
I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

author:Affection and dew

I'm Ding Xiang, 71 years old this year, living alone in my rural hometown. Yesterday, the results of the college entrance examination came out, and my two precious grandchildren did well in the exam, and they brought the whole family to me early this morning to report the good news.

Sunlight poured into the living room through the window, and I sat on the couch and watched my son and daughter stream in with their respective families, all with a big smile on my face.

"Grandpa, I scored 608 points!" My grandson Xiao Ming said excitedly, his eyes shining with pride.

"Grandpa, I scored 586 points!" My grandson Xiaoqiang also couldn't wait to report, and his voice was full of joy.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

When I heard the news, I couldn't have been happier. Both children have exceeded the undergraduate line, especially Xiaoqiang, whose grades are average, but this time it is really extraordinary.

"Yes, yes!" I smiled and said, "Grandpa is so proud of you!" Come, grandpa has prepared a reward for you. "

I stood up tremblingly and took out two red envelopes from the cabinet, each containing 10,000 yuan. "This is a little bit of grandpa's heart, congratulations on your good results."

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

Xiaoqiang took the red envelope with a smile and thanked him repeatedly. Xiao Ming was a little restrained: "Grandpa, this is too precious..."

"Take it," I insisted, "this is Grandpa's intention." "

Xiao Ming finally accepted the red envelope, with a grateful smile on his face.

But at this moment, my daughter-in-law suddenly spoke: "Dad, Xiao Ming has been admitted to college, and it will be a lot of expenses to go to college in the future." Besides, when he graduates from college, maybe he will talk about marriage. Can you help me a little more? "

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

When my son heard this, his face became a little ugly, and he wanted to interrupt his daughter-in-law, but she would not give up. Xiao Ming also noticed the change in the atmosphere and tried to change the topic: "Mom, let's talk..."

I sighed inwardly, understanding that they were playing with the idea of the demolition money. Some time ago, our family received 1 million in compensation for demolition, which has always been a sensitive topic.

After a moment of silence, I decided to tackle the issue head-on. I took out two bank cards from my pocket and handed one to Xiao Ming: "Here is 300,000, for you." "

Then I handed another card to Xiaoqiang: "There is 700,000 in this card, which is for you." "

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

As soon as the words fell, the whole room was eerily quiet in an instant. Everyone looked at me dumbfounded, as if I had just said something earth-shattering.

The daughter-in-law was the first to react, and her face changed from surprise to anger: "Dad, what's wrong with you?" Isn't it old and confused? Why give more money to your grandson? "

I couldn't help but feel a little sad when I looked at her excited. I knew there might be a storm ahead, but I was determined to stick with my choice. After all, it was a deliberate decision and I had my reasons.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

I was born in a small county town, and although I only went to elementary school, my wife and I had to endure a lot of hardships in order to support a pair of children. Looking back on those years, I can still feel the calluses on my hands and the soreness on my back.

Our daughter is three years older than her son, and she has been sensible since she was a child. I remember when she was a little girl, the first thing she did when she came home from school was to help us with housework and take care of my younger brother. At that time, seeing her small figure busy before and after, my wife and I felt both relieved and sad.

"Dad, Mom, don't be busy, I'll cook." The daughter always said this, and then skillfully tied her apron, stepped on the small stool and began to work.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

My daughter's academic performance has been good, and she could have gone to high school after the high school entrance examination, and she is likely to be admitted to university. Her homeroom teacher also came to the house to persuade her: "Ding Xiang, your daughter's grades are so good, she should continue to study in high school." "

But her daughter insisted on studying as a middle school teacher. I still remember what she said: "Dad, Mom, I can work after graduating from middle school, so I can help you reduce your burden as soon as possible." "

Hearing this, my wife and I both had red eyes.

When her daughter was 23 years old, she married her colleague. After getting married, the couple saved money and worked hard.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

Now, they have bought a house in the city, and with the establishment, life is not bad. Every time I think about it, I feel proud of my daughter.

Our daughter's filial piety to our old couple touched us even more. She comes back to see us at least twice a month, and she buys our clothes, furniture, appliances, and mobile phones. Five years ago, my wife was critically ill and spent 60,000 or 70,000 yuan, most of which was paid by my daughter and son-in-law.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'm here." My daughter always comforted us like this and made us feel so warm.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

In contrast, my son's situation made me a little helpless. His academic performance has not been good, and after finishing junior high school, his high school entrance examination results are not satisfactory. I asked someone to find him a job, hoping that he would do a good job.

My son got married when he was 22 years old, and in order to marry him as a daughter-in-law, my wife and I emptied our savings to build a house, and our daughter also contributed some money. After the birth of our grandchildren, my wife and I helped them take care of their two children so that they could work with peace of mind.

However, five years ago, when my wife was diagnosed with a terminal illness, we encountered a situation that chilled my heart. I was unwilling and wanted to save again, so I counted on my son to give some money.

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

"Dad, don't waste your money." The daughter-in-law said coldly: "If the disease can't be cured, why bother tossing it again?" "

Hearing this, I was so angry that I trembled, my heart hurt like being cut by a knife, during the days when my wife was critically ill, my daughter took care of it personally, and my son also ran several times, but my daughter-in-law didn't even bother to show her face, which made us extremely cold. After the death of my wife, my health deteriorated and I could no longer take care of the housework.

"Look at you, it's useless." My daughter-in-law often counts me down like this, saying nasty things: "You know all day long that you are causing us trouble." "

I will give 300,000 yuan for my grandson's college entrance examination 608, and I will give 700,000 yuan for my grandson's 586 college entrance examination, daughter-in-law: Are you old and confused?

I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to leave my son's house and return to my hometown in the countryside. That day, I dragged my tired body and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar old house, and I had mixed feelings in my heart.

Standing in the yard, I can't help but think of the scene where my daughter played here when she was a child, and the little things she paid for the family. In contrast, the attitude of my son and daughter-in-law made me feel deeply disappointed and sad.

I sighed and pushed open the slightly worn wooden door. Although life is difficult, I know that as long as I have my daughter, I will never be alone. This home carries too many memories, both bitter and sweet, but after all, it is my safe haven.

As I sat in the living room and watched the farce in front of me, I couldn't help but think back to all these years.

Not long after I returned to my hometown in the countryside, I fell seriously ill. At that time, I was lying in a dilapidated old house and felt the ceiling shake. My son came back to see me, but he was in a hurry.

"Dad, I... I really can't help it. The son stopped talking, his eyes were full of helplessness: "She is in charge of the family's money..."

I sighed, disappointed and distressed. At this moment, the daughter rushed back in a hurry.

"Dad!" As soon as her daughter entered the door, her eyes turned red: "Why did you lose weight like this?" I'll take you to the hospital. "

She insisted on taking me to the city to care for the elderly, but I was worried that my in-laws would have opinions, so I had to politely refuse. "Girl, I'm fine here, don't worry."

Three years ago, in the summer, my daughter and son-in-law suddenly came to my hometown. "Dad, we decided to tear down the old house and build you a new one." The daughter said firmly.

I hesitated: "It's going to cost a lot of money, right?" "

"You don't care," said the son-in-law with a smile, "this is what we should do." "

In this way, at the insistence of her daughter and son-in-law, the old house was turned into a brand-new two-story building with all the facilities in it, all of which were paid for by them.

Recalling this, I took a deep breath and interrupted my daughter-in-law, who was still chattering. "Listen to me." I wasn't loud, but it quieted everyone.

"That's how I think about this demolition money." I said slowly: "The old house was rebuilt by your sister, and the money was also paid by her." I gave Xiaoqiang 700,000 yuan, in fact, I just returned your sister's money. As for the 300,000 yuan given to Xiao Ming, it is the demolition money that the old house could have gotten, which is a piece of grandpa's heart for his grandson. "

I looked at Xiao Ming, my eyes were full of love: "Xiao Ming always comes to see me on vacation, and grandpa is very pleased." "

The daughter-in-law seemed to want to say something, but Xiao Ming suddenly stood up.

"Dad, Mom," his voice was firm and powerful, "your attitude towards Grandpa is really disappointing. Grandpa has given so much for us, but you..."

Xiao Ming's words were like a heavy hammer, smashing his son and daughter-in-law speechless.

"Grandpa," Xiao Ming turned to me, tears flashing in his eyes: "I will definitely study hard, and I will provide for you in the future." "

My daughter also stood up and held my hand: "Dad, don't worry, we have taken care of your pension." "

Looking at this scene in front of me, I felt a warm current in my heart. I smiled, so relieved, so happy.

"Yes, yes." I said softly, my eyes wandering back and forth between Xiao Ming and my daughter: "With you, my life is worth it." "

The room fell silent, and the sunlight poured in through the window, gilding it with a layer of gold. I looked at the family in front of me, and my heart was full of mixed emotions. There is gratitude to his daughter, expectations for Xiao Ming, and disappointment in his son and daughter-in-law. But more than that, there is hope for the future.

I know that no matter what the future holds, I will never be alone. Because I have a sensible daughter, a grandson who knows how to be grateful, and a grandson who makes me proud. This is my happiness, my wealth.

Looking out the window at the blue sky, I exhaled deeply. Life may not be satisfactory, but as long as we have good thoughts, there will always be good things waiting for us. I smiled and was ready for the next chapter in my life.

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