
After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

author:It's a big mouth

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After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

Text: Heaven is a big mouth

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On October 25, 2011, Shang Yubo's leap became an indelible pain in the hearts of countless people, and Shang Yubo at that time was showing his edge in the entertainment industry.

At only 28 years old, his career is like the rising sun, and the TV series starring him is on the air, and the future seems to be bright. But the trajectory of fate took a sharp turn at this seemingly glorious moment, which caught people off guard.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live
After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

His parents were trendsetters in the field of literature and art, and they resolutely went to Shenzhen for a better life. This time also changed the trajectory of Shang Yubo's childhood.

The warmth and joy of the past have been replaced by loneliness and loss. In the new environment, there are no familiar partners, and the busy figures of his parents rarely appear next to him.

Shang Yubo, a child, has an introverted personality since he was a child, and he is as quiet as a deep pool. But his inner world is incomparably rich, and his understanding is distressing. Although his parents gave him material wealth, the spiritual nourishment was lacking.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live
After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

He is immersed in his own little world, and TV has become his best partner, especially those martial arts dramas full of chivalry and pride, which make him intoxicated, and imitating the characters in the play has become his unique pleasure.

Perhaps, it was at that time that the seeds of performance quietly sprouted in his heart. He is like a piece of jade born for performance, imitating others to come to life, and can often make the people around him lean forward and backward.

In the days of school, Shang Yubo seemed a little out of place. With a withdrawn personality, it is difficult for him to integrate into the circle of his classmates. Most of the time, he chooses to be alone in a daze, thinking about those little secrets that belong to him.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

And in high school, the gears of fate began to turn. Because of his love for acting, he joined the school's drama club and also played the leading role in Romeo and Juliet.

At that moment, he seemed to have found his own stage, the fire of love in his heart burned more and more, and he longed to become a real actor and shine his own light on the stage.

In the college entrance examination, he could have chosen a stable path with his excellent cultural class results, but his heart beating for performance made him resolutely choose the art examination.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

At first, the parents were not supportive, but when they witnessed their son's light on the stage, they were finally moved and nodded in agreement.

The hard work paid off, and Shang Yubo was successfully admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama, and since then he has embarked on the acting road he dreamed of.

During his time at school, when his classmates were busy going out to take on plays to earn money, he plunged into drama rehearsals and devoted himself to studying acting skills. This dedication and dedication laid a solid foundation for his future success.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

After graduation, Shang Yubo is like an eagle flying high, and has become famous with works such as "Army Special Combat Team" and "Durala's Promotion", and has won rave reviews from the audience and industry insiders.

Everyone has high hopes for this fledgling but talented young student, looking forward to him being able to draw a more brilliant trajectory in the sky of acting.

But who would have thought that fate would play a cruel joke on him at this time. Shang Yubo has extraordinary talent and strong empathy ability, which should have been his advantage on the road of acting, but he did not expect it to become the fuse for him to fall into the quagmire of depression.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

When filming, he always devotes himself to the role, as if he is the person in the play, feeling the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the character.

This excessive devotion caused the character's gloomy mood to gradually erode his heart, and a series of depressive symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety began to follow.

The entertainment industry is a highly competitive place, and if you slack off, you may be eliminated. This tremendous pressure was like an invisible mountain, overwhelming him.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live
After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

And Shang Yubo has always shown a gentle, cheerful, and lively image to the outside world, even if his heart has long been full of holes.

Not only did he suffer silently himself, but he also listened enthusiastically and helped with ideas when other actors had psychological problems. No one could have imagined that such a warm and kind person would be gradually swallowed up by darkness in his heart.

At the age of 26, Shang Yubo's depression was so severe that he couldn't hide it. He often couldn't sleep at night, and he was listless during the day, which greatly affected his work and study.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

Only then did everyone realize that something was wrong with him, and his family rushed to take him to the doctor and was diagnosed with major depression. Since then, he has had to rely on medication and psychotherapy to fight the disease.

But the side effects of antidepressants made his body fat and weak, which was undoubtedly worse for an actor.

The double pressure of work and body plunged Shang Yubo's life into endless darkness. He is like a boat adrift in a storm, unable to find its way and see no hope.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

I still remember that day, Shang Yubo, who has always been busy, suddenly proposed to go on a trip with his mother. The mother readily agreed, thinking that her son was just tired from work and wanted to relax. But she never expected that her son had already been tortured by depression and was physically and mentally emaciated.

After his illness, Shang Yubo always went to the hospital alone for treatment when he was depressed. In the face of his mother's concern, he always forced a smile and comforted him that he would be fine if he took some medicine. Although the mother was suspicious, her son's disguise allowed her to put her worries aside for the time being.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

On October 23, 2011, Shang Yubo asked his mother about the choice of filming, and the mother and son decided by drawing lots. The next day, his mother sent him to the crew, and his attachment when they parted became a farewell.

On October 25, Shang Yubo walked up to the roof alone. What kind of torment and struggle should he have experienced in his heart during those three hours of wandering. In the end, he chose to take a leap and end this young and precious life at the age of 28.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made her mother Mao Aizhen grief-stricken and fainted on the spot. My friends were shocked and couldn't accept this cruel reality.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live
After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

Shang Yubo's 17-word last words on his phone: "My death has nothing to do with anyone else, and I don't have to blame anyone." These short words are full of his kindness and helplessness, which makes people moved.

His departure brought endless pain to his mother Mao Aizhen. But this strong mother was not knocked down by grief.

She knew that her son was suffering from depression before his death, so she decided to turn this pain into strength to care for and help more people who had the same experience as her son.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

Mao Aizhen established the "Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation", which is the first foundation in China to focus on mental health and depression prevention and publicity.

She wants to use her actions to let more people understand depression and let more families avoid this painful torment. But Mao Aizhen was not crushed by grief, she chose another way to commemorate her son.

A year later, she founded the Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting mental health knowledge, allowing more people to understand depression and preventing more families from suffering the same tragedy.

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

Shang Yubo is a heartbreaking tragedy, but it is also a wake-up call. In this fast-paced society, we often only see the superficial scenery of others, but ignore their inner pain.

Depression, the "invisible killer", is quietly eroding the hearts of many people. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the emotional changes of those around us, and we can no longer perfunctory those souls who are struggling with pain with a fluttering phrase of "think about it".

After wandering for three hours, Shang Yubo, who was only 28 years old, jumped off the building and committed suicide, leaving only his mother sad to live

We need to learn to listen, learn to understand, embrace them with love and warmth, and let them know that they are not fighting alone.

Although Shang Yubo has left this world, he should be remembered by us.

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