
How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

author:Frontier Readers
How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

"Lao Li, have you always felt unwell lately, I feel that your physical condition is not very good! Look at your black teeth! ”

Lao Li just retired this year, and he usually gathers under a tree with a few friends to play chess when he has nothing to do.

When the two were drinking tea, Lao Liu frowned at Lao Li's appearance, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm in good health, my blood pressure was not high in the physical examination some time ago, it's just a bitter summer, I don't have a good appetite, and I eat less! What's all the fuss! Lao Li said disappreciatively.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

As a result, Lao Liu suggested that Lao Li go to the hospital for another examination as soon as possible, and said that the life span of a person can actually be seen by looking at the teeth, Lao Li's teeth are black and yellow, and his health must not be good.

So is Lao Liu's statement right? Is the condition of the teeth related to the health of the body and the longevity of the person?

1. What is the life expectancy of a human being related to? This is reflected in you

Although we usually say that birth, old age, sickness and death are decided by God, the actual life expectancy is inseparable from each of us's living habits, family genes, etc.

Like many families with long-lived ancestors, the life expectancy of the offspring is relatively longer, and the length of life can also be seen from the state of the body.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

The doctor said frankly that people who do not live long can see it from their teeth, and everyone should not underestimate the details of teeth.

Although it may seem inconspicuous, it is a very important organ in our human body, and it is the most indispensable part of maintaining the body's functions.

And we can also know how long we live by the state of our teeth.

Through the science and research of many doctors, it has been found that the degree of wear and tear of your teeth and the health condition can reflect your longevity and physical condition to a certain extent.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

When a person's teeth are in an unhealthy state for a long time, such as loose teeth, tooth enamel wear, tooth decay, heavy oral odor, etc., it means that the person's oral problems are very serious.

Even because of dental problems, a series of malnutrition and poor digestion problems have led to a great threat to their health.

Moreover, the problem of plaque and tartar, which everyone usually ignores, will form various germs once it is serious, which will not only increase the bad taste of the mouth but also cause tooth lesions, thus endangering one's health and life.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

Therefore, we must pay more attention to the health of our teeth when we are young, and keeping our teeth straight and clean can prolong our own life.

Moreover, through many clinical trials, it is not difficult to find that the elderly with loose teeth and missing teeth have poor chewing ability, and it is difficult to digest coarse grains such as corn, sweet potatoes, oats, etc., which are slightly harder.

This also makes them gradually slower than their peers in nutrient intake, and once they have disease problems, it will be difficult to be cured due to malnutrition and other conditions.

This also reflects the impact of dental health on the longevity of each of us.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

2. What are the salient characteristics of teeth for people who do not live long?

As the saying goes, what is delicious in the mouth and mouth, although it sounds vulgar, but the truth is really simple.

Dental health can better consume a variety of nutritious foods to replenish energy to the body in a timely manner, and vice versa, it is not conducive to maintaining health.

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So what are the people with dental problems who are in poor health? Even if it is severe, it will affect the lifespan?

1. There are a lot of tooth decay

If you don't brush your teeth or like to eat some sweets, your teeth will slowly develop cavities, which will slowly corrode your teeth and make the surface of your teeth pitted.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

There are even some holes in it, which are especially painful when eating hot and cold, sweet and sour, and the pain will last for a long time when the cavities are active.

Sometimes it will damage the tooth nerve, etc., once there are many tooth decay, it will gradually affect our life, so that the quality of life is greatly reduced!

2. The color of the teeth is yellowish

If you look closely, you will find that those people with generally yellow teeth have the habit of smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee drinks.

It is precisely because of the accumulation of excessive pigment that it finally settles on the surface of the teeth, making the teeth gradually dull yellow.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

And if you don't pay attention, the accumulation of these substances over time will also form stubborn tartar and calculus, which will eventually destroy the tooth enamel, exposing the inner layer of the tooth and affecting the life cycle of the tooth.

Moreover, long-term smoking, drinking, etc., make toxic substances enter the lungs, which will lead to lung lesions, lung edema, lung cancer and other diseases, which greatly affect the original lifespan.

In addition, it is not a good habit to drink drinks regularly, because too many pigments, maltose, and saccharin are added to the drink, which will irritate the stomach and lead to a variety of stomach diseases.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

3. Significant loosening of the teeth

When the tooth is severely worn, it will gradually loosen significantly, and eventually it will fall out.

Once this happens, it will not only affect our ability to chew, but also increase oral bacteria in severe cases, thus threatening our health.

It is also important to note that serious oral problems not only affect a person's daily life, but also lead to various diseases in the long run.

For example, intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, diabetes and other digestive diseases, which directly shorten life expectancy.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

Therefore, when we find that our teeth are worn and loose, we should go to the hospital in time for medical treatment, and fix them through medical means such as filling and dental implants to protect our teeth.

Especially for middle-aged people around 30 years old, once they find problems such as loose teeth, they must intervene and treat them in time.

Otherwise, your chewing ability will be reduced, making your teeth sensitive and brittle, which will lead to a decrease in digestion and more serious health problems.

3. How to keep your teeth healthy and prolong your life?

As we all know, teeth are a very important organ in our body, which always reflects our health and longevity, so we should pay more attention to protecting our teeth in ordinary times.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

However, through surveys and studies, it has been found that the teeth of mainland residents have been in a sub-healthy state for a long time, and the proportion of people with dental problems is as high as 90%.

On the other hand, the backwardness of the mainland in the field of dentistry and the negligence of the national protection consciousness.

Therefore, we should start from the small things in life and protect our teeth.

First of all, timely supplementation of vegetables and fruits gives the body more vitamins and minerals.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

If you want to have good teeth, you need to pay extra attention to your daily diet.

Compared with cakes, candies or puffed foods that are too sweet, it is recommended that you eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

These foods contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which can provide energy to the teeth, making them whiter and healthier.

People who usually have poor teeth and fragile teeth should supplement trace elements such as calcium and phosphorus in a timely manner.

This will help to increase the hardness of your teeth and make your teeth stronger and stronger.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

Moreover, the middle-aged and elderly people in their forties and fifties should eat more soft and rotten food, and never eat too hard bones, nuts, etc., which can easily damage teeth and cause them to loosen and fall out.

Secondly, develop healthy living habits, avoid smoking, alcohol, and drink less coffee drinks.

Smoking, drinking, drinking carbonated drinks and other bad habits can threaten the health of our teeth, so if we want to protect our teeth, we must abandon these habits.

Smoking can cause your teeth to turn yellow, causing bacteria to grow more and more, and then concentrate in the mouth to form a variety of germs, making your teeth smell unpleasant, which not only affects your own personal image, but also endangers the health of your teeth.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

Drinking more warm water can not only achieve the effect of nourishing the stomach, but also promote the body's metabolism and keep the body in a healthy state.

Finally, keep your teeth clean and healthy.

We should all develop good dental habits, be sure to brush our teeth in the morning and evening, and clean our teeth regularly.

In this way, you can better clean your teeth and keep them healthy and hard.

For example, fluoride toothpaste can effectively clean teeth and resist tooth decay, making teeth healthier.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

And people with yellow, smelly teeth can also try toothpaste that contains probiotics.

Teeth with probiotics will release more active molecules when exposed to water, which can better decompose the residue and odor bacteria in the tooth crevices, and drive away problems such as oral odor.

Many problems such as tartar and plaque caused over the years are difficult to solve by brushing, so professional dentists will recommend that you check your teeth once a year.

Find and deal with problems in time to avoid irreparable problems over time.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth

And in order to better maintain a healthy and clean state, it is best to clean your teeth once every six months or a year.

Use professional techniques and techniques to clean dental calculus and other problems to make teeth cleaner and healthier.

In addition, when eating some meat or fish balls, people with large gaps between their teeth are prone to plugging their teeth.

At this time, it is not recommended to use a toothpick that is too rough to clean up, and it will be better to clean it with dental floss.

The dental floss is thinner, which can better penetrate into the corners and crevices, and completely remove the residue that is hidden deeper.

Moreover, the material of dental floss has a good antibacterial effect, which can also help us protect our teeth.

How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have these 3 characteristics in their teeth


Dental problems cannot be ignored and affect our quality of life and lifespan, so we should do a good job of cleaning and protecting our teeth, brush our teeth frequently, and clean them more.

Once the tooth is sore and painful, seek medical attention in time, and find a professional person for treatment to protect the health of the tooth.

Are your teeth in healthy condition?


How long do people live to know by looking at their teeth? Doctor: People who don't live long will have 3 characteristics of their teeth

2024-06-18 Lao Zhang's Health Theory