
The ship arrives in North Korea (274) and Xiaomei is just finished in the office, when Lee Hye-joo suddenly appears to have a meeting

author:Seafarer Big Brother
The ship arrives in North Korea (274) and Xiaomei is just finished in the office, when Lee Hye-joo suddenly appears to have a meeting

The women's committee member left the club and put down her identity and became an ordinary Korean citizen, and Kim Ergou continued to be the person in charge of the rice transplanter in the village, which made me feel that this result was particularly appropriate. This is the first time that I have been very mature in managing Xiaomei's village.

For this work arrangement, Xiaomei is also angry. Before, the women's committee members made mistakes again and again, and Xiaomei was already very tolerant of her, but such tolerance still brought trouble. Now, the dismissal of the women's committee can be regarded as an explanation of their work.

When they left, Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother, do you think there will be no trouble if I am exempted from the Women's Committee?" ”

"No, no, no, I think it's okay, the women's committee is still a reasonable person, besides, you didn't deal with her well, and it was very good if you didn't deduct her work." I explained.

In order to satisfy one of my curiosity, I said to Xiaomei, "Xiaomeier, what do you mean by letting me leave at that time?" ”

Xiaomei looked at me and said, "It's not interesting, I just don't want you to see my down-and-out side." I'm worried that I won't be able to handle this matter well, maybe the two of them will compete with me, and at that time, maybe I won't be able to pull my face myself, and I will lose a lot of money in front of me when the time comes. ”

Sure enough, Xiaomei just didn't want me to see her true side. Speaking from the heart, Xiaomei's angry appearance does make me a little incredible, such a good-faced woman, she actually has a bottom line, and she usually does not show up, but when she is suddenly exposed, she finds that she is out of control.

Xiaomei said to me, "It's okay now, do you want to go back in a hurry?" ”

I see that Xiaomei is also worried that I will be scolded by the captain, after all, I didn't go back after coming down last night.

The moment Xiaomei asked me, in fact, my heart was sad. After returning to the ship this time, I don't know when the next North Korean will be. Xiaomei and I said, "I see it's still early, since I'm down, I'll accompany you more." ”

When Xiaomei heard me say this, she actually understood what I meant, and she loved me very much in her heart. At that time, I knew that people from the village would not usually come to the community, and besides, the women's committee members had only just left and would not come back.

Xiaomei, like me, is in a reluctant mood. So at that time, Xiaomei made an unexpected move, which made me feel very happy for a while. It's a pity that I wasn't ready, and it was over in twenty minutes.

Seeing that no one from the club was coming, Xiaomei took the initiative to run to the entrance of the courtyard and closed the gate of the courtyard, and then immediately returned to the office and closed the door of the office again. Xiaomei was more anxious than me, and came to my side before I could react after closing the door.

Because I was not prepared, we were in the office, and the light was not good, and after exercising for more than 20 minutes, Xiaomei went to open the door.

It's a pity that it would be nice if such a thing happened to Xiaomei's house. After all, there is cabinda bark at home, and now that it is better, it is obvious that the body is not as good as before. In the past, an hour or half an hour was not a problem, but now it is okay, the crew is at sea for a long time, and it is no longer the same as before.

The deterioration of his body also means that he will be disgusted by Xiaomei.

Xiaomei stopped after seeing me for more than 20 minutes, and said to me directly, "You are really, you finally came to the club once, but you handed me such a result." ”

I'm also helpless, I know the pain in my heart better than anyone else, who doesn't want to exercise every day, let alone a person of my identity, even more so.

Xiaomei and I said, "I don't want to, you came too suddenly this time." Can you let me prepare well next time? Normally, we all have warm-up exercises, but this time, we don't have to be mentally prepared to exercise in the cold. ”

Xiaomei was a little shy by me, and said, "Let's go, let's go, let's talk about it later, there will be more opportunities in the future." However, if you can go to Angola this time, you must bring more back, otherwise I will dislike you in the future. ”

I remember Xiaomei told me before that she wouldn't dislike me, but now it seems that she feels bad about me.

After Xiaomei tidied up her clothes, she pushed open the office door. Just as we were about to go to the courtyard to open the door, Li Huizhu, who was in charge of the village, ran outside and knocked on the door.

At first, I only heard Li Huizhu shouting into the courtyard, "Comrade President, are you inside?" ”

Xiaomei was nervous for a moment, then hurriedly opened the door and said, "Yo, is Comrade Li Huizhu?" It's rude and rude, and I'm just about to leave after dealing with the affairs in the village. ”

"I know, on the way here, I met Jin Ergou from your village, and they said that you happened to be in the society, so I came to look for you." Lee Hye-joo responded.

"No, is it such a coincidence? It's a little incredible. I thought to myself, "It's okay, it's over quickly today, otherwise, I may be caught by Li Huizhu." This is the will of God, God told me that it should be over in twenty minutes, so I escaped this catastrophe. ”

Xiaomei looked at me, didn't speak, and said to Li Huizhu, "Come on, come on, come in and sit in the office, I'll make tea for you." ”

Xiaomei led Li Huizhu to the office, but the office was still filled with the fishy smell of men and women, and I don't know if Li Huizhu smelled it. Xiaomei deliberately walked to the window, opened the window, and explained, "The weather is expected to rain today, so I deliberately closed the window." ”

Xiaomei's explanation seems weak, in fact, Li Huizhu is also a woman, and she can more or less understand what we just did.

After Li Huizhu sat down, she didn't wait for Xiaomei to speak. said directly, "Xiao Mei'er, I think it's still early at this time, otherwise, you go up to the loudspeaker at the door and shout at the loudspeaker, let the villagers shout to each other, let them come to the club for a meeting, I have something important to report." ”

Xiaomei still doesn't understand why Li Huizhu came to the village this time? Seeing that Li Huizhu was so anxious, Xiaomei's expression was wrong.

Xiaomei put down the teacup that was about to make tea, went to the door outside the courtyard and shouted, "Villagers of the three villages, you put down your work and come to the community now, Comrade Li Huizhu, who is responsible for the safe production in our village, is here, she will convene everyone to hold a meeting, please come to the courtyard now." ”

During Xiaomei's broadcast, Li Huizhu and I said, "Comrade seafarer, I see that you have a good relationship with Xiaomei." If it's suitable, Xiaomei is a divorced girl, very good, see if you can eat cold noodles. ”

In North Korea, it is generally said that eating cold noodles means eating candy.

Li Huizhu can say this to me, which is completely inconsistent with her usual attitude and her usual identity. I don't know why she suddenly said this to me at this time, and I don't know the relationship between the two of us.

When Li Huizhu was about to continue, Xiaomei came to the office. Li Huizhu did not continue, but said to Xiaomei, "Xiaomeier, this time, you must call Jin Taocheng, and I will make an announcement from the relevant parties." ”

At that moment, I probably heard what Xiaomei meant. Xiaomei said to me, "Oh, brother, is there a drama about Jin Taocheng?" ”

Xiaomei looked excited, why did she come back and ask me? She should have asked Lee Hye-joo.

At this time, the villagers came to the courtyard one after another. There was a doubt in everyone's eyes, and even Jin Ergou, who had just left, returned to the courtyard and asked Xiaomei, "Comrade President, what's going on?" Why is there still a meeting to be held at this time? ”

Xiaomei didn't respond to Jin Ergou, in Jin Ergou's opinion, Xiaomei was disgusted with him, so she left with her tail between her legs. In fact, Xiaomei herself doesn't know what Li Huizhu is going to do next, what meeting is she going to have?

Xiaomei invited Li Huizhu to sit on the desk in the courtyard, and then said, "Comrade, I think everything is here now, can you see what needs to be announced?" ”

"Has Jin Taocheng arrived? Li Xiaohu is not there? Li Huizhu asked seriously.

Xiaomei looked at the scene at the time, and then shouted, "Comrade Jin Taocheng, Comrade Li Xiaohu, have you arrived?" ”

At this point, the two of them stood up. Xiaomei probably knew in her heart, she must have praised them for saving people last time, so she decisively called them, "Come on, come on, you two sit in the front, why are you hiding behind?" ”

The two of them heard that the butty father came to him, and the villagers at this time were very curious, and they didn't know what was going to happen next.

At this time, Li Huizhu personally glanced at the two of them, and then said, "Comrades of the three villages, this time, I want to bring you good news. After the re-identification of the superiors, I also communicated with your president many times, investigated and collected evidence with the hospital, and finally determined that Jin Taocheng in our village was an act of righteousness and courage. Here, I apologize for my previous mistakes in my work and applaud the performance of my two comrades. ”

At this time, there was a round of applause in the courtyard. The applause did not stop and lasted for at least two or three minutes. For many people, this piece of good news may be good news for a lifetime.

Xiaomei was also very happy to hear this, looked at me, and then got up and applauded again.

Now with Xiaomei's applause, there was applause again.

This commendation not only commended Jin Taocheng and Li Xiaohu, but also commended the whole village.

You must know that commending Jin Taocheng means that the villagers will also benefit. Jin Taocheng stepped forward and said to Li Huizhu, "Thank you comrade for your recognition, I will continue to work hard." Of course, this time I would like to thank Li Xiaohu, Xiaomei, and Comrade Li Huizhu for your dedication. I just wanted to save people, and I saw someone falling into the water at that time, so I thought about going down to save him. ”

Jin Taocheng is usually a person who doesn't talk much, but he will also say something at this time, which is really unexpected for me.

At this time, Xiaomei motioned for everyone in the audience to sit down and continued to listen to Li Huizhu.

Seeing the excitement of all the villagers, I was also very happy. #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛##长文创作激励计划#

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