
The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

author:The first clear sky

Nigeria is an African country, and he knows Nigeria because he has played football well, won the African football championship, is known as the African Eagle, and has played in the World Cup 5 times, and his strength is still quite strong.

I heard that the price of tomatoes in Nigeria has increased this year due to insect infestation, and it has skyrocketed by 20 times compared to previous years. I think it's quite strange, so let's take a look.


On June 29, I swiped a video saying that Nigeria's tomato production has been reduced this year due to insect infestation, and the price of tomatoes has skyrocketed 20 times compared with last year.

It turns out that in Nigeria tomato is a commonly used vegetable and fruit. In previous years, the price of a basket of tomatoes was 3,500 naira, or about 16.8 yuan.

This year, the price of a basket of tomatoes rose to 70,000 naira due to reduced production. About 336 yuan, compared with last year, it has risen 20 times.

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it
The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it
The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it
The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

According to data released by the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics, the average monthly salary in Nigeria in 2019 was 64,000 naira (about 13,000 yuan).

In big cities such as Lagos, the monthly salary of senior managers and professionals can even reach more than 200,000 naira (about 40,000 yuan).

Judging from this statistics, the monthly salary in Nigeria is still quite high, and the average person can get 13,000 yuan. If this is the case, a basket of tomatoes of 336 yuan can also be afforded.

Depending on the size of this basket, a basket may be forty or fifty pounds. If the average price is about 6 yuan per pound of tomatoes.

In this comparison, I feel that they can still afford it.

I went to the supermarket in the morning and saw that the pink tomatoes were 6 cents and 9 pounds. In comparison, our food is quite cheap.

But I don't know if the monthly salary of 13,000 yuan in Nigeria is accurate? I looked up the salary in Nigeria for two or three years on the Internet, and the monthly salary was about $159.76. The equivalent of RMB is 1161 yuan.

This discrepancy is a bit big. If you calculate it this way, the price of tomatoes is a bit too high! The average family certainly can't afford it.

Take a look at netizens' comments on Nizhsheng Yagui tomatoes,

Netizens looked at the price of tomatoes in other countries and talked about their lives. Think that their tomatoes are naturally ripe and are good stuff.

Maybe it's more expensive in big cities, after all, tomatoes in big cities can reach the price of four or five yuan, it's really not easy to live in vain!

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Is it that simple to be rich in Africa? As long as you can eat potatoes, tomatoes and eggs, and drink Coke, you will be the richest person. Aren't we all the richest people? [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs]

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Tomatoes have gone up 20 times, and something else must have gone up too. It's not that you have to eat it, but their vegetables include tomatoes, which are still relatively everyday vegetables.

Don't let the Indians eat curry, don't let the Chinese eat eggplant, beans and tomatoes, then let them eat? This is already an ordinary vegetable that can no longer be ordinary.

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

International trade can be engaged. Transporting tomatoes is not an easy task. Because there is still a length of time for storage, etc., and how much can you earn on the price?

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Looking at the whimsy of netizens, you can hire a plane and pull a cart of tomatoes to fly over, I don't think I can make any money. [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs]

Because there are many factors to consider when transporting agricultural products, plus there may be tariffs. There may be losses along the way!

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

That's right, Chinese tomatoes are very cheap now, 3 mao, 5 mao, 8 mao. Some netizens lamented that African tomatoes are small and green, and there are no additives to ensure that they are authentic and delicious. [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs]

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Hahaha, hurry up and come to China to buy goods, there are many tomatoes in China and throw them away.

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

It seems that tomatoes in Shandong are indeed very cheap. I went to the supermarket today and felt that this year's dishes were indeed cheaper than in previous years.

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Buy a large bucket of tomatoes, you can make tomato sauce and save it for the winter.

The price of tomatoes in Nigeria has skyrocketed 20 times, and a basket costs 336 yuan, and netizens have commented on it

Write at the end

Tomatoes in Nigeria are expensive because of insect infestations. Our dishes this year are all cheaper, probably because people don't have much money in their hands, and there are good harvests everywhere.

It can only be said that scarcity is expensive. If tomatoes are scarce, the price will definitely increase. It's a big deal to eat too much in previous years. Just eat less this year. If you really want to eat, buy some.

As for transporting large quantities of vegetables to Nigeria, I don't think it's feasible because sea freight is economical, but it takes too long and you have to pay attention to storage on the way.

And the price of vegetables and fruits is not high, if you ship to Nigeria, after all, it will be cheaper than their local vegetables to sell. If they can't afford to buy it, your food may rot in their hands and they won't be able to sell it. You may lose money!

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