
The whole network is looking for a replacement! Under the replacement boom, who dares to say that it can replace the existence of Huang Yuan

author:Turtle lovers

The so-called substitute or stand-in must look like the deity, and be somewhat similar in other ways. Recently, many turtle friends have been discussing the issue of replacement, and it seems that for some reason, everyone's target breed cannot be raised, so they choose to settle for the second.

For example, the current giants are very expensive, and they really can't get their hands on it, so it's better to replace it with a razor, and it's not unreasonable to be a good razor race giant.

In fact, there are still many species that can be substituted in the water turtles, because many varieties have similar habits and appearances, but most of the same type of turtles are actually similar in price and supply, and there is no need to say that they are replaced. As for the semi-water turtle, what is discussed a lot is which species can replace the yellow edge?

The whole network is looking for a replacement! Under the replacement boom, who dares to say that it can replace the existence of Huang Yuan

When we mention semi-water turtles, their unique lively personality and closeness to people always make turtle lovers fall in love with them. Among them, the yellow-edged turtle is a unique "star" breed, which is deeply loved by turtle friends. And there are really limited varieties of terrestrial semi-water turtles on the market, and the yellow margin is particularly dazzling.

However, although the price of the yellow-edged turtle has been reduced by more than half, the price in the pet turtle alone seems to be a bit high, and some turtle friends are eager to find an alternative breed that is both lively and cute, beautiful online, and affordable to the people. So, among the many species of semi-water turtles, which one can fill the gap of the yellow-edged turtle and become our new favorite?

First of all, some turtle friends mentioned the Abu closed-shell turtle. Ambu did feel like no one had mentioned it for a long time, thinking everyone had forgotten about it. In fact, Ambu looks cute, has a clear head line, and the black shell looks calm and stylish. In particular, the head lines of the line are particularly conspicuous and gorgeous. However, its water-biased nature and special needs for the environment may be a bit disappointing for turtle lovers looking for similar habits of Huang Yuan. Still, for those who prefer aquatic turtles, the Ambu turtle is still a good choice.

However, it is clear that Ambu is suitable for the terrapinus type of rearing, and the yellow margin is more landly. The seedlings of Anbu Xian are still slightly lower than those of Huang Yuan, but the seedlings of Anbu do not seem to be easy to raise. After maturing in the later stage, the fun points of the two are also very different, replacing Huang Yuan, and the span is too large.

The whole network is looking for a replacement! Under the replacement boom, who dares to say that it can replace the existence of Huang Yuan

The next thing some say is the maple leaf turtle. With its unique appearance and similar appearance to the saw-edged turtle, it has won the favor of many turtle friends. However, maple leaf turtles are fragile and difficult to raise, requiring high breeding skills and patience. said that it can be replaced, I suspect that it is all for the sake of shipping, right? Rather than a maple leaf, I personally think that the saw edge is still a better choice.

And what about the subgiant tortoise. The giant tortoise is large in size, eats an amazing amount of food, and eats green vegetables as its staple food, and the cost of raising is relatively low. However, due to its huge size, it may not be able to withstand its bulky body for families with limited space. In addition, the excretion of the giant tortoise is also larger, and the cleaning work, you know. It's just that it's similar to Ambu, and it is better to raise it in a water environment when it is a child, and after it reaches the weight of two or three catties, it will be considered to be raised on land. It's just that this general physique is also very different from Huang Yuan. There is no way to replace Huang Yuan at all.

The whole network is looking for a replacement! Under the replacement boom, who dares to say that it can replace the existence of Huang Yuan

If it can really replace Huang Yuan, the most promising individual thinks it is still the saw edge. It's just that in terms of appearance, the saw edge is indeed a cut behind the yellow edge. Moreover, at present, the amount of artificial individuals with saw-edges is not as good as that of yellow edges, so it cannot be replaced for the time being. And, of course, the beautiful poison, the yellow forehead. The yellow forehead situation is similar to maple leaves, and it is difficult to raise, so I still don't want to do it first. In terms of varieties alone, I personally like them.

In addition, there is the box turtle, which is also a good choice. They have similar habits to yellow-edged turtles, and their appearance is bright and colorful, and they have high ornamental value. However, at present, the price of box turtles is very high, and some people say that they are going to collapse. In any case, turtles that are too high-priced can be completely ignored for those of us who are not investment enthusiasts. Unless you really like it and you don't have a problem with your budget, that's a different story.

And what about wood grain? The wood grain is actually good, but it is slightly inferior in terms of cold resistance, which requires you to think about it. Or the yellow margin is more suitable for the continental climate.

In the end, what else can be said? Who can replace Huang Yuan, it is absolutely impossible at present!

The whole network is looking for a replacement! Under the replacement boom, who dares to say that it can replace the existence of Huang Yuan