
What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Lotte system leaf hNH

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After a hard day, just for this moment, you must not treat yourself badly, you should eat deliciously, you should drink deliciously. Eating and drinking is a major event in life.

It's time for dinner again, if you don't know what to eat, just take a look, here are the recipes of the week, meat and vegetarian combinations, color, flavor, and flavor, there is always something you like.

On Mondays, stir-fried pork with garlic, steamed beef with mustard, and braised tilapia

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

On Tuesday, stir-fried dried tofu with leek flowers, spicy poached eggs, ginger and green onions

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

Wednesday, winter melon and meat foam soup, stir-fried eggplant with green peppers, braised prawns in oil, stir-fried leeks

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

On Thursdays, stir-fried pork with sauerkraut, stir-fried green beans, steamed sea bass

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

Friday, stir-fried choy sum, bitter gourd soup, spicy chicken wings, stuffed pork with green peppers

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

On Saturdays, stir-fried zucchini, stir-fried beef with coriander, and steamed shrimp with vermicelli

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

On Sundays, pork bone soup with coconut under the sea, shrimp salad, garlic lettuce, tomato scrambled eggs

What's for dinner? If you don't know what to eat, let's take a look, here's the recipe for the week

The picture comes from the Internet

With this week's recipe, we don't have to worry about what to eat for dinner, our family of four, tonight we eat pork foam winter melon soup, braised tilapia, stir-fried choy sum.

One fish, one soup and one dish, and I have to eat two bowls of rice for dinner, which is beautiful just to think about. What about you? What do you have for dinner? This week's recipe can be referred to.

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