
Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

author:Lao Jiang said agriculture

Hello friends who raise chickens, today is June 30, 2024, and this week's egg prices showed a trend of falling behind the rise first, and achieved a small rebound after bottoming out, with an increase of about 2 cents.

Judging from the current market trend, the egg market is becoming more and more confusing, in the case of its own production capacity, especially in the rainy season, the price should be worse, why did not appear, but rose?

Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

First, the weather, this year's weather has not reached the conditions of the rainy season over the years, which has created favorable conditions for the storage of eggs.

Second, the circulation of capital eggs is very good, and the superimposed inventory is low, and the inventory will be replenished at low prices, which will support the price.

Therefore, this year there is an off-season market, does that mean that eggs are going to rise sharply? Wrong, in other words, it will also mean that the peak season is not prosperous - the market is overdrawn in advance.

Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

Capital Egg expects the price of eggs to rise in the future, so it will make a large number of replenishments in the market, and then hope to release these stocks in the peak season and then make profits.

These eggs are equivalent to adding new supply during the peak season, replenishing the supply by an order of magnitude that should be less than demand. So, the rise of eggs in the present is supported, but more danger is in the future.

Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

There is an even greater risk

Farmers see that eggs do not fall in the off-season but rise, and the enthusiasm of filling and pressing the fence will increase, which will form a very great pressure on the price of eggs in the middle and late stages.

At the same time, the price of Taoji is also continuing to rise, breaking through the 6 yuan mark in an all-round way, and some areas are breaking the price of 6.2 yuan, and such a price will also boost the mood and expectation of delayed elimination, and it will intensify, resulting in the slaughterhouse can not receive chickens.

The slaughterhouse can't get chickens, not because there are few chickens. Why? In March ~ April last year, the number of chickens in the column was very large, corresponding to the magnitude that could be eliminated after July.

Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

In other words, starting from July, at least more than 400 million eliminated will be supplied to the market, and at the same time, it will also increase the opportunity for feed - the demand for soybean meal and corn will increase, and it will naturally increase its own costs invisibly.

Therefore, as long as you don't tao, the price of chickens will be stable, as long as everyone concentrates on slaughtering, the consequences can be imagined.

Eggs "rose overnight", and there is a greater risk, the price of eggs on June 30, 2024

The latest egg price market in the country on June 30, 2024

The mainstream price of eggs in Guangzhou: 4.70/catty; Inner Mongolia Hohhot 3.8/jin; Xinjiang Yili 4 yuan/jin; Shandong Weifang 3.9 yuan / jin; Shandong Qingzhou 3.9 yuan / jin; Anqiu, Weifang, Shandong 3.9 yuan / jin; Shuyang, Jiangsu 118 yuan / 30 catties; Fengxian County, Jiangsu 118 yuan / 30 catties; Jiangsu Huai'an Xuyi 120 yuan / 30 catties; Suzhou Huamao egg powder egg 177 yuan / 40 kg; The wholesale price in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province is 115/30 catties; Pingliang, Gansu 4.2 yuan / jin; Gansu Jingchuan 4.2 yuan / jin; Fuzhou 4 yuan/jin;


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