
2024.6.29 Legal person daily visa: go out for a walk

author:Mai reads the law reading

June 29:

Sitting at home will only make the life of your dreams miss out!

——《华尔街之狼》 The Wolf of Wall Street

2024.6.29 Legal person daily visa: go out for a walk

Mai Read Calendar 2024 Click on the image ↑ Buy Now This is the sixth year of Mai Read Calendar. Every year, we carefully select those concise and profound sentences from hundreds of legal films and literary works, and carve a unique spiritual imprint belonging to legal people on such a ritualistic item as a calendar. One page a day, one sentence per page. Accompany you through this unique legal life.

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Daily Legal Book Recommendations

- Commentary on the Civil Code of China - Commentary on the Civil Code of China: Selected Articles

2024.6.29 Legal person daily visa: go out for a walk

One sentence recommendation: Professor Zhu Qingyu and Professor Gao Shengping, editor-in-chief, brought together 70 well-known civil law scholars and practical experts, and took 5 years to build. This series of books aims to connect theory and practice, run through civil law principles, laws and cases, and reshape the civil law knowledge system of legal practitioners. At the same time, it is based on China's current judicial practice, centered on the provisions of the current Civil Code, and comprehensively covers the interpretation and application of legal provisions in practice. This book is detailed ↓

Over the course of five years, 70 civil law scholars and practical experts will take you to bridge the gap between theory and practice and reshape the foundation of civil law

Commentary on the Civil Code of China

2024.6.29 Legal person daily visa: go out for a walk

Recommendation: This book is the first volume of the normative collection published by Professor Zhu Qingyu and Professor Gao Shengping in the "Commentary Series on the Civil Code of China". The author of this book devotes 480,000 words to 18 articles on the calculation of the statute of limitations and the period of action in the Civil Code, integrates the principles of civil law, legislative interpretations, judicial interpretations, typical precedents and typical doctrines, and presents the legislative, judicial and academic views of all the legal provisions in this field in a complete manner. Professor Zhu Qingyu's recommendation: This book is the author's work of many years of intensive research on the statute of limitations, and it is also the integration of the research on the statute of limitations in Chinese law, and it has pushed this research in mainland China to a new height. As the first work in the series of normative annotations to the Commentary on the Civil Code of China, this book fully demonstrates the characteristics of the commentary that integrates legislation, justice and doctrine, which is exemplary. This book is detailed ↓ 18 articles and 480,000 words, this book makes the "statute of limitations" your offensive and defensive weapon | Zhu Qingyu: It's exemplary

Commentary on the Civil Code of China

2024.6.29 Legal person daily visa: go out for a walk

After hundreds of years of practical exploration, the German academic community has finally begun to focus on the physiology and chemistry of legal commentary in the past decade. This book is one of the results of this work. This book takes the main legislative precedents around the world as the object of observation, and the sorting out and explanation of the status and causes of their legal commentaries are thought-provoking. Commentaries on mainland law are in the ascendant, and the introduction of this book is timely, so that the practice of mainland commentaries has the opportunity to move forward steadily in the lessons and reflections of other mountains. This book is detailed ↓

It is a panoramic introduction to the history of legal commentaries in various countries, which can be called a collection of "civil law biographies" in various countries


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