
Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life

author:A set of CCTV

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July is approaching

A number of new regulations are about to come into effect

It involves "automatic renewal", new energy vehicles, etc

Let's learn ↓↓

Standardize automatic renewal and govern big data

There are new protections for consumer rights

The "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests" came into force on July 1. The Regulations stipulate that:

  • Where proprietors employ methods such as automatic extension or automatic renewal to provide services, they shall draw consumers' attention in a conspicuous manner before consumers accept the services and before the date of automatic extension or automatic renewal.
  • Proprietors shall adopt easy-to-understand methods to truthfully and comprehensively provide consumers with information related to goods or services, and must not set different prices or charging standards for the same goods or services under the same transaction conditions without consumers' knowledge.
Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life
  • Proprietors must not use false or misleading publicity to fabricate or exaggerate the efficacy of goods or services such as treatment, health care, or health preservation, to induce the elderly and other consumers to purchase goods or services that clearly do not meet their actual needs.
  • When providing goods or services, proprietors must not excessively collect consumers' personal information, and must not use methods such as one-time general authorization or tacit authorization to compel or indirectly compel consumers to consent to the collection or use of personal information that is not directly related to business activities.

"One-pass service", express door-to-door service

There are these convenient measures in terms of traffic management

Eight new measures for the reform of public security traffic management to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises have been implemented since July 1 (details) to further deepen the promotion and application of electronic licenses, further reduce certificates to facilitate the people, and further innovate the "Internet + traffic management" service. These include:

  • In 60 cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, the electronic driving license will be piloted;
  • The masses can independently choose the express door-to-door service mode when handling traffic management services such as replacement of license certificates.

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Energy-saving and new energy vehicles can enjoy preferential vehicle and vessel tax

The three departments adjust the technical requirements

The "Announcement on Adjusting the Technical Requirements for Energy-Saving New Energy Vehicle Products Enjoying Vehicle and Vessel Tax Incentives" will be implemented from July 1, adjusting the technical requirements for energy-saving and new energy vehicle products enjoying vehicle and vessel tax incentives. Relevant energy-saving and new energy vehicles need to meet certain conditions in order to enjoy preferential policies.

In terms of new energy vehicle products, the pure electric driving range of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) passenger cars should meet the conditional equivalent all-electric mileage of not less than 43 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric buses (excluding fast-charging pure electric buses) shall not be less than 200 kilometers. The pure electric driving range of plug-in hybrid (including extended range) buses shall not be less than 50 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric trucks shall not be less than 80 kilometers. Plug-in hybrid trucks (including range extenders) have a pure electric driving range of not less than 50 km. In terms of fuel cell commercial vehicles, the driving range of pure hydrogen is not less than 300 kilometers.

Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life

"Certificates" are required for the discharge of pollutants such as industrial solid waste

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment's revised and promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits, which came into force on July 1. The "Administrative Measures" clearly implement comprehensive permit management for the discharge of air pollutants, water pollutants, industrial solid waste, industrial noise and other pollutants by pollutant dischargers.

Include multiple environmental elements such as air, water, solid waste, and noise, as well as requirements for the control of the discharge of toxic and harmful substances, the investigation of potential soil pollution hazards, and self-monitoring of key soil pollution supervision units, in accordance with law, in all of them in pollutant discharge permits, and promote the "one-permit" management of fixed pollution sources.

Further promote banking financial institutions

Enhance credit management capabilities

The revised Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans, the Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans and the Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans will come into force on July 1. The amendment reasonably broadens the scope of use of fixed asset loans and working capital loans, and strives to cover all kinds of reasonable financing needs in the current market, which will further promote banking financial institutions to improve their credit management capabilities and the quality and efficiency of financial services. This revision includes:

  • The term of the personal consumption loan shall not exceed 5 years. The term of personal business loans is generally not more than 5 years, and the maximum is not more than 10 years for those with a long recovery period for operating cash flow corresponding to the purpose of the loan. If the personal business loan is misappropriated to the real estate sector, etc., the borrower shall be liable for default.
  • In terms of optimizing the loan processing process, it is clarified that for working capital loans for small and micro enterprises and personal loans of less than 200,000 yuan, on-site investigations can be simplified or eliminated on the premise that off-site investigations can effectively verify the authenticity of relevant information.
Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life

Inflatable rides should have:

Alarm monitoring device for air leakage failure

The newly revised mandatory national standard "Safety Code for Inflatable Amusement Facilities" will be implemented from July 1. For inflatable rides, the new standard states:

  • Inflatable amusement facilities should have internal air pressure monitoring devices, which can alarm in time in case of accidental air leakage failure. The inflatable fan should have an automatic alarm function for unexpected shutdown to prevent the deformation and collapse of the facility caused by insufficient air supply.
  • Non-continuously inflatable amusement facilities should be equipped with at least one safety pressure reducing valve to avoid the danger caused by overpressure.
  • Comprehensive daily inspection and maintenance requirements were proposed, and 14 contents were refined, including air leakage inspection, fixed and ballast system inspection, inflatable fan inspection, and flexible fabric wear and tear inspection.
Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life

Logistics turnover box products

A green upgrade will be made

The national standard of "Green Product Evaluation Logistics Turnover Box" has been implemented since July 1. The implementation and application of this standard will be conducive to the establishment of a unified green product standard, certification and labeling system, effectively reduce logistics costs and improve economic operation efficiency.

Logistics turnover box is a standard packaging container and loading unit that supports the realization of logistics unitization and mechanization in logistics operations, and is widely used in agricultural and sideline products, supermarket distribution and other fields.

"Green Product Evaluation Logistics Turnover Box" puts forward the evaluation index requirements and encouraging requirements of logistics turnover box green products from three aspects: resources, environment and quality, leading the green upgrade of logistics turnover box products.

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to New Zealand, Australia, Poland

Visa-free policy on a trial basis

In order to further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries, China has decided to expand the scope of visa-free countries and implement a visa-free policy for holders of ordinary passports from three countries: New Zealand, Australia and Poland.

From July 1, 2024 ~ December 31, 2025, holders of ordinary passports from the above-mentioned countries can enter China visa-free for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends and transiting for no more than 15 days. Those from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the conditions for visa exemption still need to apply for a visa to China before entering the country.

Significant! From July, these new rules will affect your life and my life

Source: CCTV WeChat public account (ID: CCTV-channel1) comprehensive CCTV news client

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