
Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

author:Interesting talk

Ruby Lin's latest outfit is here, and the sisters put it away.

The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady dresses up with a gentleman's beauty, and she loves it very much.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

This time, Xinru's outfit gave people a feeling of brightness. Although there are not too many dazzling highlights, the overall outfit can be rated 9.5 points.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

Ruby Lin said that popularity is a big cycle, good design is like a long-lasting drama, good works can stand the test of time, come and share the works you think are good.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

I guess this set does give people a very stable style, there is not much novelty at first glance, and many other gentlemen also have some resemblance.

But this set, the whole design feels very strong, and the strength and silhouette of the cut are really slim.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

Although it is a retouched picture, you can feel that the 48-year-old Lin Meiren has a super good figure. So how she poses POSS is very good-looking, eye-catching and with some ladylike beauty, very eye-catching, very camera-grabbing.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

In addition, the inside and outside of the whole outfit is ingenious, for example, the underwear is a contrasting light color, with a black women's suit, and the button becomes the highlight and the finishing touch.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

However, there are also places where everyone complains, that is, this pair of mesh socks, can it be removed, how to look at the matching, there is a sense of disobedience.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

The upper body is dressed up with a short skirt, plus the whole style is very good, but the mesh socks really don't feel like they match, I don't know what the sisters think?

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

Xinru's face, how about the maintenance of the 48-year-old? Everyone commented, she has always given people a cute feeling of flesh, a very sweet and laughing feeling.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

Retouching looks thin, but it's just as beautiful without retouching.

Ruby Lin's figure is not the best maintained, she is not outstanding among her peers, and her temperament is not too good, but her personal charm is very strong.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

For example, in life, Huo Jianhua and her often go out, and the husband and wife dressed in casual clothes are also very comfortable, which belongs to the feeling of ordinary citizens.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

The above picture was also recently photographed by the couple shopping in Taipei, and the couple did not take their daughter Little Dolphin out on the street. Look carefully at them in the camera, chatting and laughing, and they can't hide their good mood in the picture.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

I guess I talked about something interesting, the couple is still very affectionate after so many years of marriage.

Ruby Lin was a simple set of casual wide-body clothes that day, Huo Jianhua was an ordinary T-shirt and shorts, and the couple still had a sense of camera when they went out on the street.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

In addition, their casual living state as a husband and wife, as well as the mode of getting along with husband and wife, are actually deeply loved by the fans of the two families.

I still remember that Ruby Lin once said in front of the media that at home, Huo Jianhua and himself listened to their daughter most of the time, and her daughter Little Dolphin was the biggest in the family.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

That is to say, in fact, the mode of their husband and wife getting along more is based on the two key points of daughter and family, and they actually do not embellish their own lives too much, but the more real and closer to the relationship of ordinary family couples.

In fact, this means that their husband and wife have the same values and the same direction of hard work.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

For example, in recent years, Ruby Lin has focused her career on Taiwan Province, she is moving forward in directing and producing, and she is slowly transforming her behind-the-scenes work.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

And Huo Jianhua occasionally appears in his wife's work scene, and more often he relaxes to take care of the children at home and take care of everything at home.

Ruby Lin's new outfit: The sexy OL style is very attractive, and the lady's dress has a gentleman's beauty

Husbands and wives have their own strengths and their own life patterns, and they seem to not disturb each other, but they are actually closely linked and really happy.

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