
On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

author:Interesting talk

Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday was celebrated with relatives and friends in the hotel.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday this time is the happiest and most lively in her life.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Mother Zhang Lan brought her son and friends, and most importantly, her daughter-in-law Xiaomei was by her side. Zhang Lan was happy and personally wiped the cake for Xiaomei and her son Wang Xiaofei.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei also wiped cakes with each other, and the husband and wife held hands very sweetly.

Note: After Zhang Lan smeared the cake on her forehead for her daughter-in-law, Xiaomei immediately understood what her mother-in-law Zhang Lan meant, and motioned to bring Wang Xiaofei over, and then Wang Xiaofei lowered her head and wiped the cake together.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Let's just say that Xiaomei is really discerning, sensible and filial, and a very considerate woman.

Wang Xiaofei made a wish on her birthday, and her wishes are as follows:

1: I hope to be healthy, he said that physical health is the first priority.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

2: I hope that the family will be harmonious, the family can be safe and happy, and everything will go well.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

3: I hope that the company can develop steadily, win steadily, and slowly expand the business.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

4: Ma Xiaomei, I hope to give birth to a noble son early, hahaha.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible
On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Let's just say, Wang Xiaofei is still quite pragmatic, and now that he is married, he feels a lot more mature.

When I used to be with Big S, I complained about it in the media every day, and I felt like a "troublemaker".

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Today's Wang Xiaofei is very sincere in celebrating her birthday with her family, and she is sensible, putting her health first. There is no doubt that these four words were of course given to her mother Zhang Lan.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Later, he said that he wanted to have a precious son with Ma Xiaomei, and Mandy smiled happily when he heard it, and the couple was really sweet.

Looking back at all this, Wang Xiaofei's life now can be said to be completely new, and it is completely ushered in the second spring of his life.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

And this second spring is undoubtedly related to Ma Xiaomei, the woman she loves the most.

One of them: At present, Wang Xiaofei and her mother Zhang Lan help each other to do a company, make Ma Liuji, bring goods and restaurants around the world, and have opened as many as 35 chain stores.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Live broadcast revenue and online revenue, coupled with the revenue of offline stores, the current revenue brought by the brand effect of Maliuji Light is at least many times that of South Beauty before.

Second: Wang Xiaofei's personal life ushered in a change, and after marrying Xiaomei, she completely got rid of the bitterness of Big S. Some netizens even described that Wang Xiaofei should be grateful to the bald head Gu Junye, if it wasn't for him marrying Big S, Wang Xiaofei would not have married Xiaomei so soon.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

Gu Junye properly dragged Wang Xiaofei out of the "quagmire", and properly let Wang Xiaofei usher in a second life.

Third: Zhang Lan's happiness value is built on Xiaomei's body, now Xiaomei not only takes care of Wang Xiaofei's daily life, but also takes care of Zhang Lan as her own mother, Zhang Lan finally has Xiaomei by her side, and she has a woman like a daughter to take care of, and make progress together, which is Zhang Lan's happiness in her later years.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

So no matter from which point of view, today's Wang Xiaofei, the value of his personal career and his personal happiness value are completely incomparable with the past, after the divorce, after leaving Big S, his happiness has really achieved a qualitative leap.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

It is no wonder that Wang Xiaofei's biggest hope is to hope that Xiaomei will have a noble son as soon as possible, and that she and Xiaomei's family can have a happy crystallization.

On Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, his wife Xiaomei smeared cakes with each other, and her wish was to give birth to a noble son as soon as possible

has a successful career, a happy family, and a mother can also help her in her career.

Looking back at Big S, she let go of Wang Xiaofei, what did she want!

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