rain has little impact on the effect of sterilization and insecticide.

For example, octyramine acetate and azole ether dysen combination (by pyraclostrobin and dysen) can kill pathogens within a few minutes after spraying on the diseased parts of plants, such as fiprofen ethyl (composed of halodioxapyr and ethyl spinosad compound), dinotefuran sprayed on the insect body or eaten by pests after a few minutes after the insect body is paralyzed, and more than 1 hour begins to die one after another, and for example, emamectin • Indoxacarb (composed of emamectin benzoate and indoxacarb) can paralyze and paralyze the insect body (irreversible) within a minute or two after being sprayed on the insect body or eaten by pests, and the insects will begin to die within 3-4 hours. Because this kind of bactericide insecticide sterilization and insecticide is particularly fast after spraying, most of the germs and pests are killed within a few hours, so even if it rains within a few hours after spraying, the effect of sterilization and insecticide is not great, and there is generally no need to spray twice after rain.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

The third is to use microbial active pesticides that like rainy and humid weather to enhance drug activity.

This kind of fungicide and insecticide pesticides, in order to mainly refer to the main active ingredients of microorganisms (live bacteria) and extraction of active substances (antibiotics) from living microorganisms, fungicides, insecticides, such as the previous agricultural technology basket to introduce to you: (1) fungicides - Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus lateralis, Chunleimycin, Zhongshengmycin, Jinggangmycin, etc.; (2) Insecticides - Bacillus thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium aeruginosa, Penicillium lavender, Verticillium thickensis, Bacillus borer, spinomycin, etc., which are more suitable for the use of fungicides in rainy and humid weather.

Why are bioactive insecticides suitable for use in rainy and wet weather? That's because this kind of pesticide is more conducive to the reproduction and diffusion of microbial flora in a humid environment, and is more conducive to enhancing the activity of biological pesticides and the ability of drugs to kill bacteria and insects.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

Therefore, when we encounter frequent rainy weather when spraying pesticides to control pests and diseases, the use of the above-mentioned biological pesticides that like a humid environment will be more conducive to the play of efficacy, and can avoid the occurrence of the loss of efficacy after raining after the chemical pesticides. Under normal circumstances, the general bioactive pesticides will not have an adverse effect on the bactericidal and insecticidal effect when it rains 3-4 hours after spraying, and some microbial fungicides can even be used directly when it rains lightly.

Fourth, use pesticides with stronger rainwater erosion resistance.

The same are fungicides and insecticides, but some pesticides have a strong resistance to rainwater erosion, and some pesticides have a relatively weak resistance to rainwater erosion. Therefore, if you are spraying pesticides to control plant pests and diseases in the season of frequent rain, choose to use pesticides that are more resistant to rain erosion under the same circumstances, which is also a good way to improve the effect of pesticides on rainy weather to control pests and diseases.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

For example, for fungicides containing the same pharmaceutical ingredients, the fungicides of general emulsifiable concentrate dosage form, concentration agent, suspension emulsion, and powder form have stronger resistance to rain erosion than the fungicides of water dosage form and powder form (emulsifiable concentrate> concentrated emulsion> suspension emulsion> wettable powder> water agent); For example, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos, Jinggangmycin, Bordeaux liquid, copper pineinate, basic copper sulfate, tricyclazole, triazole, etc. are pesticides with strong rainwater erosion ability, although the rain will have a certain impact on the pesticide sterilization and insecticidal ability after the general rain, but generally after the rain stops, the dosage is halved and sprayed once.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

Fifth, the use of pesticides that can enhance the adhesion and permeability of the liquid is reasonably added and used.

There are many kinds of pesticide additives, some of which can make the liquid medicine better evenly dispersed (such as preventing the condensation and flocculation of the liquid medicine), some can make the water and pesticides better integrated (such as making the oily pesticide better soluble in water), and some can make the use of the liquid medicine more stable (such as no antagonistic agglomeration reaction between the liquid or delay the oxidation and photolysis of pesticides). Some can allow the release of drug ingredients more slowly (such as prolonging the continuous effect period of the drug solution), and some can prevent plant damage (such as the safety agent added to the herbicide) and so on.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

However, the agricultural technology small back basket wants to tell you that the pesticide additives can have better adhesion, penetration, ductility and wettability after spraying, because the rational use of such pesticide additives can improve the "rain resistance" of pesticide use in disguise, so as to help plants and bacteria and pests on plants evenly adhere to more liquids, absorb more liquid medicines before rain, reduce the resistance of bacteria and pests, and have a better bactericidal and insecticidal effect.

From the pesticide additives that are conducive to the use of the rainy season, all the pesticide additives that are marked as penetrants, spreaders, extenders, synergists, wetting agents, emollients, and adhesives can be purchased and used when preparing pharmaceutical liquids, such as silicones, plant essential oils, orange peel essential oils, orange oils, mineral oils, polyvinyl alcohol and other commonly used pesticide additives. For example, adding a small amount of urea and neutral laundry detergent when preparing the liquid can also improve the wetting and viscosity permeability of the solution, which is very helpful for spraying pesticides to control germs and pests in the rainy season.

After the plant is sprayed with pesticides, it rains to sterilize and kill insects? It is recommended to use these 5 types of pesticides for spraying on rainy days

However, the small back basket of agricultural technology needs to remind everyone to pay attention to: because pesticide additives can improve the adhesion and penetration effect of pesticides such as fungicides and insecticides, so when using pesticide additives to compound the solution, it must not exceed the normal amount of pesticides, otherwise it is easy to cause plants to absorb too much liquid and unnecessary pesticide damage after spraying.

Finally, the small back basket of agricultural technology will give you a simple summary: when encountering frequent rainy seasons and weather in summer, including field crops and family flowers are very prone to pests and diseases, it is not that the effect of pesticides to control pests and diseases on rainy days must be poor, nor can it be sprayed in rainy weather (frequent rainy weather should be more serious to spray pesticides to prevent diseases and insects), but we must learn to correctly select the most suitable for rainy weather to use, "more rain-resistant" pesticide types, otherwise you spray pesticides to control pests and diseases on rainy days, Even if you get a bactericide and insecticide, it's basically a blank shot!

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